I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C437 The Plan to Deal with It

C437 The Plan to Deal with It

2Xie Feifei, who had been silent the whole time, suddenly reminded, "Boss, this man clearly has someone backing him."    


"I know." Sui Guan nodded.    


Xie Feifei looked at him anxiously. "Since you know, then..."    


Sui Guan interrupted. "We can't act rashly now. The enemy has clearly come prepared. They must have guessed our next move. They have been waiting for us to make a move and then they will make a move."    


"But we can't just do nothing, right?" Xie Feifei said worriedly.    


"In fact, it is not bad to deal with changes with constant changes. This way, not only can we confuse the enemy, we can also secretly act. Hehe..."    


Sui Guan smiled meaningfully. Clearly, he had thought of something in his heart.    


Xie Feifei looked at Sui Guan, who was laughing at himself. At this critical moment, this guy could still laugh. He did not know if it was because of his big heart or because he was confident.    


At this moment, Sui Guan picked up his phone and called Hong.    


"Hong, you will be in charge of the factory during this period of time."    


"Older Brother Sui, have you cleaned it out?" Hong was surprised.    


It had only been a few hours, but Sui Guan was really powerful. He had already taken care of everything in the factory.    


However, before Hong could rejoice for a moment, Sui Guan poured a bucket of cold water on his head from the other end of the phone.    


"It's not that simple. I'm just temporarily removing Ma Ming from the position. Right now, we need someone to maintain order in our factory."    




Being ordered in the face of danger made Hong's heart tighten.    


He was just a young man in his early twenties, and he had never supported such a big picture.    


"Don't. I don't know much about the factory. You are the only one I can count on now. You have to shoulder all the responsibilities for me. Maintain the giant surface of the factory and maintain the suspension. After that, wait for my orders."    


Sui Guan couldn't care less. The only person he could trust in the factory was this kid. Besides, this was also a test for Hong.    


If he did well, he would naturally be entrusted with a heavy responsibility in the future. If he did not do well, he could also correct it in time and give guidance to others.    


"Older Brother Sui, I..."    


From the phone came Hong's voice, which sounded like he wanted to say something but stopped himself. He was timid and timid.    


Sui Guan tried his best to convince him, "Hong, I have high expectations for you. This factory also has your mentor. Don't tell me you are going to let his hard work go to waste like this?"    


Hearing this, Hong's entire body shook, and instantly became full of energy.    


Shaming the mentor was the humiliation of being a disciple. He naturally could not ignore it.    


"Older Brother Sui, I guarantee that I will not disappoint you when you still have the mentor."    


"Very good."    


Sui Guan smiled and nodded, then hung up the phone.    


Everyone was born strong. However, after being questioned by others or themselves, many people gradually lost their edge. However, as long as they were polished a little, they would still be able to show their strength.    


Hong was not weak. What he lacked was the encouragement of others.    


After hanging up the phone, Sui Guan turned to look at Xie Feifei.    


Suddenly, Xie Feifei felt a shiver run down his spine. He knew that Sui Guan was going to denounce him again.    


But this time, he had misunderstood Sui Guan.    


Just as Xie Feifei closed his eyes and waited for Sui Guan to become furious, Sui Guan suddenly changed the topic and said with a speechless tone. "Look, this is all because of you."    


Xie Feifei blushed with shame. The corner of his mouth slightly opened and closed. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say. It was very contradictory.    


Sui Guan saw this and said unhappily. "You can only pretend that you have made a big mistake and regret what you did in the past. Since you have made a mistake, you must repent. Once you have the resolve to repent, you will make up for your mistakes! "    


"What do you need me to do?"    


Sui Guan patted him on the shoulder. "There are plenty of opportunities for you to make up for your mistakes. You don't have to rush it."    


Xie Feifei had made a mistake this time. It could be said that he had made a mess of the factory.    


Sui Guan obviously would not let this kid go so easily. There were still many things that needed his help in the future.    


As for Xie Feifei, he didn't have any objections to Sui Guan's arrangement. It was his duty to make up for his mistakes.    


After that, Sui Guan said a few more words to Xie Feifei and told him to leave on his own.    


At this time, Fatty suddenly pushed open the office door and walked in.    


"Guaner, I heard you saw the new Plant Head just now?"    


Sui Guan nodded and asked him what happened.    


Fatty heard him and said hatefully, "Hey, why didn't you tell me earlier? Master Fatty was ready to teach that bastard a lesson!"    


Sui Guan had long predicted this. The reason why he didn't tell Fatty about this matter was because he didn't want this guy to act impulsively.    


Fatty had a violent temper. If he really met Ma Ming, he would probably end up killing him. In order to prevent the situation from worsening, Sui Guan had done this on purpose.    


At this time, Fatty also understood Sui Guan's intention. He couldn't help but start to vomit. He said that Sui Guan shouldn't have hidden it from him. A bastard like Ma Ming should be taught a lesson.    


Seeing Fatty blabbering on and on, Sui Guan waved his hand. "Alright, that man is just a minion. Fighting him won't change anything."    


"That's what I'm saying, but if I don't fight that bastard, I won't be able to vent my anger." Fatty angrily hammered the sofa cushion to vent the anger in his chest.    


"Don't you know who I am? Since you have provoked me... " Then no matter who it is, my life from now on will not be easy. " Sui Guan said with an expressionless face.    


When Fatty heard this, his heart slightly moved. He looked up at the calm Sui Guan not far away and asked in puzzlement, "Could it be that you have already guessed who attacked us?"    


"Yes." Sui Guan nodded.    


"Who is it?" Fatty became excited.    


"Alright, I will think of a way to deal with this. Don't get involved."    


Obviously, Sui Guan didn't want to tell Fatty what he had just guessed.    


His action was undoubtedly because he did not want to increase the burden on Fatty and the others' minds.    


A huge company like the Apple Company had launched a commercial attack on the Mi Family. If the higher ups in the company knew about this, they would be even more worried, which would make the situation even worse.    


It was precisely because Sui Guan did not want to increase the psychological burden and pressure on others that he deliberately concealed it. After all, Xie Feifei was by his side just now, and he did not mention this matter.    


Sui Guan's good intentions were somewhat unpleasant to Fatty.    


"Guaner, why are you hiding it? If it's you, then follow me. I guarantee that I will send someone to do them!" Fatty said angrily.    


"Alright, listen to me. I have my own plans for this."    


Sui Guan gritted his teeth. No matter what Fatty said, he did not reveal anything about this matter. In the end, the other party had no choice but to leave angrily.    


It was still early in the morning, and the sun was still shining brightly.    


Sui Guan, who had just woken up, received a phone call before he could get up.    


The person who called was Luis. He said that he had arrived at the airport and asked Sui Guan to pick him up.    


Sui Guan did not say anything. He jumped up from the bed and changed his clothes as fast as he could. After washing up, he rushed to the parking lot.    


"Oh no, I can only sit alone in this car. I wonder how many people Luis has brought with him..."    


Looking at his brand new Aston Martin, Sui Guan was annoyed.    


After hesitating for a while, he thought of someone. He quickly took out his phone and called the person.    


After the call connected, an impatient voice came from the other end: "Who is it, disturbing people's dreams so early in the morning?"    


Sui Guan said angrily, "You brat... It's me."    


"Oh, it's you, Old Sui." Young Master Soong was a little surprised.    


"Lend me your car. I'm going to pick up Luis and the others."    


"Okay, I'll call and arrange it right away. Tell me your address later. I'll ask the driver to drive over to pick you up."    


After making the arrangements, both parties hung up.    


Sui Guan could not use his car eyes anymore. He immediately left the parking lot and went to the entrance of the community.    


Twenty minutes later, an extra Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped on the road.    


Sui Guan looked at the number plate and quickly walked over.    


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