I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C679 Password

C679 Password

4"Old Steward Hou? Didn't you go with Qian Chanqin to find his family?"    2


Sui Guan looked at the man in front of him and thought for a while. Then, he grabbed Old Steward Hou and the two of them quickly returned to Qian Loong's secret chamber.    


"Find the money that Qian Loong hid in Dojo and split it equally with everyone!"    




Outside, the chaotic people were searching for other rooms. The sound of chaos was very close to here. Sui Guan threw Old Steward Hou in and jumped into the room as well.    


Nangong Waner wiped the black ash on the card with a piece of paper. When she heard the noise, she glanced at it. Old Steward Hou asked, "Is he eavesdropping?"    


Sui Guan patted the dust off his body and tilted his head to listen to the movement around him. " He will be able to find us in at most ten minutes. We have to hurry. This guy is not just eavesdropping. Am I right? Old monkey. "    


Old Steward Hou replied bitterly," I'm just passing by. Can't you just pretend I've never been here before? "    


Nangong Waner also reacted, "That's not right. Didn't you ask him to bring Qian Chanqin to his family?"    


Sui Guan grabbed the old monkey and pointed at Old Steward Hou's body. Old Steward Hou trembled and struggled on the ground, crying.    


"How do you know so many acupuncture points?" Nangong Waner looked at the old monkey in surprise. One should know that the Nangong family also claimed to be medical experts. Not only were they good at ancient martial arts, but they had also experienced many difficult diseases.    


However, even Nangong Waner's grandfather might not know so many acupuncture points. After so many years, the medical skills and ancient martial arts secret manuals passed down from the older generation only had about ten to twenty percent of them left.    


Regarding Nangong Waner's doubts, Sui Guan only smiled slightly, but did not explain much. After all, if a practitioner could not even differentiate the acupoints, then it would be better to die!    


Sui Guan did not know what was going on in Jiang Shuying's mind at this moment. He squatted in front of Old Steward Hou and looked at his ferocious face and the bulging and disappearing Bun-Hit-Dog. He smiled.    


"You might not know, but I have no other acupuncture points other than mine. Besides, you can't even make a sound from this kind of huge pain. You can only slowly die in the pain. I don't know if I can make you open your mouth because of the threat of death. "    


Old Steward Hou slammed his head against the ground in pain. He stretched out his trembling hand and pointed at his own mouth. Sui Guan understood what he meant and pointed at Old Steward Hou's back. Old Steward Hou collapsed to the ground as if he had been freed.    


Sui Guan did not let him go just because of Old Steward Hou's miserable appearance. He repeated coldly, " If you don't say it now, I will let you have a taste of the other torture. I promise that it will be twice as comfortable as what you have just suffered."    


Old Steward Hou got up from the ground with a swoosh and kowtowed repeatedly to Sui Guan. "uncle, I was wrong. Please spare me. I will give you everything."    


Sui Guan smiled and took the PowerPoint Machine from the table. There was also a bank card. "You know, I don't like your nonsense. Hurry up and give me the password. After I confirm it, I'll let you go. "    


Old Steward Hou was stunned. "Well, don't you want to know what happened to Qian Chanqin?"    


Sui Guan raised his index finger and was about to point. "You are exhausting my little patience."    


Old Steward Hou quickly told Sui Guan, "The password should be six six six, or eight eight! Qian Loong liked these two numbers the most. "    


"If you dare lie to me, just you wait." Sui Guan handed the Powerhouse to Nangong Waner.    


After taking the machine, Nangong Waner first tried the first card. The two passwords were both wrong. After testing the three cards, Sui Guan looked at Old Steward Hou with an unfriendly expression.    


Old Steward Hou's face was pale. He hurriedly explained, "It's not my fault. This, when he gave me the bank card, it was always like this. Except for these two passwords, he would not change it!"    


Sui Guan grabbed Old Steward Hou and pressed his right hand on Old Steward Hou's abdomen. Old Steward Hou closed his eyes nervously, but the pain he expected did not come.    


Under Old Steward Hou's frightened eyes, he could not move his body. Sui Guan threw a can of black stuff on his body.    


"This is called Corpse Burning Powder. It was casually bought and made at that time. Beauty, I'll let you enjoy it first. There are only five minutes left. If you don't say it now, you won't even have the chance to speak."    


Sui Guan took a piece of paper and put it into Old Steward Hou's mouth. No matter how big his eyes were, no matter how much pain he suffered, he couldn't make a sound.    


"Hey, small restaurant. Isn't this a little too much? " If he doesn't know, I'll just give him a quick death. " Nangong Waner could not bear to see Old Steward Hou's miserable state again, so she went close to Sui Guan's ear and tried to persuade him.    


Sui Guan touched Nangong Waner's head, expressing that he was speechless about her intelligence. "As Qian Loong's first confidant, As the only butler in Qian Loong's dojo, what do you think he would not know? I am asking him to ask him to do dirty things for Qian Loong. "He can make you so disgusted that you can't eat for three days, do you want to hear it?"    


Nangong Waner stopped talking when she heard him. She realized that she would never be able to defeat Sui Guan. At this moment, the sound of the door being smashed could be heard from outside the door. Those people outside had finally found this place.    


"What should I do? Should I go and stop them?" Nangong Waner stood up and thought about knocking those people out at the door.    


"Don't go. I think Old Monkey will make the right choice." Sui Guan stopped him and lowered his body. He tapped on the acupuncture point to make Old Steward Hou's body feel temporarily disappear. He then took out the paper from his mouth.    


"The taste of being burned by fire is not bad, right? If you don't say it now, you will taste an even more terrifying feeling. I promise." Sui Guan smiled happily. In Old Steward Hou's eyes, he was smiling like a devil.    


"The password is 520666. Don't torture me anymore! Stop torturing me... " Old Steward Hou was in great pain. He fainted.    


"The password is correct! There really is so much money!" Nangong Waner was pleasantly surprised. There was a million on one card, and there were more than twenty cards.    


Sui Guan smiled. Qian Loong had hidden more than twenty million here quietly. He must have wanted to escape long ago. Unfortunately, these cards from different banks and different household names had all become Sui Guan's wedding gift.    


"Let's go. We are no longer needed here. Oh right, I almost forgot. " Sui Guan patted his head and pointed his finger at Old Steward Hou's eyes. Only death would keep a secret.    


"Don't, Sui Guan, don't kill anymore, right?" Nangong Waner saw the pleading look in Old Steward Hou's eyes and her heart softened. She pulled Sui Guan's sleeve and refused to let go.    


The sound of knocking on the door outside became louder and louder. Although Qian Loong deliberately designed the door to be very sturdy, it could not block the crazy people. Sui Guan helplessly pressed Nangong Waner's head and could not do anything to her. "Alright, let go. I won't kill anyone. You can go out through the window first!"    


Nangong Waner looked at Sui Guan's eyes seriously. After making sure that he was telling the truth, she let go of his hand and jumped out of the window.    


"Humph, I'm letting you off easy." Sui Guan sneered and pointed at Old Steward Hou's head with his right hand. Old Steward Hou's expression changed from fear to confusion and then to shock. It only took two seconds.    




Sui Guan's body seemed to be pulled by an invisible thread as he jumped out of the broken window. At the same time, the people outside rushed in. What they saw was a mess, and Old Steward Hou, who was lying on the ground and didn't know what to do.    


"Who is this?"    


"It seems to be Old Steward Hou."    


... "None of Qian Loong's confidants are good! "Arrest them and plunder this place. " Let's go to the next room! "    


Hearing the noise from the door, Sui Guan took out a bottle from his pocket. He had collected most of the powder that had been sprinkled on Old Steward Hou's body. As for the rest, they were also blown away by Sui Guan. If he wanted to deduce that it was him who did this, the probability would be very low.    


Suddenly, Sui Guan felt that something was wrong. He looked at Nangong Waner, who was standing still on the spot, and patted her shoulder. "What's wrong with you? Why are you standing here?"    


Nangong Waner pointed her finger at the opposite side. Sui Guan followed the direction of the other's finger and saw a mess.    


This was the Dojo of the past. Although it was filled with a foul atmosphere, it was still protected by the most basic rules. But now, the rules had been broken and no one was protecting it. Everyone had joined the ranks of plundering.    


Some of the strong disciples rushed into the house and vented their lust on women. There were also those shifty guys who sneaked into the houses of the rich and robbed everything.    


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