I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C684 Sign the Contract

C684 Sign the Contract

2Some of the questions Sui Guan was facing were asked by reporters. Some were purely questions from the netizens. Sui Guan did not directly answer these questions, but left some suspense.    


"Regarding your questions, there are some questions that we will answer at the press conference tomorrow. As for private questions, sorry, no comment."    


The netizens wanted to ask more, but Sui Guan didn't want to say more. Instead, he raised his right hand. There was a black phone on it.    


"Come, help me take it, okay?" Sui Guan handed the black phone to the reporter beside him. The reporter was so excited that his heart almost jumped out. "This... Could this be??"    


Sui Guan took advantage of the fact that everyone's attention was focused on the phone and quietly left. Then, he walked into the Mi's Corporation.    


He had just walked up the steps of the company when he met Young Master Zhao's cold smile. "You threw the confidential information on the full-screen to them? I really suspect that my actions of signing the contract are correct. "    


Sui Guan looked at Young Master Zhao as if he was looking at an idiot. "Do I look as stupid as you? Of course I'm giving you a model phone. Let's go upstairs and sign the contract. Then, we will attend the press conference tomorrow. Young Master Zhao, I hope you can be more rational when you speak. "    


Young Master Zhao followed Sui Guan and walked a few steps. Suddenly, he reacted and punched the other party. "Hey, you actually said I'm stupid?"    


Fatty added fuel to the fire. "Hey, if I had to say it, you are really stupid. You only realized it now."    


"Don't say so much. Young Master Zhao, did you bring the money?" Sui Guan walked to the door of the office and suddenly asked.    


Young Master Zhao was very unhappy when he heard that. "What? Do we look like people who owe money?"    


In the office, after settling Fatty and Young Master Zhao down, Sui Guan called the staff to draw up the investment contract. Fatty and Young Master Zhao were not idle, and they were still arguing with each other.    


"This is 30 million. Tsk tsk, damn Fatty. Have you seen so much money?"    


"It's just 30 million. "If it wasn't for the fact that I had to spend some time...!" Fatty was originally very unconvinced. However, when he recalled the expenses that he had spent during this period of time, his tone still paused for a moment.    


Not long after, the employee brought the contract in. Young Master Zhao proudly signed it, then took out a cheque from his pocket and threw it in front of Sui Guan like he was holding a piece of toilet paper.    


"Haha, Fatty, you haven't been a company employee for so long, have you? How much shares do you have?"    


Young Master Zhao looked at Fatty with a smile. The contract in his hand changed all kinds of positions. Fatty's eyes flashed a trace of ridicule, but he did not show weakness. "How can the relationship between Guaner and me be explained by just shares?"    


Sui Guan carefully checked the contract a few times and called the bank to confirm the authenticity of the check. When he heard Fatty's words, Sui Guan slammed the table and stood up.    


"Well said, Fatty, but why does it sound a little sour to me?" Sui Guan grinned and took another contract and placed it in front of Fatty.    


Fatty did not even look at the contract. He stared at the ceiling. "What is this? I'm telling you, I didn't sign anything messy here. Don't put shackles on my neck."    


Sui Guan pointed at the table with a smile that was not a smile. "Are you sure you don't want to sign? There was a total of 5% shares. He sat there and took the money. He did not expect Fatty, who loved money as much as his life, to reject it.    


Fatty didn't ask Sui Guan for the shares of Mi's Corporation because he didn't think it was necessary. In short, he firmly believed that no matter what Sui Guan did, he wouldn't lose any benefits. There was no need for him to take the shares or not.    


Seeing this, Sui Guan said something. He pointed at the contract with his index finger and wanted to take the contract back from Fatty. He only took half of the contract, and a fat hand covered the contract.    


Fatty suspiciously took the contract back to his hand. He looked at it from left to right and was a little suspicious. "Brother, you can't give money like this, right? Although the Mi's Corporation is worth tens of millions in the market right now, I can't let you do this."    


Young Master Zhao heard that something was wrong. He slapped the table and said, "What? The company only had a market value of tens of millions? The two of you are working together to cheat me?"    


Fatty realized that he had said the wrong thing. He covered his mouth and did not say anything. However, he held onto the contract tightly and refused to let go.    


Sui Guan wasn't nervous at all. He curled his lips. It was as if he had suffered a great grievance. "You have to understand that you requested to join. You also agreed to the shares. Who can you blame? Look, I haven't even kept the cheque."    


Young Master Zhao looked at Sui Guan. Sui Guan also looked back at him innocently. Both of them stared at each other. Young Master Zhao had no choice but to give up. "Fine, fine. Even if I fall into your trap, is it easy for me to get some pocket money? This time when I go home, I will not be beaten to death by my father."    


Sui Guan took out the computer. He calculated a sum for him. "Look, although the current market value is only tens of millions," he said. But you have to figure it out. Mi's Corporation had been plotted against during this period of time, and their shares had been falling. But you have to believe me. Give me a year. The shares in your hands will rise more than ten times. Just taking the dividends is enough for you to be soft-hearted. Why would you care about the money you're investing right now? "    


Young Master Zhao smiled bitterly. "You call 30 million a small amount?"    


Sui Guan nodded as if he had just taken a ecstasy. "Yes, Young Master Zhao will inherit it in the future... Am I right? " You still care about this small amount of money? "    


Young Master Zhao thought for a while, and his face once again revealed a happy expression." Hehe, that's true. My father only has one single seedling, and he won't do anything to me. "    


Fatty saw Young Master Zhao's proud look and thought to himself, "It's just that your father doesn't have a choice. Otherwise, how could it be your turn?"    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


Sui Guan's office door rang. A staff member shouted through the door, "Director Sui, a reporter came. He said he wants to see you. What do you think?"    


Sui Guan looked at Fatty and Young Master Zhao, then nodded. "Come in. There are no outsiders inside."    


Sui Guan looked at the person in surprise. "Zhang Shuai?"    


Zhang Shuai politely cupped his hands. He turned his eyes and saw Young Master Zhao's dark face. He greeted him as well. "Young Master Zhao, you are here too?"    


Fatty snorted. "You can't see me, right?"    


Zhang Shuai smiled teasingly. "Fatty, do you need to be so polite with either of us?"    


Young Master Zhao, however, did not buy Zhang Shuai's account. "He smiles like a fox with a mask. I am not used to staying here. Sui Guan, I am going out for a walk."    


Sui Guan pretended to stand up and send him off. "Oh, Young Master Zhao, slow down. Let's have a meal together later."    


"Bang!" He kicked the door open and walked out. Zhang Shuai looked at him hesitantly. He glanced at Sui Guan and said, "Mi's Corporation... Is it so powerful that it dares to offend Young Master Zhao now?"    


Sui Guan asked Fatty to close the door and explained casually. "No, no, no. Young Master Zhao is already a shareholder of our company. We just have some small conflicts. Reporter Zhang, are you here to ask about the press conference tomorrow?"    


Zhang Shuai nodded. He talked with Sui Guan about some details of the press conference and some questions from the press conference. He asked Sui Guan to prepare early and then left.    


After Sui Guan sent Zhang Shuai away, Fatty returned to the Finance Department with his contract. Sui Guan started to look for Young Master Zhao in the company.    


Finally, he found Young Master Zhao in the personnel office. Young Master Zhao knelt on one knee and pulled Nangong Waner's right hand. He was looking at Young Master Zhao with deep affection.    


"Oh, your existence is like lighting up the sky to me. Without you, I can't even breathe. Beautiful girl, I wonder if I have the honor of getting your contact number?"    


Sui Guan crossed his arms and looked at Nangong Waner with amusement. "Is this guy in heat?"    


Nangong Waner saw Sui Guan and ran over as if she saw her savior. She rolled up her sleeves in front of Sui Guan and showed him the goosebumps on her arms. "This guy is disgusting. Can you get him away?"    


Young Master Zhao happened to find the ground painful and his knees hurt. Taking advantage of Sui Guan's interruption, he stood up and poked his head out to ask. "You two know each other? Sui Guan, could it be that you..."    


Sui Guan looked like he had been bitten by a snake. Before he could jump up to explain, Nangong Waner hugged his arm. With Sui Guan's strength, he actually could not break free for a moment.    


Nangong Waner's head leaned on Sui Guan's shoulder. She threatened him softly, "If you dare not help me, I will go home! Then I will tell my family that you molested me. Do you believe that you will be messed up?"    


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