I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C452 He Came to Answer the Invitation

C452 He Came to Answer the Invitation

4The conversation this time was nothing more than to get to know these new employees, and at the same time, to secretly observe if there were any spies captured by the enemy forces.    4


The conversation lasted for an hour and a half. During this period, Sui Guan had gained a deeper understanding of these people. However, he couldn't judge whether these people had spies or not just from this conversation.    


The matter of spies couldn't be rushed. After all, without an opportunity, it was very difficult to find a traitor hiding in the dark just by observing him. Therefore, Sui Guan gave up and didn't go deeper into the matter.    


In the evening, Murong Piaoxue came to the company.    


When Chen Mei brought Murong Piaoxue into Sui Guan's office, there was obvious hostility in her eyes. Clearly, she regarded this beauty in front of her as her love rival.    


After seeing Sui Guan, Chen Mei's expression immediately returned to normal. She said in a fair manner, "boss, this young lady is looking for you."    


Sui Guan nodded, indicating that she could leave now.    


After Chen Mei left, Murong Piaoxue said to Sui Guan with a playful expression, "Yo, it seems that you are very carefree as boss. When that secretary of yours saw me just now, his face was full of hostility. Are the two of you having an affair?"    


"What is this about?"    


Sui Guan was instantly speechless. He and Xiaomei had a pure subordinate relationship. Apart from drinking a bowl of each other's soup not long ago, nothing else had happened. Just like that, they were having an affair. That son of a b * tch boss probably wouldn't be serious anymore.    




Murong Piaoxue snorted heavily. She knew what kind of person Sui Guan was. The reason why she said that earlier was because she felt a little unhappy in her heart.    


Then, she told Sui Guan her purpose of coming here, saying that Loong Xiaoyun's father had already agreed to meet him.    


When she saw her son being beaten up like this, As his father, he was still able to sit still. If it wasn't because his son was still in someone else's hands, he would have brought him here to kill Sui Guan.    


Murong Piaoxue saw that Sui Guan was just standing by and laughing, so she urged him, "That side is very anxious to meet you. Hurry up and reply to me about a specific time."    


Hearing that, Sui Guan motioned for him to calm down. "No rush. I will wait for the reply from the other side."    


"The other side?" Murong Piaoxue was puzzled.    


Sui Guan wanted to explain, but Xie Feifei knocked on the door and walked in.    


Seeing this, Sui Guan hurriedly asked the other party for an answer from the Zhang Family.    


"What do you mean?"    


"They promised to have a meeting."    


Hearing this, Sui Guan laughed loudly. "Haha ~"    


After laughing for a while, he said to Xie Feifei, "Help me ask them out. Let's have a meeting now. Also, help me book a place in a nearby hotel."    


Xie Feifei nodded and left the office to make arrangements.    


After watching him leave, Sui Guan turned to look at Murong Piaoxue, who was at a loss.    


"I'll meet them at Monarch Hotel tonight at ten o'clock."    


After Murong Piaoxue was stunned for a while, she suddenly realized something from Sui Guan's action. Her face was full of realization.    


Then, she nodded at Sui Guan and pushed the door open.    


Xie Feifei was outside the corridor at this time. He had already passed Sui Guan's words to the Zhang family on the phone. The Zhang family would naturally agree to meet him on time.    


Seeing Murong Piaoxue rush out of the office with a calm expression, the doubt on Xie Feifei's face became deeper and deeper.    


When he returned to the office, he was confused and asked Sui Guan what was going on.    


Regarding this, Sui Guan just smiled and did not say anything.    


This Xie Feifei was usually such a smart person, but why was he so stupid now? He did not know if it was because he was too busy with work that he made people stupid.    


Xie Feifei saw that Sui Guan was just laughing at the side and did not seem to have any intention of answering his question, so he could not help but say, "Don't just laugh. Quickly tell me, or else my heart will itch."    


Sui Guan said helplessly, "I found that your intelligence is obviously not online recently. Looks like it's time for me to give you a vacation. Otherwise, you will become an idiot sooner or later."    


Xie Feifei rolled his eyes at Sui Guan unhappily. "What does this have to do with? What does the holiday have to do with my questions?"    


Sui Guan nodded and said seriously, "Of course it has something to do with it. It has a lot to do with it."    


Following which, under Xie Feifei's continuous questioning, Zhang Bai still kept his mouth shut and did not tell the other party about his plan personally. At this time, it was just the right time to stimulate the other party's somewhat rigid brain cells.    


When the two of them arrived at a nearby hotel room, a young man had clearly been waiting for them for a long time.    


It could be seen that the Zhang Family had come with great sincerity to discuss the matter of Loong Xiaoyun with Sui Guan.    


With an outsider present, Xie Feifei began to introduce the two parties in a serious manner.    


"Hehe, this is the young master of Zhang Family, Zhang Yunfeng. As for the one beside me, this is the executive director of Mi's Corporation, Sui Guan."    


"Hello, Young Master Zhang."    


Sui Guan smiled and extended his right hand to the man in front of him.    


Zhang Yunfeng saw this and immediately stood up and stretched out his hand to Sui Guan. "Hello, Boss Sui."    


After that, both of their hands gently clenched in the air.    


"Haha, this Young Master Zhang is really amazing. Don't look at his young age, but he is already quite famous in our company. He managed his business in an orderly manner. Compared to him, I am really ashamed."    


Xie Feifei started to flatter Zhang Yunfeng. Strictly speaking, what he said wasn't flattering, because Zhang Yunfeng was a young and talented man. He had already shoulder the responsibility of developing his family at such a young age.    


In the face of Xie Feifei's praise, Zhang Yunfeng acted very modestly.    


"Haha, thank you for your praise, brother. The company that I manage cannot be compared to the Mi's Corporation that you and Boss Sui control. You are the people that I should learn from."    


Zhang Yunfeng seemed to be rather easy-going. He did not think highly of himself and spoke in a very approachable manner. He gave Sui Guan a good first impression, but it was still not suitable for those wastrels on the market to compare.    


Therefore, when Sui Guan spoke, he was much more easy-going.    


"We can't talk about learning. We can only say that we communicate and improve with each other."    


Xie Feifei agreed. "That's right. The three of them will definitely become my teachers."    




Zhang Yunfeng nodded with a smile on his face.    


After a while, a big table full of dishes was placed on the table by the waiter.    


During this period of time, no one talked about the matters of Loong Family. Instead, they talked about things that were not related to official matters.    


Everyone knew that at this moment, whoever was the first to be anxious would definitely lose the upper hand in the conversation.    


They were all smart people. Naturally, they would not make mistakes in such an occasion.    


After three rounds of drinking, After all, the young Zhang Yunfeng was not comparable to old foxes like Sui Guan and Xie Feifei. He took the initiative to ask about Loong Xiaoyun.    


"Older Brother Sui, you have asked Xie Big Brother to come to us to discuss about Loong Xiaoyun. I wonder which aspect you want to discuss?"    


Hearing this, Sui Guan's heart skipped a beat. He knew that this was because Zhang Yunfeng could no longer maintain his composure and wanted to get straight to the point.    


Xie Feifei, who was standing aside, also perked up his ears at this moment. He was looking forward to Zhang Yunfeng's next answer.    


Sui Guan smiled when he saw the two of them looking at him. Then, he put down the wine cup in his hand and said slowly.    


"Haha, before I say these things, I hope that Zhang younger brother can understand one thing. The enemy of an enemy is a friend. " Although you and I have never worked together before... " But you must believe that we have the same opinion regarding the Loong Family. "    


Zhang Yunfeng nodded his head noncommittally. When Xie Feifei heard this, he finally came to a realization. It turned out that Sui Guan was going to cooperate with the Zhang Family to uproot Loong Xiaoyun and his family.    


Motherf * cker! How could it be so simple? Why didn't I feel like I was there at that time? It seemed like the boss said that I should take a break to relax. Sure enough, he wasn't talking nonsense. With my brain like glue, I wouldn't be able to help much even if I stayed in the company.    


Xie Feifei secretly despised his current IQ in his heart. At the same time, he felt that it was time for him to give himself a break to rest and nourish his mind.    


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