Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C644 Monster Hunter

C644 Monster Hunter



The sound of water splashing could be heard. There was a Six Legged Beast with a transparent cover on top of its head. It slowly walked out of a small lake.    


"A hunting ground..."    


Du Kang looked around and nodded to himself.    


The vegetation was dense and there was also a clean water source. This meant that this area could feed many creatures. In addition, the air quality was good... good?    


Looking at the flashing runes on the underwater breathing device, Du Kang thought he was seeing things.    


The underwater breathing device was a creation of the shrimp people, so when evaluating the surrounding environment, it would naturally be calculated according to the standards of the shrimp people. However, the air quality in the eyes of the prawns was excellent...    


The environment of the hunting ground could be said to be surprisingly good.    


Du Kang took off his helmet and took a deep breath. He actually had a feeling that his entire body was relaxed.    


This hunting ground was very suitable for the survival of large creatures.    


For the convenience of hunting, Du Kang used the Prawn Man Incarnation. As the only incarnation that could carry the power of runes, the prawn incarnation was often very convenient. But if he had known that the hunting ground's environment was so good, he would have listened to Nyarlathotep and drove his main body over for a walk.    


Since he was already here, it would be embarrassing to go back on his word. He might as well see what was in the hunting ground first.    


Waving his limbs, Du Kang easily opened up a path in the forest. The current situation reminded him of the time when he helped the shrimp people do things. At that time, he also walked through the relatively primitive forest like this, swinging his limbs to open up a path.    


Although the current feeling made Du Kang somewhat nostalgic, Du Kang's attention was more focused on the movements around him. With his style, of course he wouldn't do something like "hiding in the dark and shooting light spears" or something like that. He only needed to charge forward and slash - - - but the prerequisite of all this was that he had to find his prey first.    




Until now, he had not found any prey.    


"What's going on..."    


After hanging the underwater breathing device on his back, Du Kang stretched out the spikes on his limbs.    


The surrounding environment was indeed very quiet.    


But it was too quiet.    


Rather than saying that this was the silence of the forest itself, it was more like something was plowing through this place carefully. On the surface, there was nothing wrong with it. However, this region had long been explored clean.    


There was no valuable information.    


Shaking his head, Du Kang extended his left claw and took out a handful of powder from his back and sprinkled it on the ground.    


This powder was what he wanted from Nyarlathotep. He heard that it was used to search for the footprints left by the monsters in the hunting ground. The powder was green and had some fluorescence. As the powder drifted away, footprints emitting green light soon appeared on the ground.    




Looking at the footprints on the ground, Du Kang pondered for a moment.    


Judging from the shape of the footprints, it should be a hoof rather than a claw. This also meant that the prey that left the footprints was 70% likely to be a herbivorous creature. The footprint was not small. The footprint that left behind this footprint should be a size bigger than his footprint. This meant that the prey's size would definitely not be small.    


Du Kang, who hadn't hunted like this for many years, was familiar with the direction the prey was heading in.    


This feeling of hunting made Du Kang miss it, but he quickly put down these meaningless feelings and walked towards the depths of the forest.    


The process of finding prey itself was a type of enjoyment.    




"The process of finding prey itself is a type of enjoyment."    


In the forest, a figure carrying a large saber on his back proudly said something that sounded very heroic.    


However, no matter how the sword-bearing figure posed, his words were merely cold words in the ears of the exhausted teammates.    


"Find... Where to find?"    


A figure with two short blades at his waist complained gloomily.    


"We've been looking for the wrong place since the beginning. Where did the Rockjaw Dragon come from in the forest? Isn't that thing usually found in the desert or in the mountains? How is it possible here..."    


" It is indeed possible. "    


A strong figure could not help but say. The broadsword was hanging on his back like a heavy boulder.    


"Monsters will indeed live in places they are familiar with, but there is another situation where they will leave their familiar places and head to a new place..."    


"Yes, the monsters will fight for territory."    


The figure carrying a large blade nodded.    


"Although the battle is quite intense, the loser usually has the life to escape. These monsters, who have lost their territory and lost a lot of strength, can only choose to stay in some unfamiliar places. After a while... this is also the reason why we came here. "    


" You mean... "    


The figure with the twin blades on his waist seemed to have thought of something.    


"That's right."    


The figure with the large blade on his back nodded.    


"I've received news that there will be a Rockjaw Dragon that has lost in the territorial competition here... The Rockjaw Dragon that has lost a lot of its strength just happens to be a monster that we can deal with. Otherwise, do you really think that I would be stupid enough to come here and throw my life away? "    


"I don't care if I die or not."    


The figure with the greatsword on his back shook his head.    


"Compared to that, I am more concerned about how to distribute the ingredients on the Rockjaw Dragon... Let me put it this way. I must have the tail of the Rockjaw Dragon because I really need a new sword. This sword is becoming more and more useless."    


"I want the horn and scale."    


The figure with two blades at his waist also voiced his request.    


"If there's no scale, then forget it. But I must get that pair of horns."    


"What a coincidence, I don't even want what you want."    


The figure carrying the broadsword smiled.    


"Then we won't have any disputes... Wait, wait. Did we miss one? "    


"I want the spine."    


A figure carrying a large bow suddenly appeared.    


"I'm also in a hurry"    


"Then the rest will be mine."    


The figure carrying the large saber smiled.    


"Alright, everyone's needs do not conflict. Later when we fight monsters, please cooperate with us."    


"Got it"    


The other three figures responded in low voices. However, whether it was their lazy tone or their walking posture, it deeply exposed the fact that these people were not motivated at all.    


"Hey, hey, hey, it can't be. It's just a Rockjaw Dragon. ... Alright."    


The figure carrying the large saber smiled bitterly.    


" Indeed. One Rockjaw Dragon is still too dangerous for us. Even if we are injured, we might not be able to defeat it... but we should be able to work harder, right?"    


" Oh. "    


The other three figures did not seem to care about him at all.    


"You guys... wait!"    


The figure carrying a large blade quickly called out to his teammates to stop.    


"In front! The one in front is the Rockjaw Dragon!"    


"Is that so?"    


Hearing the rare good news, the other three figures finally perked up.    


"The hunt begins."    


'Reborn in Japan, unparalleled in Paranormal dramas' - Black Robed Demon    


This was what happened.    


In a group of authors, I saw Uncle Fu, who wrote Red Dragon, suddenly say that there was a book that was very beautiful, so I decided to give it a try. I found the book and read it. I finished reading it in one breath and forgot about the time.    


Then there was the current chapter.    


Excluding the name of the book that looked like a prank, this book was unexpectedly to my liking. Generally speaking, it was a story about a real, fierce man blowing up everything. It was very cool, and the author had some skill in telling stories as well. But because I'm too tired right now, I don't have much drama to tell. Those who are interested can go to Kang Kang's book, it's really good to be able to read.    


Since I'm about to fall asleep, I won't waste any more time, I'll just throw it away:    


[I am reborn in Japan. I am Unparalleled in Paranormal dramas.] Author: The Black Robed Demon    


After being reborn as a Japanese high school student, he quickly discovered that demons, ghosts, and urban legends were regarded as strange existences by people. They weren't far away from us - the campus's Seven Unbelievable, the ban on pulling out the number, the elevator game that leads to the dimensional zones, the hide-and-seek that attracts death...    


Witnessing the evil shadows that grew in the darkness, he knew about the strange curse that was entrenched in an unknown place. He was angry that he could not do anything about his own body. For this, he clenched his fists and walked on the path of gradually becoming stronger.    




Then, mr. Fang Jing, what do you think about how you ignored the fundamental rules of the paranormal horror series and insisted on having sex with Wushuang in the paranormal horror series?    


You're asking me what I think? Come, come, come, please don't stand so far away. Come closer... Rip you! Ou La Ou La Ou La Oula-la Oula-la Oula-la!    


- - -that's my view, you guys got blown up because of that. There's only one reason, and that's because you guys pissed me off.    


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