Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C609 Listen to Your Teacher(5)

C609 Listen to Your Teacher(5)

2Let Na Dalk... Rolin's Holy Maiden?    


After carefully reading the document in his hands twice, Charlie confirmed that the name written on it was indeed "Let Na - Dalk."    




Observing the strong figure kneeling on one knee in front of him, Charlie did not recover for a moment.    


Holy Maiden did not put Holy Maiden to the side first. This person... was really a woman?    


That's right, her voice was indeed very similar to a woman's. If it was her appearance... Fine, the other party took off his hood. Her appearance was indeed very delicate and pretty. But what was with that head of short hair? And this sturdy body, was she really a woman?    


Not many men were this strong, right?    


"Your Highness, she is Holy Maiden from Rolin."    


The attendant, who noticed that the atmosphere was not quite right, introduced her with his back facing Lin Na. He gave Charlie, who was sitting on the throne, a crazy look.    


"Your Highness, do you have any orders?"    


"Oh? Oh!"    


Charlie came back to his senses and smiled stiffly.    


"Holy Maiden of Rolin, right? What's wrong with your blood?"    


"Your Highness, I was discovered by the British on my way here from Vokule."    


Letting Na briefly explain the situation.    


"But fortunately, god bless me, so I still came to Shinon."    




Looking at Anna's strong body, What happened?    


"God's blessing..."    


This time, Charlie could not even laugh.    


He had come out of the territory of the British. Which god was protecting him? God of War?    


While Charlie was hesitating, rena, who had already stood up, could not wait to speak.    


Rena could clearly see that the other party was starting to panic. Although she didn't know why it was like this, this was undoubtedly the best opportunity to negotiate.    


She took a deep breath and let Na recall the teachings "Mr. Gondor" had taught her.    




"If you really want to use this opportunity, then never mention revenge. Although hatred exists, it can't be exposed. If you really want to convince people, then you need to make some positive slogans... However, since you have already chosen to pretend to be a fraud, you might as well go deeper into the slogans. For example..."    




" Your Highness, I have come here to uphold the will of God. "    


The words that the Black Armor had once said came out of Na Na's mouth. It was slow, but it was powerful.    


"God wants me to come here to expel the British. He wants me to save France."    




Charlie let out a breath.    


Indeed, it was no different from other so-called "Saints," or "Holy Maiden.,.," after meeting, the slogan would definitely be loud enough to shake the sky. As for after that... Ha.    


This... woman? Although she was very strong and looked rather difficult to deal with, it was still nothing much.    


"Then, how are you going to save France?"    


Charlie, who had recovered from his shock, narrowed his eyes.    


If this woman could not give him a satisfactory answer, he did not mind sending her to the stake.    


After all, although he had not ascended the throne yet, he was not a foolish man or woman who could be easily deceived. He wanted to use the method of deceiving the civilians to deceive...    


"Let you be crowned as king, your Highness"    


"Oh... Hm?"    


Charlie was stunned.    


What... did he just hear?    


"I will make you crowned as king, and crown you as king in Lance Cathedral."    


In the face of Charlie's doubt, not only did Na not show any fear, she even raised her head and looked directly into Charlie's eyes.    


In her mind, the roar of chaos was still lingering.    




"Once the slogan is out, it will be time for actual negotiations. If I take it in advance, I will give it to you first. If I want to take something from the other party, I'll give it to you first. 'You can't just take it from him. ' What did you say? Give the other party some benefits?"    


The pitch-black armor looked at Rena in surprise.    


"Do you need me to teach you this? Think about it yourself."    




Do I need to think about it?    


From the moment she had chosen Charlie as her goal, she had already known what Charlie lacked.    




If Charlie could not be crowned in Lance Cathedral, he would not be recognized even if he ascended the throne. If he could not move into Paris, no one would treat Charlie as the king of France - but to do all of this, he had to first face the British soldiers lingering on this land.    


In a sense, what Charlie needed and what Na wanted to do were actually the same.    




"I will remove the crisis in Orleans, and I will reclaim the land that I have lost. As the sharp sword of France, I will chase all of the British out of France. But if I want to do all of this... "    


" I need an army. "    


Na once again knelt on one knee.    


"As long as His Highness can give me an army, you can be crowned as king in Lance this year."    


The voice that was like a clear spring flowed into Charlie's ears, but it carried a steely determination.    




Looking at the strong figure in front of him and the blood on his body, Charlie narrowed his eyes.    


He could somewhat understand why his servant would protect this woman.    


Such strength was completely different from those pretentious "Saints" in the past. If he was a general... perhaps he could really have some effect.    


It was not a bad thing to treat it as a game of chess.    


"There will be an expedition to rescue Orleans soon. You can participate in it."    


Charlie thought for a while and gave an answer.    


"But before that, you need to accept some tests. Since you said you are Holy Maiden, then this is the necessary procedure. You have no objections, right? "    


" No objections, your Highness. "    


Letting Na gently shake her head.    


When they were in the middle of the Remy Tower, na had already used the so-called "testing Holy Maiden" method from the priest's mouth a long time ago. It was just a small scene, but it was nothing to her.    


"It's good that you can understand it... Then the military expenses will take care of themselves. You have no objections, right?"    


Charlie lowered his head with a face full of shame.    


"Because of the successive years of war, the national treasury is empty. There is no money to support you to build a new..."    


"No. ... Objection, your Highness. "    


Letting Na hesitate for a moment before lowering her head.    


The exchange of interests was nothing more than bargaining. Mr. Gondor had already taught her this. Letting Na know was very clear that it was already a pretty good result to be able to fight for the identity of going out to war. As for letting the royal family be in charge of the military expenses... these were just words.    


"But... Your Highness, I also have a request."    




Charlie raised his eyebrows.    




"I need a spear, your Highness."    


Recalling Mr. Gondor's teachings, na Na bowed to Charlie.    


"I don't need anything else."    


"Riding a spear?"    


Charlie looked at Rena in surprise.    


He thought it would be some incredible request, but this was it?    


"You go." Charlie waved his hand at the servant, "Give me a few more good riding spears..."    


"Your Highness, those are too light for me."    


Letting Na shake her head.    


"I need something heavier, which is also why I requested it from Your Highness."    


"Something heavier?"    


Charlie really did not know what Na was thinking this time.    


Ride the spear... and make it heavier?    


"What exactly do you want?"    


"I want..."    


Letting Na think for a moment, she raised her hand and pointed towards the outside of the castle.    


"That will do."    




Although Charlie was prepared for the question, he was still shocked when the other party pointed it out.    



It was one of the two flags standing at the entrance of the castle.    


Strictly speaking, this thing was indeed riding a spear. As a sign of martial power, there was indeed a sharp spear tip at the top of the flagpole - - - but this thing could not be used as riding a spear. The crossbar at the top of the flagpole made it convenient for the family coat of arms to hang, but because of this, the terrible center of gravity caused this thing to completely say goodbye to the battle.    


In fact, the only function of this thing was to let strong guards carry it when they went out to announce the existence of the coat of arms owner.    


Those muscular men carrying this would be too tiring, but this woman actually said she wanted to use this thing to fight...    




Charlie was so scared that he almost fell on his butt.    


In his line of sight, the woman who was stronger than a man had already walked to the door and grabbed the flagpole in her hand, dancing like a tiger.    


It was as easy as playing with a wooden stick.    




"Negotiation is a negotiation, but showing off your strength is also a necessary thing"    




Recalling the teachings of "Mr. Gondor," Na's waving of the flag became more and more powerful.    


But it was also true that ordinary weapons were indeed too light for her. This flag in her hands was somewhat similar.    


However, lu Na, who was familiarizing herself with the weapon, did not know that Charlie, who was on the throne, was almost scared out of his wits by her.    


Charlie, who was immersed in fear, felt a trace of excitement when he saw the inhuman strength that Lu Na displayed.    


This woman...    


Perhaps she could really save France.    


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