I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C658 Let's Do It

C658 Let's Do It

0"Well, countless TV dramas, movies, and novels tell us that villains die from talking too much!" Sui Guan let out a low sigh and reached out his right hand. There was a broken piece of glass in it. It was the trophy he got when he crushed the bottle with one hand.     4


"Don't even think about going anywhere, Dazhuang." Sui Guan threw out the piece of glass. Dazhuang's body was slightly bent. It was the most important time to borrow the strength of the wall. The piece of glass entered Dazhuang's right joint at a speed that could not be seen with the naked eye.    


"Plop!" Dazhuang had only jumped half a meter before he fell to the ground.    


Dazhuang's body fell to the ground with a dull sound. He stood up from the ground in pain and limped. This time, there was really no way out.    


Dazhuang still had a domineering look on his face, even though Sui Guan was invincible. "You dare touch me? Do you believe that my family can even pout your ancestors' graves?"    


Fatty and the others also walked over excitedly. They looked eager to fight and wanted to beat Dazhuang up.    


Fatty took the lead and kicked Dazhuang. "I'll let you be awesome! "The second king in the sky, you, Wang Da? " You lost this time, didn't you? "    


Dazhuang's body staggered from the kick. He looked at Fatty with resentment. His eyes were like a poisonous snake. "Don't get caught by me, damn Fatty. Otherwise, I will pull out all the fat on your body and light a lamp."    


Fatty rubbed his head and was a little confused. "Why does this sound so familiar? "Oh my, the only one who can light the lamp is Guaner! Who do you think you are? "    


Seeing that Fatty still wanted to go up and make up for it, Sui Guan stopped him. His tone was very cold. "Such a big thing happened. I have already recorded the video at the beginning. You should know how big of a reaction it will cause if it is posted online, right?"    


Dazhuang looked at Sui Guan with certainty. "Trust me, you won't do that. It will cause you a lot of trouble."    


Sui Guan smiled. "Of course I won't do that. As long as the money you give satisfies me."    


Dazhuang was stunned. "Money? What money?"    


Sui Guan touched Dazhuang's head with interest, as if he was looking at a fat sheep. "Of course it's to redeem your money. Ming, keep the video and set it up to make sure that if anything happens to us, the video will be flying everywhere."    


Ming snapped his fingers. "Got it."    


Dazhuang's voice was a little hoarse. "You are playing with fire."    


Xie Feifei and Fatty stood at the side, holding their phones in their right hands. They asked politely. "May I ask what is your number?"    


"I won't tell you!"    


Fatty's phone had been picked up. "Hello, is it Uncle? Yes, yes, yes. Dazhuang is here with us. We have had a good time. " I have a small video over here that I would like you to take a look at. "    


Fatty sent Ming's video over. From Dazhuang and the others' arrogant remarks when they entered, to the director's happy scene, he sent the whole video over to him.    


Fatty hung up the phone and looked at the watch on his wrist. "En, wait for your dad to finish watching it. Call him again. It won't take more than ten minutes at most. Let's wait slowly."    


After a while, Fatty's phone rang. "Nephew, why are you making such a fuss? Everyone took a step back.    


"Father! Find someone to mess with them!" Dazhuang heard his father's voice from afar. It was as if he had heard his savior. He shouted at the top of his lungs.    


Fatty looked at Dazhuang with a smile and said a number on his phone, "Five million!"    


There was silence on the other end of the phone. In order to make Dazhuang more obvious, Xie Feifei sneakily pinched Dazhuang. Oh, you actually dared to pinch me!"    


Fatty rolled up his sleeves. "Not only do we dare to pinch you, we also dare to beat you up."    


Sui Guan took Fatty's phone and said a few simple words. "Five million. Let's settle the score. When the time comes, please sign on the settlement slip. We don't owe each other anything. If you offend us again, don't blame us for making the video public."    


A middle-aged man answered Sui Guan, "Wait a minute. I'll give you an answer in ten minutes."    


Dazhuang's face was pale. "You, you dare to threaten me? I promise."    


Fatty got the signal from Sui Guan's eyes. He explained casually, "Don't worry. Your father is much smarter than you. He is a businessman. He knows how to maximize the benefits. We haven't done our best yet. We still have room for redemption, but I promise you that if you cause trouble for us after this, you can do it again."    


Fatty used his carrot thick finger to poke Dazhuang's face. "Then don't blame us for being rude. Actually, it wasn't that expensive. Who asked me to be here? And I happened to be injured?"    


Seeing Fatty raise his face, a small piece of skin was rubbed off. Dazhuang looked at his brothers who were lying on the ground, and his body covered in injuries. He suddenly didn't know what to say.    


The phone rang again very quickly. Fatty's bid had indeed caught up with Dazhuang's father's expectations. Five million would soon be delivered to him together with settlement. The rest of the time was spent waiting in boredom.    


Zhuang Zhuang went to comfort his brothers. Sui Guan and the others gathered together and discussed how to help Mi Family in the future.    


Xie Feifei and Fatty first expressed their opinions. "If they offend Dazhuang, will their family deliberately deal with our company?"    


"It's inevitable that they have ill feelings, but they won't be stupid enough to give me a weakness again. They will secretly use some underhanded tricks. Just treat it as a form of training." Sui Guan's attitude was very optimistic. After all, Dazhuang's family wasn't at the level that the Mi's Corporation could get in touch with.    


Ming was so excited that he wanted to jump up and down. "Five million! That's great! What we lack in our research is money. We finally have a certain amount of confidence this time."    


"Crack! Crack!" The sound of a lock being unlocked came from outside the door. The manager who nodded and bent over was the first to run in. When he saw the mess on the ground, he was stunned. Plus, the people lying on the ground were all muscular men. This made the manager feel even more surprised.    


"Hello, I am the housekeeper of the Zhao family." A man dressed in clothes and with a graceful posture walked in. Just by looking at his aura, he was not the housekeeper of an ordinary family.    


Sui Guan casually nodded his head and pointed at Dazhuang with his chin, indicating that this fellow was still alive and kicking. The housekeeper also noticed it and smiled. He took a black safe from the servant behind him.    


In front of Sui Guan and the others, the black box was opened. Inside, there was a neat row of Grandpa Red Hair, which made everyone hold their breath.    


Fatty only took a glance before he retracted his gaze. After all, he had followed Sui Guan to do something. He was not short of money now. The reason he extorted Zhuang Zhuang just now was because it was fun.    


However, Ming was much more excited. He looked at the money in the box as if he was looking at his own child.    


The butler tilted the money in the box to Sui Guan and asked, "Do you want some?"    


"No need. I believe in the reputation of the Zhao family." Sui Guan took the box and locked it without looking at it. The butler carefully took out a piece of paper from his pocket.    


Sui Guan carefully read the settlement slip. He was reading it and reading it backwards. Fatty and the others even considered it for a while. After confirming that there was no problem, he signed on it.    


"Then what about our young master?" The butler put away the settlement slip and looked at Dazhuang with a questioning look.    


"Bring it back. We are not kidnappers, we are all reasonable. " Right? " Although Sui Guan said so, the butler looked like he was blowing up a fly no matter how he looked at it.    


Sui Guan and the others were satisfied with five million yuan. What made Sui Guan the happiest was that in order to express his apology, the table of dishes they ate was free of charge.    


This time, after beating someone up, eating, and taking the money, Sui Guan handed five million in cash to Ming. "This time, we will leave our bottom line to you."    


Ming also took it carefully. "I know. Don't worry. The first generation full screen will be sent to Director Sui's office in less than three months."    


Sui Guan did not think the amount of money was huge, but it was not so easy for him, who had spent 500 million USD.    


However, Ming was the one introduced by his eyes, so Sui Guan was very relieved. Besides, if he could use 5 million to bring a better mobile phone product to Mi's Corporation, it wouldn't be a big deal.    


At that time, a 5G mobile phone and a full-screen mobile phone would be released to the world together. It would be difficult for Mi's Corporation not to become famous!    


After that, the few of them bid farewell to Yiyi. Ming returned to the school and started his own research and development. Sui Guan, on the other hand, had to maintain his reputation. After all, the current state of the Mi's Corporation could be said to be extremely difficult.    


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