I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C330 The Lady Boss's Heart

C330 The Lady Boss's Heart

3Something like what happened to Sword Eight tonight had indeed exceeded Sui Guan's expectations.     1


Fatty was truly a jinx. Basically, as long as he went there, there would be chaos there.    


Yesterday, Sui Guan and Xie Feifei went to Ginza as well, but nothing happened. Who the f * ck would know? Sure enough, something really happened when Fatty went there the next day.    


Fortunately, Sword Eight didn't know about Sui Guan's ability. He had accidentally fallen into a trap. Otherwise, how would things develop? It was really hard to say.    


Therefore, he had to give Fatty a restraining order. Without his company, he and Xie Feifei were not allowed to go anywhere.    


Although Fatty was unwilling to make such an arrangement, he could only helplessly agree when he thought of the skills of the Eighth Sword.    


"You haven't wasted your time cultivating these few days, have you?" Sui Guan asked.    


"How is that possible? Master Fatty is famous for his diligence and progress."    


Fatty immediately told Sui Guan about how serious he had been cultivating these few days. At the same time, he pulled up his clothes and said proudly.    


"Do you see that? My belly has become three times smaller."    


Looking at Fatty's belly, which looked like it was ten months old, Sui Guan felt both angry and funny.    


"I think you haven't eaten your fill tonight."    


After listening, Fatty nodded. "You don't have to say. You were drinking with girls in the red light district. You really didn't eat much. You should take a piss. " I'm a bit hungry now. "    


He was about to get up and go out to buy food. Obviously, he didn't take Sui Guan's words to heart.    


Seeing this, Sui Guan immediately shouted, "Stop right there. Have you forgotten what you promised me just now?"    


Fatty smiled embarrassedly, "Hey, I was so hungry that I forgot."    


"Wait in the room for me. I'll go out and buy it for you."    


Sui Guan glared at Fatty and walked to the door.    


"I want to eat the Heavenly Women and Longevity Likes. Also, bring me a few bottles of Japanese wine!"    


Fatty, who was behind him, was like ordering dishes. He talked nonstop about seven or eight things that he wanted to eat.    


"How about I bring you a supermarket?" Sui Guan looked unhappy.    


Fatty shrunk his neck and smiled. "Hehe. That's not necessary."    


"Remember, you're not allowed to go there until I return."    


After warning Fatty one last time, Sui Guan opened the door and walked out.    


It was already past three o'clock in the morning. Lady Boss was lying listlessly on the counter downstairs. Because she was wearing low-waisted pants, the red lace underwear could not wait to leak out, shining brightly under the light.    


F * ck, it was a thong.    


Even though Sui Guan's composure was shocking, When he inadvertently looked at it, he felt a surge of hot blood in his body.    


This Japanese wife was indeed a top quality.    


Just as Sui Guan was quietly walking towards Lady Boss, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Sui Guan with a playful expression.    


"Did you finish your meeting with your girlfriend so soon? Looks like your combat strength isn't too strong."    


Such blatant words made Sui Guan, the big boss, feel very awkward.    


Thus, he explained, "Haha, you misunderstood. I really didn't go to see my girlfriend just now."    


"Really?" Lady Boss clearly did not quite believe it.    


Sui Guan smiled and said, "Why would I lie to you? Didn't you see that I just came back with my two companions?"    


"Looks like you didn't succeed in venting your anger tonight? Why don't you go into sister's room and let sister comfort you?"    


Finishing, Lady Boss licked her lips amorously.    


To be honest, Sui Guan felt that if he continued to communicate with the other party, he might really disarm himself and surrender.    


In order to avoid making a big mistake, he could only flee.    


Seeing this, Lady Boss said hatefully, "This brat, could it be that he really doesn't like me?"    


After buying a large pile of snacks from the supermarket, Sui Guan rushed back to the hotel at high speed. Even when he passed by the counter, he maintained his sprinting speed.    


This scene made Lady Boss exclaim in pity. She originally wanted to continue seducing Sui Guan, but the clothes were pulled down by half, revealing a patch of white skin. But she never thought that all of this would be in vain.    


"Hu ~"    


After returning to his room, Sui Guan let out a long breath.    


Although the distance from the hotel to the 7-11 convenience store was only a few hundred meters, it was extremely difficult for him to walk, especially for Lady Boss.    


Fatty saw Sui Guan's breathless expression and teased, "You just finished your long journey?"    


Sui Guan waved his hand and said, "Hi. Don't mention it. That Lady Boss always looked like she wanted to eat me up, which made me very angry."    


"Kid, you don't know your fortune when you are in good fortune? In my opinion, Lady Boss is simply a model that still has charm. It is not that my brother is bragging. If you give it to me, I guarantee that I will let her taste the taste of being a woman properly once."    


Fatty said with a face full of pity. He really wanted to replace Sui Guan with his own body and help Sui Guan taste the beauty of being a wife.    


"Why do I feel that you are becoming more and more ridiculous? I have a husband. How can you do this to me?" Sui Guan looked at Fatty with a forced expression.    


Hearing this, Fatty replied as if it was a matter of course. "What's there not to do? This is called taking what you need, do you know? What era is it now? Why can't you change your mind?"    


With the development of the era, people's thoughts became more and more open. In Asia, Japan was undoubtedly the most prominent country. Otherwise, it would not have become the country with the highest attainment rate.    


This place... To a wife complex like Fatty, it was simply heaven.    


With this thought, Sui Guan felt that it was necessary to correct Fatty's wrong idea. He tried to reason with him, "Didn't you fall in love with Qi Li recently? Why are you still thinking about such a shameless thing?"    


"What is this about? Qili and I haven't even met each other yet. Furthermore, if they were really together in the future, Master Fatty wouldn't have such a chance. So I have to take advantage of this great opportunity to indulge myself. I won't talk nonsense with you anymore. I have to go down and save Lady Boss. Comfort her empty and lonely heart. "    


Fatty said shamelessly and was about to open the door.    


Sui Guan saw what happened and pulled him back.    


"Stop right there. Without my permission, you can't go anywhere."    


"Ai, I think you are becoming more and more serious. When I was young, I didn't see you being such a gentleman. " Back then, I don't know who told me to secretly take pictures of girls with Little Tong... "    


Before Fatty could finish his words, Sui Guan covered his mouth with his hand.    


"If you keep talking, I will sew your mouth with a needle!"    


Hearing this, Fatty nodded his head in fear, as if he didn't dare to do so anymore.    


Sui Guan let go of his mouth and pointed at the bag of snacks on the table.    


"I bought a lot of things. It should be enough for you to eat for a few days. Stay in the guest room during this period of time, so you don't have to cause trouble for me everywhere."    


Fatty said unhappily. "I don't like hearing you say that. What do you mean by making trouble for me? That Sword Eight clearly came for our blue and white porcelain just now. It's not like I specifically went to provoke him."    


Sui Guan compromised. "Alright, I said the wrong thing. But it is precisely because of this that you all should be more at ease now. Otherwise, when the time comes, you will be taken advantage of by the enemy again. I might have to go out tomorrow to investigate the background of that Sword Eight. "    


Hearing this, Fatty stopped looking at the bag of snacks. He looked at Sui Guan with a puzzled expression." You are unfamiliar with this place. Plus, you are unfamiliar with this place. How can I understand this place? "    


Sui Guan smiled confidently. "Haha, I can go and find Nailuo. She is a policeman in this area. She should be able to give me some help."    


Although he was not very clear about the identity of Sword Eight, perhaps Nailuo should know something. After all, the other party was a policeman. It was impossible that he did not know that Sword Eight was such a powerful person.    


Fatty let out a long sigh. "Sigh, looks like Feifei and I can only stay here and not go anywhere tomorrow!"    


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