I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C967 He Was Alone

C967 He Was Alone

1The night was as cold as water, and there was a chill in the early hours of the night.    


Just like that, Sui Guan stood outside for about five minutes. During this time, there was not the slightest movement from inside the warehouse. The other party did not call him, but he called, indicating that the call could not be connected.    


After another five minutes, his mobile phone finally vibrated again.    


After he pressed the answer button, two simple words came from the middle finger of the phone: "Come in!"    


Sui Guan put down the phone and walked in. While he was walking, he was also observing the surroundings, trying to find out where the person was hiding.    


At this moment, the sound of a switch was heard not far away from him.    




Sui Guan was shocked. He quickly reached behind an abandoned box and covered his stinging eyes.    


The lights in the warehouse were on, but Sui Guan could not open his eyes. Because he had been in the dark for a long time, the light at this moment made his eyes very uncomfortable. After crying for a while, he gradually got used to it.    


Then he walked out from behind the box. At this time, standing in front of him were three men wearing hoods.    


These three men were all very strong, and each of them held a weapon in their hands. One of them was even playing with a revolver.    


At this time, Masked Man, who was playing with the pistol, smiled and said, "Haha, not bad. You have abided by our agreement. Then remember, let's start the negotiation!"    


"Where's the Bear Two?" Sui Guan endured the discomfort in his eyes and walked to a place not far from the three masked men.    


He had never heard the voice just now, and it was not the person who had talked to him on the phone. Although the voice had been modified, he was sure that it was not the voice he had just heard.    


Thinking of this, Sui Guan was sure that there were more than three people here. If there were still people hiding in the dark, there must be someone else.    


The man with the gun said, "Your daughter is safe for the time being, but as for whether she is safe or not, it depends on your performance!"    


After hearing that, Sui Guan frowned and looked at him coldly. Although he was pointed at by the gun, he was not afraid at all. "If anything happens to him, none of you will be able to live today!"    


His tone was bone-chilling due to the cold wind. The warehouse could only be wreaked havoc. This time, he was truly angered. If something were to happen to the Bear Two, then he would definitely keep his word!    


The man continued to speak. "I've already said it clearly just now. Whether he's safe or not depends on you! Your current threat is useless to us, so just cooperate obediently! "    


Sui Guan asked coldly, "Whose people are you? What do you want me to cooperate with you for?"    


Before he finished speaking, a voice came from the light not far away. "Hehe, it's very simple. As long as you do one thing for me, your daughter will naturally be released after this matter is done!"    


Hearing this voice, Sui Guan was instantly enraged. He tilted his head and looked in the direction of the voice. He clenched his fists and said, "Ye Ming!"    


"You should call me Wang Ming now. Haha!" Ye Ming laughed wildly. He walked to Sui Guan step by step.    


Looking at Ye Ming who was standing in front of him and laughing without any restraint, flames of fury spurted out from Sui Guan's eyes.    


He had never thought that the Bear Two would be kidnapped by him. Logically speaking, this was absolutely impossible. After all, he was no longer a member of the Ye Family. How could he have the ability to mobilize these armed kidnappers?    


"How do you feel now? Are you especially angry?"    


Ye Ming approached Sui Guan step by step. He only stopped when he knew he was in front of Sui Guan. He then smiled playfully. "Haha, but what is your pain compared to mine?"    


After saying that, Ye Ming punched hard on Sui Guan's abdomen. This punch contained all the anger in his heart.    


After taking the punch, Sui Guan's back was also bent. He didn't look like he was in pain, but he just stared at Ye Ming in front of him.    


Ye Ming continued to speak with resentment, "It's because you have destroyed my business time and time again, causing me to fall from heaven to hell!"    


He paused for a moment, then the resentment on his face suddenly disappeared, and then he revealed a proud smile.    


"Haha, but how could someone like me fall? In hell, I have a wider space than before in my Nirvana!"    


Sui Guan didn't pay any attention to the frenzied Ye Ming. Instead, he asked with an angry expression on his face. "Where's the Bear Two?"    


Ye Ming replied with a smile on his face. "He is safe! If you want him to continue being safe, then you need to make a deal with me! "    


Sui Guan shook his head. "Let me see her condition first, then decide whether to make a deal with you or not."    


"Right now, you don't have the right to negotiate with me. The initiative is in my hands. You only have the right to choose whether to make a deal or not!" The smile on Ye Ming's face became more and more overbearing.    


He had suffered a few losses under Sui Guan's hands. He knew how powerful Sui Guan was. Even Ye Nantian's bodyguard was not a match for him. Even though they were on guard this time, Ye Ming still did not dare to take the risk.    


This transaction was extremely important to him, and it was also related to the resources he could obtain in the Wang Family in the future. He couldn't afford to lose them.    


Currently, he wasn't going to die in the past, Ye Ming. When he and his mother left Ye Qiucheng and returned to the Wang Family to gain some knowledge, Ye Ming and his uncle had declared that they were going to turn over a new leaf and return to the Wang Family. His mother was also trying her best to push this matter forward.    


Ye Ming's uncle's name was Wang Yi, and he was the person in charge of the Wang Family. He was also very curious about the matter of his nephew returning to the Wang Family. After all, the Ye Family was stronger than the Wang Family in every aspect. Why did he leave the Ye Family behind?    


Regarding his question, Ye Ming and his mother, Wang Yan, had made up a lie. They had said all kinds of bad things about the Ye Family, including Ye Qiucheng. They had said that the other party had found a woman outside and even had an illegitimate child.    


When Wang Yi heard this, he immediately became furious. He had declared that he would go to the Ye Family and ask for a technique. Of course, Ye Ming and his mother wouldn't let him go. Therefore, he calmed down with his glib tongue.    


There was still a secret about Ye Qiucheng and his son being expelled from the Ye Family. Apart from the people who were involved in this matter, no other news had been spread out from the outside world.    


Just like that, Ye Ming, who had been abandoned by the Ye Family, had once again become a descendant of the Wang Family. Because of this, his life was no longer in dire straits. After all, his mother had been doted on by the Wang Family ever since she was a child. Naturally, he, as his son, would be able to benefit from it as well.    


"What deal?"    


Sui Guan asked Ye Ming helplessly. After all, the initiative was in his opponent's hands, and he didn't have any chance to turn the tables.    


Although being led by the nose didn't feel good, in order to prevent the Bear Two from being abused, he had no choice but to swallow his anger.    


Ye Ming said faintly, "I want you to help me save a person!"    


"Save a person?" Sui Guan was slightly stunned when he heard this, then he asked, "Save who?"    


He still did not understand Ye Ming's deal. He did not understand why Ye Ming would ask him to save people.    


Ye Ming said excitedly, "Of course it's to save someone who can give me a chance to make a meteoric rise!"    


"Alright!" Sui Guan did not hesitate and nodded in agreement.    


"As long as you save this person, then all of our grudges will be sold. I will also return your spiritual pet to you alive and kicking. " But if you can't save it, then I will bury your spiritual pet with me! " Ye Ming said with a fierce look in his eyes.    


That man was very important to him. He was a man with a great background. He had only found out about this man's current situation through the connections of the Wang Family.    


This man had an incurable disease. The doctor had already determined that he would not live until this month. When Ye Ming heard the news, he immediately understood that the opportunity to show off had come.    


After all, if Sui Guan could cure the paralyzed Ye Xiangqin, then he would definitely be able to cure the incurable disease of this big shot.    


Therefore, the excited Ye Ming carried out the plan that he had set up a long time ago in advance. This was also the reason why he kidnapped the Bear Two.    


When he heard that the other party wanted his Bear Two to be buried with him, the furious Sui Guan grabbed Ye Ming's shoulder.    


"If anything happens to the Bear Two, I will make you wish you were dead! No matter what your identity is, " I don't care where you are hiding, I will make sure you die without a burial ground! "    


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