Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C635 Teach People a Lesson

C635 Teach People a Lesson

2The Iron Knights on their warhorses waved the heavy flagpoles in their hands, bringing with them a rain of blood.    


Although she had some doubts about that strange sharp-eared tiger, but Na didn't forget that she was still on the battlefield. Although the defensive capabilities of the Milan armor that she had spent a lot of money on were good, if she stayed in place for a long time without moving, she would die.    


There was no time to be distracted on the battlefield. The main topic here was the battle itself.    




Once again, she used the flagpole to blow away several Burgundy soldiers in front of her, making Na raise her head and shout.    


"I am invincible! Kill!"    




The guards who had followed Na to participate in the surprise attack agreed excitedly.    


No matter how many times they saw it, the inhumane power that "Holy Maiden" displayed was still shocking enough.    


With this person, he could fight against a thousand soldiers.    


Under the leadership of such a figure, what was there to be afraid of?    


They only needed to enjoy the battle itself.    


"Victory! Ten thousand victories!"    


The guards who had lost their spears in the first charge drew their swords from their waists. The steel reflected light was so dazzling at this moment.    


Feeling the overwhelming aura coming from the guards, na raised the flagpole in her hand high up.    


Just as she expected, the morale had been completely raised.    


At this moment, this cavalry team of less than a hundred people had already condensed into a steel blade.    


A knife was meant to kill.    


This battlefield had already completely belonged to her.    


"France will win!"    


The flagpole waved, blasting a British soldier who wanted to turn around and run away until his brain burst.    






A deep male voice rang in Na's ears, speaking fluent French.    


"Don't tell me you only know this kind of war method?"    


... "Who?"    


Na was stunned for a moment. She was actually unable to follow the guards to rush forward.    


"It's actually enough to steadily push forward at this time. If you continue to chase after them relentlessly, it will instead cause the enemy to choose to turn back and fight with all their might. Many of your subordinates will die in vain... Didn't teacher teach you this?"    


" Who! "    


Picking up the flagpole, na looked around.    


However, she did not find any suspicious figures.    


"When you're trying to capture the enemy, you need to concentrate, but as long as the enemy doesn't pay attention to you, you'll be able to avoid the feeling..."    


The deep male voice once again rang in Na's ears.    


However, na still couldn't find the source of the voice.    


What was even stranger was that in the entire battlefield, no one seemed to have found the source of the voice.    


It was as if... Other than her, no one else had any signs of hearing it. The French, the British, and the Burgundians waved their swords and spears, pulling their longbows and crossbows. They had long been completely immersed in the battle. Their only thought in their minds was to take the lives of their enemies.    


Other than that, there was nothing else.    




The deep male voice sounded again.    


"Did teacher not teach you this?"    


"Old... teacher?"    


Na's heart skipped a beat.    


For some reason, she thought of the Black Armor that called itself "Gondor."    


"Actually, the teacher has already taught you."    


In the battlefield in front of them, a man in a black robe was walking through.    


He strolled casually, as if he was not walking on a battlefield full of broken limbs and bloody corpses, but walking in a solemn palace, or on a field in the autumn.    


The people on the battlefield were still fighting bravely, but not a single one of them attacked the black-robed man.    


It was as if he did not exist in this world.    


Facing the Iron Knight who was holding the flagpole, the black-robed man shrugged.    


"It's just that you don't understand."    




Scanning the black-robed man in front of her, na fell silent.    


The man's appearance and skin color were really too special. He didn't look like an English or French. There was also such a strange scene. ... Could it be that the Burgundians had hired mercenaries from somewhere?    


Towards these so-called "supernatural" things, na also had some understanding. After all, when she was young, she had fought wolfmen or something like Undead Knight. They had also displayed quite a number of magical powers. And now, it seemed like... Burgundians definitely felt that he could not deal with her on the battlefield, so he invited reinforcements.    


But, could reinforcements deal with her?    


"Who are you?"    


Letting Na raise the flagpole in her hand.    


"Since you're courting death, then leave your name..."    


"It doesn't matter who I am."    


Glancing at the flagpole in Rena's hand, the black-robed man shook his head helplessly. He casually picked up a spear shaft that was missing a sharp blade from the ground.    


"But since you want to fight, then use martial arts to talk."    


Martial arts would not lie in the face of life and death.    




Looking at the man's crooked spear stance, na widened her eyes.    


This... this person really knows how to use a spear?    


Doesn't he not even know how to use a stick?    




This was an insult.    


That sloppy posture of holding the spear seemed to be saying to her, "You don't even deserve to let me attack normally."    






Before she finished speaking, na had already urged her horse forward and swung the flagpole towards him.    


However, na didn't feel like she had hit anything.    


She had already flown up.    


"As she speaks, she attacks like a child fighting..."    


Retracting the lance in his hand, the black-robed man is still muttering.    


"So you still don't understand?"    




The sound of heavy landing could be heard.    


It caused Na's body to suddenly crash onto the ground.    


In her final consciousness, na once again heard that deep male voice.    


"You should grow up."    


Her vision darkened.    




Not far from the battlefield, a young man carrying a large saber was riding with a smug expression on his face. He was riding a Dragon-Li cat the size of a tiger, showing off his power.    


"Unhindered Tiger Mountain... Sigh!"    


Before the young man could react, the Dragon-Li cat threw him down and squatted on his body.    


"Meow ~"    


The civet cat seemed to feel that the cushion under its feet was not soft enough and even stepped on it a few times.    


"Sir, let go! I was wrong! You're my lord! "    


The young man, who was being stepped on by the cat, wailed as he patted the ground.    


"Come down quickly! I really didn't mean to... Hey! Master, save me!"    


" Save you for what? "    


The black-robed man who had just returned glanced at the young man with a frown and shook his head helplessly.    


"Stop messing around. Get up and leave."    


"Ah? Is the fight over?"    


The young man turned around and crawled out from under the cat's paw. He didn't look embarrassed at all.    


"How's the opponent?"    


"Nothing much."    


The black-robed man sighed.    


"I thought that he was teacher's new disciple, but in the end, he's just a child who hasn't grown up at all... It's not interesting at all."     0


"Is that so..."    


The young man once again placed the large saber on his shoulder.    


"Then let's go and find something interesting."    




The black-robed man nodded.    


"Let's go."    




"By the way, master, have you noticed that you've been talking more and more recently?"    


"Have you?"    


"Of course I have. Master, you... how should I put it? It's like you have to go up and chop anyone you see, at least you look like a human now. "    


" Is that so... "    


"... Master, why aren't you saying anything? Master, don't scare me! I was wrong!"    


"You're right, kid.    


So you can carry the axe. "    


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