I Pick Up Waste In Immortal World

C7 The Secrets of the Immortal World

C7 The Secrets of the Immortal World

0"What should I do now? Those people are probably waiting for me outside. If I'm suddenly sucked out, I'll probably be crippled. "    


Sui Guan was like an ant on a hot pan. After all, the time he left the painting was completely random. He could not control it.    


Qiu Luan sat cross-legged with a carefree expression on her face. It seemed like she did not take his matter to heart at all.    


But this was also normal. The status of mortals in the hearts of immortals was similar to that of low-level wild animals. The small fights between mortals were nothing to them.    


Sui Guan's eyes rolled for a while.    


He said, "Heroine Qiu, I have a request. I don't know if I should say it or not."    


Qiu Luan glanced at him and said lightly.    


"If you don't know, then don't tell me."    


This wasn't how the script was written!    


Sui Guan blushed and said shamelessly.    


"Can you teach me a few immortal cultivation techniques? As long as I can defeat ordinary people, that's fine. " Even if I'm sent out, I can still protect myself. "    


Qiu Luan nodded indifferently.    


"No problem. The secret manuals were all here. There were cultivation techniques and immortal skills. " There are also unorthodox techniques, you can choose them yourself "    


After she finished speaking, piles after piles of ancient books appeared under Sui Guan's feet. He now looked like he was standing in front of an old bookstore.    


"Let me ask, how long does the fastest one need to cultivate for? Is there a cultivation method that can be used tomorrow after today's cultivation?"    


Qiu Luan rolled her eyes at him.    


She said angrily, "With your aptitude, you can read any one of these in at least a year. Do you think you are a peerless genius? "    


Sui Guan immediately became anxious. One year? No matter how much face the transmission mechanism gave him, it was impossible for him to stay here for one year.    


Therefore, he didn't learn anything, so he had to go out. After that, he was beaten up by the group of people Zhou Zhiyang found.    


When he saw Sui Guan's depressed face, Qiu Luan seemed to have guessed what he was thinking.    


"The last time you left, I thought about it. The one who brought you to Immortal World and mortal world might be the mechanism of the painting you mentioned. " I can use the Immortal power to wrap you up so that the transmission mechanism won't be able to find your aura. Then, you can stay here. "    


Sui Guan was delighted at first, but then his face turned bitter.    


He said, "But if I stay here for a year, my shop in mortal world will be ruined by those people!"    


Qiu Luan said lightly.    


"The year in Two Elements Immortal Realm is a day in mortal world. Even if you stay here for a year, it will only be a day in mortal world."    


Hearing her words, Sui Guan's eyes almost flew out.    


But immediately after, he asked doubtfully, "Why did I hear that it is a day in the sky and a year on the ground?"    


Qiu Luan pondered for a while before saying.    


"Actually, there were only two worlds in the world, namely the mortal world and the Heavenly Court. The Two Elements Immortal Realm and the Three-Yuan Immortal Domain were two worlds that suddenly appeared."    


"If the Heavenly Court is a First Grade world, then the mortal world is a Second Grade world. " Although I have said that one can only come to the Two Elements Immortal Realm after ascending from the mortal world, the opposite is that the Two Elements Immortal Realm and Three-Yuan Immortal Domain are only Third Grade worlds. "    


"The Heavenly Court's one day is indeed a year in the mortal world, but this place is even a grade lower than the mortal world. " Therefore, a year in the Two Elements Immortal Realm is only a day in the mortal world. "    


After listening to all of this, Sui Guan was completely confused. Qiu Luan didn't care about him and just said to herself.    


"I was also troubled by this problem. Why are we, Immortal Cultivators, bitterly cultivating and experiencing countless difficulties to ascend, but to come to a lower world?"    


"Later on, I finally figured it out. In my opinion, although the Two Elements Immortal Realm and the Three-Yuan Immortal Domain are filled with cultivation resources, slow time is also suitable for cultivation. " However, this place is more like a prison for cultivators seeking their Dao! "    


Sui Guan also somewhat understood what was going on.    


"In that case, could it be that the Heavenly Court feels that too many immortals will destroy the ecological environment and reduce the happiness of everyone, so they built these two places to delay your arrival in the Heavenly Court?"    


Qiu Luan gave him a deep look and slowly nodded her head.    


"Although there are a few words that I don't understand, it should be like this. Since you are temporarily unable to leave, then concentrate on cultivating here. "I've already concealed your aura. Although the resources here are all low-level, it's enough for a mortal like you."    


After saying that, Qiu Luan lightly tapped the ground with her toes and her entire body flew lightly towards the small mountain. Her long robe fluttered with the wind with Immortal Qis.    


But Sui Guan was a little dumbfounded on the spot.    


"Why did you leave? Why didn't you stay and teach me how to cultivate?"    


Qiu Luan's cold voice came from afar.    


The cultivation technique I cultivate is exclusive to females, so there is nothing to guide you. I have already left the secret manual for you. You have to take care of yourself. If you want to leave, just call me up the mountain."    


Time passed slowly in Two Elements Immortal Realm. Sui Guan was able to calm down and slowly choose the secret manuals. Although there was no food here, when he was thirsty, he would drink two mouthfuls of fine jade liquid. When he was hungry, he would grab a handful of grass on the ground. These were all Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasuress, so he was not worried about starving to death.    


Qiu Luan had left behind a lot of secret manuals. Among them, internal energy was the method to allow people to cultivate, refining Immortal Qis into their own body for their own use. Immortal techniques were the method to use Immortal Qis to attack. There was also a large pile of unorthodox things that had opened Sui Guan's eyes.    


"Five Elements Eight Trigrams Calculating Marriage," "Embroidery Elementary Teaching," "Tea Classic," three hundred gourmet foods, "" Spirit Beast Communication, "etc.    


These books were very suitable for a girl like Qiu Luan, but they were not very valuable to Sui Guan.    


In the end, after thinking about it, he chose an inner force skill called" Qi Integration Scroll. "This skill was the most moderate and peaceful. Although it was not the best inner force skill, it was the most suitable for newcomers like Sui Guan.    


As for the immortal skill, he chose the King Kong Finger skill. According to the secret manual, this skill could gather Immortal powers at the tip of one's finger and send them into the intersection of the enemy's meridians, destroying the circulation of the enemy's vital energy. It was somewhat similar to the legendary acupoints.    


However, this King Kong Finger was more overbearing. There was no way to remove the acupoints. After being touched, one could only wait in pain for the vital energy in one's body to slowly recover.    


As for the unorthodox, Sui Guan chose the Identification of Immortal Cultivation Magic Treasures. He could roughly determine whether the cultivation resources were good or bad through the specific characteristics. It included Immortal Soldier Scrolls. Magic Scrolls, Pill Scrolls, and Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures Scrolls. Sui Guan only gave it a quick glance. He was dumbfounded. There were some things described in the ancient legends of Huaxia. He had received a materialistic education since he was young. He had always thought that myths and legends were just the imagination of the ancient people, but today he found out that they really existed.    


After all, Sui Guan had made up his mind to make a purchasing agent of mortal world in the future. When he wanted to exchange it for the treasures of Immortal World, his ability to distinguish things was essential.    


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