I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C691 Young Master Zhao's Hobby

C691 Young Master Zhao's Hobby

3After listening to the sound of the pig being slaughtered on the phone, Sui Guan carefully tilted his ear to listen. He could not tell that it was a human's movement. The person on the phone also seemed to feel that his voice was too fuzzy, so he simply shouted at the top of his lungs.    


"Sui Guan! The weasel killed someone! " Quickly come and save me! "I'm..."    


Sui Guan hung up the phone. He held his phone and looked at the screen with a blank expression. He muttered: "A weasel? Young Master Zhao? What did he have to do with Nangong Waner again?"    


When Sui Guan called again, no one answered.    


Helpless, he could only call Nangong Waner. This time, Nangong Waner answered, but her voice was panting.    


"What are you doing?" Sui Guan questioned. In his heart, he silently hoped that this girl would not cause any more trouble.    


Nangong Waner seemed to be very angry over the phone. "Sui Guan? It's not good for you to say anything. If I don't chop that Zhao guy into pieces today, I won't believe Nangong!"    


Young Master Zhao's miserable scream echoed through the phone. "I was wrong! Can you spare me? " I heard you mention Sui Guan. Where is he? Come and protect me! "    


Before Nangong Waner hung up the phone, Sui Guan vaguely heard the address that Young Master Zhao gave. "I'm in East Wind Flower Garden, in the Rising Clubhouse!"    


"Du Du Du..." The phone was hung up. Sui Guan looked up in confusion. On the screen of the red flag, his blank face was reflected.    


"Bang!" Sui Guan only had time to pick up the phone before he opened the door and rushed out. No matter how many people in the company looked at him strangely, he only cared about running fast.    


"Don't be impulsive, Nangong Waner. Nothing must happen to Young Master Zhao now. He is a major shareholder of the company." Sui Guan rushed out of the company's door like he was reciting scriptures.    


"mentor!" Sui Guan reached out and stopped a taxi. Under mentor's puzzled gaze, he sat in it.    


The mentor coughed and was a little embarrassed. "Sorry, little brother. I have something to do at the last minute. I need to go and pay the taxi."    


Sui Guan took out twenty or so big notes from his wallet and took them into the mentor's arms. Seeing this, the mentor said, "I'm sorry, little brother. Without saying anything, it hung up the document and rushed out.    


"Where are you going?"    


"East Wind Garden, Zheng Xing Club."    


"Give me five minutes!" The mentor was very confident. It did not ask Sui Guan what he was going to do. It only needed to speed up. The originally not a short distance had been covered by the red light of the mentor all the way to its destination.    


"Where is he?" Sui Guan stood in front of the clubhouse and felt a little troubled. Young Master Zhao didn't tell him which room he was in. Seeing that there weren't many people in the clubhouse, he had an idea.    


"Hello, what can I help you with?" The young lady at the front desk was very polite. Sui Guan scratched his head and smiled shyly. With his young face, he looked like a silly kid who was not familiar with the world.    


Seeing that it was a silly boy, the receptionist's attitude relaxed a lot. Under the curious gaze of the receptionist, Sui Guan touched his pocket and took out a phone.    


"Wow, a red flag mobile phone! I heard a lot of people talking about it." The young lady called out in surprise. She looked at Sui Guan with eyes full of envy.    


Upon seeing this, Sui Guan felt relieved in his heart. Fortunately, this young lady didn't pay attention to what the old boss of Mi's Corporation looked like.    


After that, Sui Guan pointed at his phone and said, "There's a customer inside who reserved a red flag mobile phone. I'm here to give him a mobile phone."    


The young lady nodded in understanding and asked, "What's the name of this customer?"    


Sui Guan smiled and said, "I only know that everyone calls him Young Master Zhao. The young lady just needs to give me directions. I'll go find him myself."    


Little Missy flipped through the computer and replied without looking up, "Young Master Zhao... Ah, I found him. Young Master Zhao is in the Song Hall. He walked straight to the left passage and turned left at the end."    


The young lady did not hear any response. She looked up and was surprised to find that Sui Guan had disappeared. The young lady returned to her seat in disappointment. "Hmph. I was going to ask if I could come and play with you. It was the phone of Mi's Corporation. Wait a minute, why do I feel that this person looks familiar? "    


The young lady flipped open the news. When it came to yesterday's news, she covered her mouth and exclaimed, "So he's the current boss of Mi's Corporation! "Wow, he's so young. It would be great if he took a fancy to me."    


Putting aside the young lady who had fallen into a fantasy, Sui Guan had finally arrived at the Song Hall.    


When he arrived at the door, he knocked tentatively on the door. A man's impatient voice came from the door. "Who is it?"    


Hearing this voice, Sui Guan was delighted. This was the voice of Nangong Waner, who was pretending to be a man. Sui Guan punched the lock hard. After breaking the lock, the door opened.    


Sui Guan was shocked when he saw the scene inside the door. At this moment, although Nangong Waner was dressed in men's clothing, she was riding on Young Master Zhao. Young Master Zhao's face was green and purple, and his mouth was swollen like a sausage. He couldn't even make a sound.    


Although he didn't really like Young Master Zhao, Sui Guan still felt some sympathy for him when he saw Young Master Zhao's miserable appearance. It seemed that Nangong Waner's disguise as a man was most likely exposed.    


At this moment, Nangong Waner's expression relaxed a lot when she saw that the person who broke in was Sui Guan. She casually pointed at the door. "Close the door. Why did you kick so hard? If I had said it was you, I would have opened the door. " Come, see how I beat up Young Master Zhao today. "    


"Young Master Zhao? What happened to him?" Sui Guan held back his laughter and walked in front of Nangong Waner. As long as Young Master Zhao was still angry, it would be fine. Now he understood why the other party suddenly became so angry.    


Sui Guan held Nangong Waner with one hand and pulled her up from Young Master Zhao's body. "Look at you riding on someone else's body. What do you look like? Can't we talk things out? " Why are you so angry? "    


Nangong Waner pouted and stood up obediently. The originally dying Young Master Zhao seemed to only have half a breath left under her fist and looked like he would pass out at any time. After Nangong Waner got up, she quickly rushed behind Sui Guan.    


"Save me!" Young Master Zhao leaned on Sui Guan's back and narrowed his bruised eyes. He looked at Nangong Waner vigilantly and pointed at the little devil not far away. He started to complain, "She is not only a woman, but she took my money and beat me up! You are very skilled in martial arts. Quickly help me take her down. "    


When Nangong Waner heard the money, her neck shrank, but she quickly said righteously, "You still dare to say that! It was clearly you who bullied girls! And you still don't want people to care?"    


Sui Guan finally had an idea when he heard this. He cut him off. "What did you say? Bullying girls?"    


Nangong Waner nodded and pointed at a red figure on the sofa. Sui Guan looked at it and his mouth twitched. It turned out that not only was the fabric on the girl's body less than a slap, she also had a ball in her mouth. Her body was tied up and there were wounds all over her body. There was also a whip beside her.    


"Whip? Young Master Zhao, you won't abuse your power, right?" Sui Guan pulled Young Master Zhao, who was behind him, to the front with an unfriendly expression. Young Master Zhao's arm twitched. Facing Sui Guan and Nangong Waner's unfriendly eyes, he almost cried.    


Young Master Zhao cried and said, "You, don't speak nonsense! This is a form, do you understand the form? It's... "    


Seeing Young Master Zhao stuttering, Sui Guan's heart moved. He asked tentatively, "Could it be that she did that?"    


Young Master Zhao nodded fiercely and looked at Sui Guan pitifully. "Brother Guan, you are my brother. We are all men. You can understand that, right?"    


Up until now, Sui Guan had basically understood the truth of the matter. It was most likely because Young Master Zhao was playing with a girl with some thrilling behavior, and then Nangong Waner bumped into him. This little girl who had just come out of society heard the screams of the same girl and thought that Young Master Zhao was torturing her.    


Hence, Nangong Waner, who had a sense of justice, pulled Young Master Zhao over. After a series of crackling sounds, in addition to the fact that Young Master Zhao had driven his bodyguards far away in order to hide his actions, He only had time to call Sui Guan for help.    


"Wuwuwu, it was easy for me." Young Master Zhao had snot and tears in his eyes. He even put his face on Sui Guan.    


Sui Guan pushed Young Master Zhao away in disgust and gave him a warning look.    


"If you continue to disgust me like this, I will throw you into Nangong Waner's arms."    


This sentence was more effective than anything else. Young Master Zhao shut his mouth and stared. He had a very good look on his face.    


"Stop messing around. Nangong Waner, you should also be at ease. Otherwise, your salary for this month will be gone." This sentence was also effective. Nangong Waner, who was rolling up her sleeves, obediently put down the chair in her hand and smiled at Sui Guan ingratiatingly.    


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