Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C616 Freshmen

C616 Freshmen

3After a brief clamor, the war finally came to an end.     2


Although everything was running as per what Na had learned, na still did not have a great victory like a historical one. Instead, after driving away the British, she chose to end it hastily.    


It was only because one of her soldiers was injured.    


"What's going on?"    


After confirming that it was safe, na got off the horse and checked the wounds on the veteran's body.    


"No, nothing..."    


The veteran, who was grimacing in pain, subconsciously stretched out his hand and pressed on the wound on his calf.    


"That Brit suddenly turned around and risked his life. It was just a bite. ... Sir, why did you stop?! We were clearly going to..."    


" We can't stop anymore... You can rest in peace and recover from your injuries. "    


Letting Na sigh, she did not say anything else.    


It was indeed impossible to continue.    


The combat technique that Na had learned was not meant for infantry, but for heavily armored cavalry with strong impact. - - -but how could she possibly have any heavy-armored cavalry? She could only pull some infantry to make up the numbers.    


There were hundreds of old, weak, sick, and disabled people in the camp, so Na had only brought over a hundred people in the end. Although this number was barely enough, it was still enough. It was still very dangerous. With hundreds of weak and old British soldiers chasing them away, if they were not careful, they would be swallowed up. Letting Na herself be in no great danger... But the veterans that she brought with her might not be the case.    


After all, she had promised to bring these veterans back safely.    


Not to mention that it was not entirely without trouble for Na Na. If these veterans were to die in the hands of the English Army... She wouldn't have any good results either. By killing her subordinates, the English Army would accumulate enough confidence. She would then turn around and continue to fight with her - when she was surrounded by the English Army, it would be very difficult for her to escape. The moment she ran out of energy would be the moment she died.    


So, since someone had already been injured... She asked Na to stop fighting.    


Someone had been injured. This meant that the British had already survived the initial panic and had chosen to fight with their lives on the line. If they continued to fight, there wouldn't be any benefits. Instead, they would suffer a great loss.    


After all, she only had a few subordinates under her command now. There were only 100 of them.    


This reason made Na unable to explain it to her subordinates. - - - the main reason was that even if she explained it, she wouldn't be able to explain it clearly. Na felt that it was impossible for these soldiers to understand what she was saying with just a few words, so she simply did not say anything.    


But with Na's current status, even if she didn't say anything, the soldiers under her would still come up with a set of excuses.    


"Old Boris, you're lucky this time."    


A soldier secretly glanced at Rena, who was walking towards the distant city gate, and then patted the wounded soldier's thigh.    


"Sir is a good man. In order to keep you alive... I don't even want your military exploits... You have to pray for Sir properly in the future. "    


" I'm only lightly injured! Minor injuries!"    


The wounded soldier whose calf had been pierced opened his eyes wide.    


"She gave up her chance just now! We should have gotten even greater results! But she gave up her chance! The leader of the women..."    




The soldier slapped Old Boris' wound.    


"What did you say? Do you really think you'll live if I leave you on the battlefield? The Lord is willing to stop and wait for you, but you still complain? Really..."    


" Enough, stop arguing. "    


A soldier carrying a sword pulled the two sides apart from each other.    


"We've already won, why are we still arguing? Stop talking. The city gate is already open. Prepare to enter the city. "    


" Oh? Is the city gate open?"    


Looking at the city gate that was opened on the city wall in the distance, all of these old and weak people were overwhelmed with emotions.    


The city gates opened.    


The city gate of Orleans opened.    


This city, which had been besieged by English Army for nearly half a year, finally opened its gates to them.    


That's right, they were the abandoned children. They were once a company. They couldn't even enter the battlefield, but now, they finally had a new name.    


They were heroes.    


Heroes who had saved the Orleans.    






Glancing at the strong woman on the street not far away, who was being passionately supported by the people of Orleans, and the flag in her hand, Baron Laval, who was holding a wine glass, couldn't help but sigh.    


Hero, this was a true hero. A hundred people against a thousand troops. This was an unimaginable battle result, but the other party had done it forcefully. Besides a person whose calf had been struck by a spear, the others had not even been injured before.    


It had been two days since the chaotic war, and Baron Laval had already replayed the battle. But no matter how Baron Laval replayed the battle, the result would not work. No one could use hundreds of soldiers to fight against a team that was dozens of times stronger than themselves, but not only did they fight, but they also fought an epic battle like this. It made Baron Laval feel like he was living in a dream.    


After all, even the ancient epic that was famous for its nonsense could not be so ruthless.    


Of course, Baron Laval did not come here to know what was going on. He still had more important things to do.    


For example...    


"Duke Allen, General Rahel, you two saw it too."    


Looking at the two burly men sitting opposite of him, Baron Laval spread out his hands.    


"Last time you didn't listen to me, but you went straight into the British pocket. If it wasn't for this woman suddenly appearing... We would have already died under the city of Olly... Wait? Don't tell me you really think that the British are going to follow the rules, so they captured you and brought you back with good food and drinks?"    




Duke Allen and General Rahel fell silent.    


Indeed, the English Army's performance this time was completely different from the past. They didn't seem to have any intention of capturing the captives. Instead, they were even more determined to kill.    


"The British are finishing up..."    


Baron Laval sighed.    


"This war has been going on for too long, too long. The British have been wanting to solve this problem for a long time. You have only given them a chance. "    




Duke Allen seemed to have thought of something. He raised his hand and pointed at Rena, who was not far away.    


"We also have a chance."    




Baron Laval nodded.    


"But have you thought about how to seize this opportunity?"    




Duke Allen and General Rahel fell into silence once again.    


"You guys..."    


Baron Laval sighed helplessly.    


"Okay, okay, okay. I'll talk to them. I'll talk to them, okay? But let's make this clear first. After I talk about the terms here, the two of you better not drag me down. Otherwise, no one will feel good about it."    


"Then thank you for your help"    


Duke Allen and General Rahel expressed their gratitude repeatedly.    


"I'm fine..."    


Baron Laval waved his hand indifferently.    


It just so happened that he also wanted to know who this woman who rode a broken army on her own was.    


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