I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C533 A Celebratory Feast

C533 A Celebratory Feast

3Wang Wen wanted to cry but had no tears. He began to set up the wooden stake. It seemed that he would have to endure the bitter days for a while!    


At the same time, Sui Guan walked out of Dojo with a bored heart.    


Murong Piaoxue's reaction to him just now had hurt his heart. He always felt that he had done something wrong.    


But even so, he had no way to make it up to her.    


"Sigh, that silly girl will probably recover very soon. I don't think I have that much left. I still want to make the best use of my time to hold the celebration banquet."    


Speaking up to this point, Sui Guan couldn't help shaking his head, then started the car and returned to the company.    


"She came so soon. I thought you would save for a while."    


Fatty was surprised to see Sui Guan come back from Dojo so quickly.    


"Wen save your sister. I am annoyed when this is mentioned." Sui Guan said angrily. He picked up a bottle of mineral water and gulped it down.    


Seeing this, Fatty was even more confused. He walked up and asked, "What is it now?"    


Sui Guan told Fatty about what happened just now. He seemed very angry.    


After listening to the cause and effect, Fatty pointed at Sui Guan. "You, what do you want me to say?"    


"What do you mean?" Sui Guan did not understand.    


Fatty rolled his eyes at Sui Guan and explained, "In that situation, why are you so unromantic? The principle of being a human is nothing more than how to feel comfortable. Anyway, Ruo Jia was not here at that time. Why did you put such a huge burden on yourself?"    


"Do you think I want to? I had no choice." Sui Guan said angrily.    


"Oh, Murong Piaoxue has made a lot of changes for you. She started from the original Eldest Lady and started to seriously learn business ideas from me. " What does she want? She just wants to help you. "    


Fatty started to talk about Murong Piaoxue's payment during this period of time, which made Sui Guan feel extremely ashamed.    


But now that things had come to this point, what was the point of saying all this now?    


Seeing Sui Guan's self-blame look, Fatty suppressed his temper and comforted him.    


"Don't think too much about it. Jiang Shuying isn't the kind of person who wouldn't let go of a single thing. Perhaps she will calm down in a few days. When the time comes, you just need to coax her properly. Instead, you just need to let her start whatever she wants."    


After that, the two of them began to discuss the matter of tonight's celebration banquet.    


At the same time, Ruo Jia also moved into a local five-star hotel.    


After leaving Sui Guan's side, she also returned to her usual solemn expression. Her entire body was filled with a kind of aura of not allowing strangers to enter, making many people in the hotel who wanted to hit on her to shrink back.    


After coming to the room, Ruo Jia immediately took out her laptop and checked the information from the company.    


This information was almost all related to Hee Tianlai, and most of it was related to some treatment from the other company.    


It was very obvious that Ruo Jia was preparing to make a move on Hee Tianlai.    


She was currently in the mainland, so naturally, she didn't have so many concerns. In the mainland, her family was strong enough to compete with any company in the world.    


After watching for a while, Ruo Jia slowly closed the computer.    


"Hee Tianlai, if you only wanted to plot against me, then forget it. But you actually started to plot against Sui Guan. I will definitely not let you go."    


When she said this, her pretty face turned slightly red.    


However, not long after, a proud expression appeared on Ruo Jia's face. It could be said that her aura was fully unleashed. The imposing manner of a superior person instantly swept across the entire living room.    


Just like what Ruojia had said, if Hee Tianlai only wanted to take revenge on her, then it would be fine.    


However, her opponent should never have any ambition towards Sui Guan, because if that was the case, she would definitely fight Hee Tianlai to the end.    


That night, Sui Guan booked a bar near the company as the venue for tonight's celebration banquet.    


Fatty was born to like to join in the fun. As soon as Sui Guan booked the venue, he immediately contacted a chef team and busied himself in the bar.    


Seeing that it was almost time, Sui Guan called his friends one by one to inform them that they could come.    


In the end, he could not hold it in and called Murong Piaoxue as well.    


"Sorry, the number you dialed cannot be connected for the time being."    


Unable to connect?    


Sui Guan worriedly took the phone from his ear.    


Fatty walked over and patted him on the shoulder. "What do you mean?"    


Sui Guan frowned. There was a trace of worry in his eyes. "I just made a phone call, but it did not get through!"    


Hearing that, Fatty seemed to be a little surprised, and then reminded Sui Guan, "Looks like Murong Piaoxue really got angry this time. You brat, hurry up and apologize to them tomorrow."    


Sui Guan nodded and started to think about it in his heart at the same time.    


He and Murong Piaoxue had known each other for a long time. In his impression, Murong Piaoxue rarely got angry. Even if she got angry, she would quickly forget about it.    


But this time, it would not be that simple.    


"Don't think so much. I can see how much Murong Piaoxue likes you. This girl, sometimes when she gets angry, it is a little extreme. But as long as you perform well, there is still a chance for you to turn over a new leaf."    


Fatty patted Sui Guan on the shoulder, then ran to the kitchen to personally supervise. Tonight's celebration banquet had to be perfect.    


Not long after the other party left, Sui Guan tried to call the other party a few more times, but he was unable to get through.    


"This girl is really anxious." Sui Guan waved his fist a few times in annoyance, venting the dissatisfaction in his heart.    


In fact, the reason why he and Murong Piaoxue made such a mess was all because of him.    


If he could put himself in her shoes and think for her at that time... Perhaps this matter would be another kind of situation.    


Then, the people Sui Guan had contacted just now came to the bar one after another, especially the employees of Mi's Corporation. A large crowd of people had come.    


Seeing this, Sui Guan's worries about Murong Piaoxue in his heart also improved a lot. Tonight was an important day. As the main character of this banquet, he naturally could not show too much worry.    


In fact, Sui Guan actually had three important things to announce for tonight's celebration banquet.    


If these three things were arranged according to the time, then it would be the success of the 5G project, the victory of the Portuguese Australia's Trademark King Competition, and Ruo Jia's decision to give up all the benefits of the 5G project not long ago.    


Sui Guan did not invite outsiders tonight. 99% of the employees in the company stood. Originally, there were people outside of the two companies who wanted to participate.    


But because Murong Piaoxue did not answer the phone, it became Ruo Jia, the only person who did not belong to the company, to participate.    


Sui Guan had already called Ruo Jia just now. The other party said that they wanted to prepare, so they had not arrived yet.    


Fatty saw that everyone except for the Song had arrived, so he pulled Sui Guan up from the chair and said with a smile, "Guaner. Didn't you say that you have something important to announce to us in advance? Don't hide it now, hurry up and take it out to make everyone happy. "    


The employees laughed at the same time. "That's right. Chairman, don't keep us guessing. Hurry up and say it!"    


During this period of time, the Mi's Corporation had been suppressed for a long time. Even among the employees, people were panicking.    


Such a situation was definitely not good for the development of a company. Therefore, everyone wanted to hear some exciting news.    


Seeing that everyone was looking at him attentively, Sui Guan smiled and made an impromptu opening speech.    


"As the use of 5G matures, our company is bound to start a journey of nirvanic rebirth. At this point of time, I hope that all of us can work together and do a good job in this project. We must not let our guard down."    


Fatty curled his lips. "It's just a formality. Don't say too much. Hurry up and get some dry goods."    


Sui Guan rolled his eyes at Fatty. "What are you panicking for? You won't even let me say the opening remarks?"    


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