Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C380 Yin Yang Master(1)

C380 Yin Yang Master(1)

0The law is a good thing.    


Du Kang did not think that the law was anything sacred. In fact, he did not recognize any so-called "sacred." The concept of sacredness itself was a false proposition. What was more, the law was just a manifestation of the collective will. It could not really take care of everything. This was the same in the civilized society in Du Kang's memory. However, Du Kang did not deny it. The law was indeed a good thing.    


At least the law had pointed out something that should not be done. It also gave both parties a chance to sit down and reason with each other.    


If there wasn't a law that could make everyone sit down and reason with each other, then both parties who had a dispute could only use knives to talk.    


This kind of situation was too common.    


"Puchi -"    


The sharp spear flew out of his hand like a bolt of lightning, nailing a young man who wanted to go around him to the ground. He grabbed another spear. The black armor waved his arm, and the sharp edge of the spear easily cut open the throats of two young men.    


Du Kang did not think that killing these young men who were not even considered militia would be a bad thing. Putting aside the fact that the people of R Country had nothing to do with him, just from the looks of these people, it could be seen that they didn't want to sit down and talk reason. Obviously, these humans wanted to use the weapons in their hands to talk.    


Using weapons to talk was much simpler than sitting down and reasoning - the winner would bear the consequences, and the loser would lose everything. Life and death depended on one's ability. The prawns' declaration of the duel made this point very clear. Although Du Kang did not think that these humans in front of him could understand the concept of "bearing the consequences," but if they did not even understand "losing everything," why did they pick up their weapons?    


Seeing the humans who were shouting "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva" and crazily rushing over to stab him with their spears, Du Kang felt a headache coming on.    


He had already killed 87 people. However, these humans still had no intention of retreating. They insisted on coming forward to die.    


It wasn't difficult to kill these humans. It was only a matter of time before Du Kang killed all these crazy humans, but that was only under his own circumstances. Now, he had Nurarihyon with him. A fox, and a group of little demons. Du Kang had to be distracted and take care of them. He wanted to prevent them from getting stabbed to death by the spears.    


After all, these humans had started to learn from him to throw javelins.    


"Hey! Nurarihyon! Can you still leave?"    


With a casual thrust of his spear, he knocked over a human who was charging at him. Du Kang took some time to glance at the dignified old man with his bare arms behind his back, as well as the white cloth between the old man's chest and abdomen that was bleeding.    


Nurarihyon's luck was really too bad. Originally, with his ghost-like movement technique, Nurarihyon was still able to freely move through the crowd. However, after the humans changed their way of attack, Nurarihyon was severely injured almost immediately. Nurarihyon, who was moving at a high speed, bumped into a long spear that was thrown at him. The sharp edge of the spear sliced through Nurarihyon's stomach diagonally.    


If it wasn't for his extraordinary physique as a demon, Nurarihyon might have become the first demon to fall in the hands of a human, and he would have committed suicide in such a strange way. However, even if he didn't die on the spot, Nurarihyon didn't have the strength to fight.    


However, Du Kang didn't need Nurarihyon's help. He only needed to make sure that Nurarihyon could still move.    


As for the battle...    




Du Kang turned his head and looked at the woman in brocade clothes who was standing at the side.    


"Kang Xian..."    


The demon named Mokichi hurriedly stood in front of the woman, but before he could finish his words, he was pushed to the side by Du Kang with his spear.    


"Two choices." Du Kang pointed at Nurarihyon and the little demons, "Either you bring them into the mountain, or I will kill you once more, and then I will bring them into the mountain myself."    


"Huh..." The woman pulled Mokichi, who was about to fall down, into her arms. She looked at Du Kang coldly and said, "Do I still have a choice?"    


"You can try to trick me a second time."    


After saying that, she swung the long spear in her black armor and cut a bloody path through the crowd.    


Waving the spear, Du Kang called the crowd in front of him and let out an undetectable sigh.    


Time was of the essence, so he could only temporarily entrust Nurarihyon and the little demons to the fox.    


Otherwise, if this continued, based on the degree of madness of these humans, the other two foxes that lived here would be finished off by these humans.    


Not to mention, the two foxes were not the only ones who might be in trouble.    


Du Kang raised his head and looked at the fiery light that streaked across the sky. The strength of Du Kang's brandishing of his spear increased even more.    


There was also Abeino Seimei...    




"Eliminate the demon! Eliminate the demon!"    


"Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha of the Southern Desolate Lands!"    


On top of the giant crimson bird in midair, Abeino Seimei's face sank as he listened to the heaven-shaking Buddhist proclamation.    


Ksitigarbha... If hell isn't empty, I swear I won't become Buddha?    


It was that idiot, Chidori.    


Abeino Seimei and Monk Chidori had met before. He admitted that Monk Chidori did have some ability, but Monk Chidori's idea was still too naive. In Abeino Seimei's opinion, the Pure Land in Monk Chidori's mind was simply impossible to exist in. Abeino Seimei, who cultivated the Yin Yang Dao, knew very well that this world wasn't purely black or white. The principle of 'too much is too much' and 'too little' was applicable no matter where it was. However, Abeino Seimei had underestimated Monk Chidori's stubbornness. In the end, the meeting ended on bad terms.    


But now it seemed that he had not only underestimated Monk Chidori's stubbornness, but also Monk Chidori's ability.    




Abeino Seimei was speechless as he looked at the fanatical rioters in the lower mountains.    


Chidori, is this what you want?    


After slightly identifying the direction, Abeino Seimei controlled the huge crimson bird and flew towards Geh Ye's residence.    


No matter what Monk Chidori did, he just wanted to keep his family safe.    




In another courtyard of Abeino Seimei, at the foot of the mountain.    


"What's going on!?"    


The middle-aged man named Kojiro drew his saber from his waist and slashed at the cherry tree in the courtyard.    


"Where is Abeino Seimei?"    


Kojiro's plan was well prepared. First, he told the people that Abeino Seimei, as a Great Yin Yang Master, allowed demons to live in the city. Then, he lured the people to attack Abeino Seimei's other courtyard. In the face of these next-door neighbors, if Abeino Seimei hesitated even a little bit, his own people who were mixed in with the people would take the opportunity to attack him.    


Now, the gate of the other courtyard had been broken, and the short wall had collapsed. The entire courtyard was filled with young men with spears, but Abeino Seimei was nowhere to be seen.    


There was a mistake in Sanpu Jie's information. Abeino Seimei was not here at all.    


Could it be that he had entered the city?    


Kojiro frowned.    


If Abeino Seimei had not come out of the city, then it would be...    


"Uncle Kojiro!"    


A young man with a spear rushed over.    


"Abeino Seimei has appeared!"    


"What?!" Kojiro suddenly looked up. "Where is he?"    


"A fox!" The young man with the spear pointed at them from afar. "They are with the two foxes!"    




Kojiro raised his eyebrows.    




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