I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C962 The First Time He Treated a Patient

C962 The First Time He Treated a Patient

4I haven't seen you in a few days. Ye Xiangqin's complexion was much better than before. Her face was rosy and her breathing was steady and strong. However, her limbs were still very slender. Overall, she had recovered quite well.     2


With this thought in mind, Sui Guan first greeted the rest of them. Then, he sat opposite Ye Xiangqin and asked, "Auntie Ye, how have you been recently?"    


Ye Xiangqin heard this and looked at Sui Guan gratefully with a face full of gratitude. Then she replied, "I feel very good, but my hands and feet still don't have much strength. But compared to before, I am already very satisfied!"    


The reason why she was able to stand up again was all because of Sui Guan, not to mention that he had saved her twice. Therefore, she was very grateful to this man.    


Seeing that Ye Xiangqin's words just now showed that she was satisfied with the current situation, Sui Guan quickly corrected her, "Auntie Ye can't be satisfied so easily! Since she has recovered, then we must recover according to the standard of normal people! "    


"How could I not want to!? It's just that I know my own physical condition. After all, I've been paralyzed for more than ten years. It's not that easy to recover to the level of normal people. The nursing doctor also told me that my bodily functions can only recover to 60% of normal people at most! "    


Ye Xiangqin said helplessly, but there was no disappointment on her face. After all, she was already very satisfied to be able to recover 60% of normal people. At least, she would not be like before, unable to even take care of her own life.    


"I can try to help you recover to your original level, but you will feel some pain in the process!" Sui Guan said.    


His words were like a clap of thunder, exploding in everyone's mind.    


Ye Nantian and Chen Shihao said at the same time, "Is what you said true?"    


I have already stopped Sui Guan from mentioning Ye Nantian and Sixth Master yesterday. But what he said at that time was to let Ye Xiangqin recover as soon as possible, but he did not say that it could help her recover to the level of a normal person!    


Seeing that everyone was staring at him intently, Sui Guan explained, " This is also my first time trying this. I can't guarantee it 100%, so I didn't explain it to you guys last night. Just wait until everyone is here today and let everyone discuss it! "    


In fact, he was 80% sure that Ye Xiangqin would recover, but he didn't dare to boast that he would succeed. After all, he wasn't a Bear Two, and he didn't have the ability to shock everyone.    


At this moment, Ye Xiangqin said firmly, "No matter what kind of pain it is, I can endure it. As long as I can live like a normal person!"    


She had long had enough of a life where she needed someone to take care of everything. If it wasn't because she couldn't bear to leave her husband, she would have ended her life a long time ago.    


However, her wait was worth it. Because of Sui Guan's appearance, she was able to stand up again. However, everyone was greedy. Ye Xiangqin, who initially thought that she was satisfied with the current situation, heard Sui Guan's words just now, and her heart was filled with an urgent hope.    


She hoped that she could live like a normal person. Sixty percent was obviously not enough to satisfy her needs. So, no matter what kind of pain she was going to face later, she decided to give it her all.    


"Auntie Ye is also a person who gave birth. Wait a minute. When I treat you, your pain is even more intense than the pain when you gave birth. And this kind of pain will cover your entire body!" Sui Guan reminded.    


Unlike the last time when he helped Cao Yanrann remove the poison, this time Sui Guan wanted to let the Real Qi in his body attack Cao Yanrann's already dead bones and muscle tissue to stimulate their activity.    


That kind of pain was equivalent to holding a chisel and smashing it into his body, one after another. Just thinking about it was already shocking enough!    


Honestly speaking, if it was Sui Guan himself who experienced this kind of pain, Perhaps he could not hold on for more than two seconds, but Ye Xiangqin's treatment would go on for at least an hour later. It was simply creepy just thinking about it.    


After listening to Sui Guan's explanation, the rest of the people looked at Ye Xiangqin with pale faces. They did not know if Ye Xiangqin could take it. Besides, after experiencing such pain, they did not know if there would be a good result.    




Chen Shihao walked to his wife and wanted to persuade her to give up. Although it was only 60% of a normal person's bodily functions, it was already very objective. At least he could perform some simple actions.    


However, before he could say what he wanted to say, he heard his wife at the side say unquestionably, "Sui, I can hold on!"    


"Since Auntie Ye trusts me so much, I will naturally do my best to help you!"    


After hearing her words, Sui Guan was also slightly moved. He continued to say:    


"Everyone, you don't have to worry. Even if I can't make Auntie return to normal level, she will still be able to benefit a lot from the stimulation of the treatment. At least, it will increase her body functions by five to ten percent!"    


"Sui, I'm counting on you!" Ye Nantian walked over and patted Sui Guan's shoulder. He looked very serious.    


At this time, Chen Shihao did not say anything more. He gave his wife an encouraging look and walked to Sui Guan's side. He said, "Your Aunt Ye will be handed over to you later. No matter what the result is, Uncle Chen will thank you."    


Sixth Master said. "Sui, Sixth Uncle will go and prepare the food and drinks for you!"    


Sui Guan nodded at them. "I will try my best!"    


For the first time, he felt an indescribable sense of holiness in his heart. He also felt that the burden on his shoulders was a little heavy. After all, what he was carrying right now was the expectations of several people.    


However, someone who could trust him like this made Sui Guan feel incomparably emotional. He felt very proud to be said to trust like this!    


Then, he put away his thoughts and walked to the side to help Ye Xiangqin up from the sofa. He walked towards the room that had been prepared not far away.    


The rest of the people stood in the living room and watched his back without moving. Soon, the two of them walked into the room and disappeared from their sight.    


"Sui, do it! "What else do we have to worry about? Besides, Xiangqin will feel more and more pain later. " That means that she will be able to recover better in the future! " Ye Nantian looked at his son-in-law who refused to look away and comforted him.    


Sixth Master also echoed, "Brother-in-law, since Sui has chosen to do this, Then you must have his confidence. Just wait for Xiangqin to recover!"    


At the same time, in the room.    


Sui Guan first tied Ye Xiangqin up and laid down on the bed. Then he said lightly, "Auntie, hold on!"    


Ye Xiangqin heard him and smiled inquisitively. "Sui, I am prepared. Just do whatever you want!"    


"Then I will start!" Sui Guan asked tentatively.    


Ye Xiangqin nodded and closed her eyes.    


Seeing this, Sui Guan nodded and followed her to the end of the bed. He lifted Ye Xiangqin's right foot and placed his palm on her foot. He slowly urged the Real Qi into her body.    


From the sweat on his forehead, it could be seen that his current state of mind did not match with his calm expression.    


After all, this was the first time Sui Guan did not use Bear Twos to guide a patient and used his own plan to treat a patient. It would be a lie if he said he was not nervous.    


However, he could not show this kind of nervousness because if even he, a doctor, started to be nervous, then it could be imagined what kind of mood the patient would have!    


Very quickly, Sui Guan's Real Qi had already poured into Ye Xiangqin's right foot, and then wrapped around the meridians in the other party's entire leg.    


At this moment, Ye Xiangqin only felt as if her entire leg was being soaked in warm water. There was even a slight tingling sensation that made her feel very comfortable.    


Just as she was curious about how her feeling was completely different from what Sui Guan had described at that time, she heard the other party's reminder by her ear.    


"Auntie, I'm going to start!"    


Ye Xiangqin nodded heavily. "Yes! Come on! "    


Before she finished her sentence, she instantly felt her right leg being placed in a defensive position. The right leg was being crushed by a huge gear. It was as if the right leg was being hit by a sharp weapon from the inside to the outside.    


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