Temptation of Beauty



2Song Chun'er was startled and quickly shook off Zhang Qiang's hand.    


A trace of heartache flashed through Zhang Qiang's heart. It seems that sister-in-law knows about this matter?    


"Qiangzi, your brother should have told you already. There's nothing wrong with his body ?"    


As Song Chun'er spoke, the corners of her eyes actually turned slightly red. "We can carry babies."    


Zhang Qiang's heart ached even more. This meant that he wouldn't be able to get close to his sister-in-law anymore?    


"I-I understand."    


At this moment, Zhang Qiang really wanted to tell Song Chun'er about Zhang Long's cheating. As long as he took out his phone's video, Song Chun'er would believe it immediately.    


But could he really do that? If he did, the house would be gone.    


After hesitating for a while, Zhang Qiang finally did not say anything.    


Song Chun'er felt very sad in her heart. Especially when she saw Zhang Qiang's disappointed expression, she felt that she had let him down. However, she couldn't betray her husband.    


Zhang Qiang went out gloomily. He wandered around outside for an entire day before finally returning home.    


Before Zhang Long returned home, he asked, "Mom, where's my brother?"    


"Your brother went to eat with his comrades in the factory. He'll be back a bit later."    


Zhang Qiang nodded as he continued eating. Occasionally, he would glance at Song Chun'er.    


It was as if there was something in his heart that kept his sister-in-law in the dark.    


In the middle of the night, Zhang Long shakily returned. Zhang Qiang was standing in the yard and peeing when he saw his brother.    


He walked over to help her up and suddenly saw that Zhang Long had a big lipstick on his face. His body was emitting a strong perfume that was exactly the same as Li Qian's smell.    


He was immediately angered. Zhang Long and Li Qian were still connected?!    


He dragged Zhang Long out of the courtyard and asked, "Brother, where did you go?"    


"I'm going for a drink with my comrade ?"    


"Still pretending, did you go look for Li Qian?!"    


Zhang Long was so shocked that he woke up from his stupor.    


"Qiangzi, how ? how did you know about this?"    


Zhang Qiang sneered, "I still have your video. Do you believe that I can show it to my sister-in-law?"    


Zhang Long panicked, "Qiangzi, Li Qian and I, we've been cut off since a long time ago!"    


Zhang Long pleaded as he cried, "Qiang Zi, it's me, you bastard!" "I know I was wrong. I will definitely treat your sister-in-law well. You must not tell your sister-in-law!"    


After listening for a long time, Zhang Qiang suspiciously asked, "Really?"    


"Really, I swear to God!"    


Zhang Qiang loosened his grip on Zhang Long's collar, "Let me know that you treat my sister-in-law badly, I'll immediately show her the video!"    


Zhang Long hurried back to his room, but Zhang Qiang was still worried.    


What if that woman Li Qian pestered him again? This woman was afraid of nothing, and would probably want the entire village to know of her shameful act!    


Zhang Qiang raised his head and let out a long sigh. He was truly worried!    


Zhang Long still had some lingering fear as he slipped back into the house. He wiped his face and silently cursed Zhang Qiang, this little bastard!    


Song Chun'er was sleeping on the brick bed. She was wearing a small jacket, and her pale legs were exposed.    


Perhaps it was because he had never done it on Li Qian, but Zhang Long's interest was piqued again as he stepped forward to grope for Song Chun'er.    


Song Chun'er woke up, her pretty face red. "You're annoying. Why are you so late?!"    


"Hehe, of course it's to do something interesting."    


Song Chun'er felt an itch on her body. "Don't do it this late, hmm ?"    


Zhang Long ignored her and quickly stripped off Song Chuner's clothes and covered her delicate body with them.    




Song Chun'er's legs were wide open and her rosy lips were slightly open as she continuously let out muffled groans. However, she actually didn't feel much about them.    


She had been married to Zhang Long for three years. They had been married countless times on this kang, and at the beginning, they were filled with passion. This had provoked her to the point that her legs had gone limp. It was unknown when Zhang Long had started to do things so fiercely that she could not muster up any interest.    


She sometimes wondered if Zhang Long had lost interest in her and found other women outside.    


She couldn't help but think of Zhang Qiang. Every time she was with him, it would make her feel as if her body was on fire, igniting her burning desire.    


In front of her, Zhang Long's face seemed to have been replaced by a strong man's. Song Chun'er recalled everything that had happened between the two of them and still felt a strong sense of excitement from her body.    


She suddenly had a feeling. "Ah, hubby, that's great ?"    


She could not help but shout out loud. Hearing this, Zhang Long's movements became even more diligent.    


The two of them tossed and turned for the better part of the night before they finally fell asleep. Song Chun'er felt ashamed and embarrassed at the same time.    


Her husband had already come back. She should have taken care of him, so why was she thinking about Zhang Qiang now?    


That night, Song Chun'er slept very soundly.    


The next day, Tian Xiuxiang happily pulled Zhang Qiang over to her. "Qiangzi, the money you've earned from college is coming to fruition!"    


Zhang Qiang was astonished. Previously, his family said that they could not afford the tuition fees, but now they wanted to stop him from studying. Why did they suddenly get rich again?    


"Your sister-in-law has been taken over and has been given quite a bit of money. When the money is taken away, you can go to school!"    


Zhang Qiang was stunned for a moment before he sneered. He suddenly understood the reason behind Zhang Long's change in attitude!    


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