Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C383 Yin Yang Master End

C383 Yin Yang Master End

0Even though he was already killing with all his might, Du Kang was still a step too late.    


The magnificent mansion was already filled with corpses, broken spears could be seen everywhere. Broken flesh was everywhere, and blood formed a river. The courtyard that looked like an asura hell seemed to be silently telling how terrifying the power of a Yin-Yang Master's all-out attack was.    


A man named Abeino Seimei stood in this bloody battlefield with half a spear in his hand. The white hunting clothes had long been filled with fresh blood. They were dyed dark red. The black hat on his head also disappeared, and his long black hair fell down. It made him look like an evil ghost. The only thing that didn't change was that calm fox face.    


There was also the talisman that covered his face.    


Looking at Abeino Seimei who still had his eyes closed, Du Kang sighed. He lifted his hand and removed the talisman from Abeino Seimei's forehead.    


Abeino Seimei was already dead.    


There were no external injuries, and his internal organs had not suffered any impact. It was just that his brain had been turned into a paste by a huge force through his skull. Combined with the talisman in his hand, Du Kang came to a conclusion that he could not believe.    


After Abeino Seimei killed all the rioters, not only did he not choose to leave, he even killed himself on the spot.    


How is this possible?    


Du Kang had some understanding of Abeino Seimei. Although this kid was actually a gloomy person, this was only because of his life experiences. He hadn't fallen into a situation where he would commit suicide. But now... why did this kid commit suicide?    


It must be fake.    


That's right, Abeino Seimei had the bloodline of a fox demon after all. If that Nine-Tailed Fox could fake death and escape from life, Abeino Seimei had no reason not to.    


"Wake up, qing Ming."    


Du Kang smiled and patted Abeino Seimei's shoulder.    






The stiff corpse fell to the ground with a dull thud.    


Du Kang's hand froze.    


"Qing Ming. Stop pretending, get up. " Du Kang withdrew his palm in embarrassment, "It's meaningless to scare people like this..."    


There was no reaction from the stiff corpse.    


The man named Abeino Seimei was indeed dead.    


He leaned over and helped the dead body up. He carried the dead body with his black armor and walked towards the two remaining pure lands in the courtyard.    


Those were two translucent Barrier.    


He didn't care about the Barrier that had locked up a group of humans. Du Kang walked straight towards the Barrier where the two fox demons were.    


The fox demon named Geh Ye had returned to the appearance of a middle-aged woman, but she had already fainted a long time ago. Only her faint breathing and heartbeat proved that she was still alive. The fox demon girl named Hong still had her consciousness, but her pretty face was already covered with tears.    


"What's going on?"    


Du Kang pointed at Abeino Seimei's corpse in his hand.    


Du Kang only spoke through the Barrier. He did not open the Barrier rashly. After all, Geh Ye and Hong had just been frightened. If they were to be washed away by the smell of blood in the courtyard, they would probably lose their lives on the spot.    


"Kang, Mr. Kang?"    


A trace of spirit appeared in her empty eyes. The fox demon girl, who was immersed in grief, looked at the Black Armor in front of her. For some reason, she regained some of her rationality.    


"It's me."    


Du Kang nodded.    


"What's going on?"    


"They!" The fox demon girl angrily pointed at the Barrier beside her. "They! Mr. Kang! It's all them! They... "    




Du Kang glanced at the humans hiding in the Barrier.    


Looking at the ghostly fire, the frightened humans did not even dare to breathe.    


"It's fine, speak slowly." Du Kang comforted the fox demon girl, "What happened to them?"    


"They, they said..." The fox demon girl sobbed, "They said Qing, big Brother Qing Ming is the fox demon's son!"    


"Mm... Hmm?"    


Du Kang looked at the humans in the other Barrier in surprise.    


How did these humans know about Abeino Seimei's background?    


Du Kang knew about Abeino Seimei's cautiousness. Regarding the fact that he was a half-demon, Abeino Seimei hid it very well. Except for Abeino Seimei himself. Also, he had once helped Abeino Seimei hide his family members. No one should know about this secret. Geh Ye and Hong would not be foolish enough to expose themselves. Then... where did these humans find out?    


"You guys."    


Stepping in front of another Barrier, the pitch-black armor let out a deep roar.    


"Who said those words just now?"    


"I didn't say it!" "I didn't say it!" "He said it! He said it!"    


The humans inside the barrier first denied it, then they started to identify each other. But just by looking at the panicked faces of these humans, Du Kang knew that they were just randomly looking for the most annoying person, and there was no credibility at all.    


Looking at the humans who were in chaos within the Barrier, Du Kang felt that it was funny for some reason.    


The Barrier clearly came from Abeino Seimei. Abeino Seimei had killed so many people and saved so many people, but these people were just a bunch of toys?    


"Who said that?"    


Du Kang simply took out a cigarette and lit it up.    


"I said it!"    


Perhaps he was provoked by Du Kang's arrogant look, a young man angrily stood up.    


"I said it! What's wrong?!"    


"You said it?"    


Du Kang spat out a mouthful of smoke.    


This young man was too reckless. He didn't seem like he could force Abeino Seimei to death.    


"Where did you find out?"    


"I..." The young man was stunned for a moment, then he immediately reacted, "I read it from a book! Why..."    


Before the young man could finish, the humans beside him hurriedly covered his mouth.    


"He didn't say it! He didn't say it!" A white-haired old man helped cover the young man's mouth as he turned around and smiled, "The person who said it already ran away. We are people from the Lower Mountain City. Those villains kidnapped us and threatened Lord Qing Ming... "    


"Let me go!" The youth struggled in the crowd, "That little fox called Abeino Seimei big brother just now! Abeino Seimei is a demon! He doesn't deserve to be a Yin-Yang Master!"    


" He... doesn't deserve to be a Yin Yang Master? "    


Du Kang sneered.    


He knew what had happened. Obviously, he didn't know which of these humans had exposed Abeino Seimei's background. Abeino Seimei, who had revealed his identity as a demi-demon, obviously did not choose to kill these so-called "innocent" humans to keep the secret. Instead, he chose to save his reputation by ending his own life.    


And now, these humans were actually saying that Abeino Seimei did not deserve to be a Yin Yang Master?    


Who did they think they were?    


"Don't be afraid of this demon!" The young man continued to shout, "Demons enter but not end..."    


- - Crack.    


The black armor raised a finger and the translucent Barrier instantly shattered, turning into light spots that filled the sky.    


A thick stench of blood rushed over. The hooting youth looked at the fiendish aura that was right in front of him. He was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, and there were faint traces of water seeping out from under his crotch. The group of humans were so frightened that they trembled, and there were even some who fainted.    


Looking at the unbearable appearance of these humans, Du Kang sighed and took back the two long swords that he had just taken out.    


Giving these humans a fair chance to die was too much of a praise for them.    


Since Abeino Seimei would rather die than kill these humans, he would respect Abeino Seimei's last wish and let them continue living.    


"Live well."    


Casually knocking on another Barrier, Du Kang left with the unconscious Geh Ye, the fox demon girl and Abeino Seimei's corpse.    


He didn't want to stay on this land any longer.    


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