Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C379 The Dust Has Settled

C379 The Dust Has Settled

1Peace Capital, guarding Path.    


"Run! Run!"    


The crazy Emperor of Japan was being held hostage by a man named Sanpu Yousuke and a few loyal subordinates who were frantically fleeing.    


Sanpu Yousuke still didn't know that the warriors had begun to attack - - he also didn't believe that these warriors would dare to attack. In his opinion, the power of tens of thousands of righteous people was not something the warriors could fight against. Otherwise, the warriors wouldn't have started to give in before the righteous people entered the capital and promised not to stop them.    


Thus, sanpu Jie did not know that what wanted his life was not only the evil spirits that chased after him relentlessly.    


That little bald donkey had already completely left his human form, and had transformed into a ferocious Ghost that was 30 meters tall. In the face of the huge Katana in the evil ghost's hand, the spear-wielding warriors had no chance at all. Even the corpse of Chidori, who Sanpu Jisuke had prepared to use to subdue the other righteous people, was swallowed by the evil ghost.    


In the face of such a ferocious creature, sanpu Yousuke could only choose to escape. The other party had even eaten his master. It was obvious that he had completely forgotten about his family. It was impossible to defeat him, so there was no need for him to lose his life here.    


After all, the Heavenly Emperor had already fallen into his hands.    


With the Emperor in his hands and the tens of thousands of militants in his hands, his San Pu Jie would become truly above ten thousand people - after all, the Emperor had gone mad and could not make any decisions. Everything would be up to him. Even if he wanted the position of the Heavenly Emperor to be given to him...    


When he thought about how he, as an ordinary farmer, had a chance to sit on the throne, sanpu Yousuke felt his body heat up.    


As expected, what the man in Iguchi Mountain said was right. After submitting to Monk Chidori, his wish had indeed been fulfilled.    


Women, wealth, power, and even status. He didn't even need to do anything himself. What he wanted would automatically come to him.    


And now, as long as he was safe...    


"Sou! Sou! Sou! "    


A few arrows flew out from the shadows and nailed themselves to the side of Sanpu Jie's feet.    


" Who is it! "    


Sanpu Jiesuke, who was shocked, hurriedly raised his torch and looked around. He found a few warriors riding on horses and holding bows rushing towards him from afar.    




Sanpu Jisuke was stunned.    


How is this possible? Why would a warrior appear at this time? Didn't they already give in?    


The warriors immediately drew their bows again.    


"Don't come over!"    


Sanpu Yousuke, who had regained his senses, hurriedly threw the torch in his hand far away. Then, he grabbed the crazy Emperor of Japan from his subordinates and held him in front of him.    


"All of you, don't come over!"    


Sanpu Jisuke shouted at the mounted soldiers. The dagger in his hand was already placed on the Emperor's neck.    


"Don't come over! Otherwise, I will kill the Heavenly Emperor!"    


"Stop! Don't shoot!" A mounted warrior under the moonlight recognized the emperor's brocade robe, "Don't shoot the arrows! That's the emperor! "    


"The emperor?"    


The warriors all avoided the figure wearing fine clothing and shot the arrow into the air.    


They could not bear the responsibility of killing the Emperor of Heaven.    


Looking at the mounted soldiers who had stopped in the distance, sanpu Jie heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Give me one... Give us all the horses! Give us all of them! Hurry up!" San Pu Jie threatened the warriors," Otherwise, I will kill the heavens... "    




Not far away, the building suddenly shattered. The huge evil ghost carrying the Katana rushed towards San Pu Jie and the rest.    


It caught up to them...    


Sanpu Jie's hair stood on end.    


"You!" Sanpu Zhisuke called out to his remaining subordinates, "Stop that evil ghost!"    


Before the terrified young men could react, sanpu Jisuke had already dragged the thin Emperor of Japan and disappeared around the corner of the street.    


As long as they could get out of the Peace Capital...    


As he held the crazy Heavenly Emperor and ran, sanpu Jisuke silently calculated.    


A few of his subordinates should be able to buy some time. Those few mounted warriors should be able to buy some time too. However, this amount of time was still not enough to get out of the Peace Capital. He had to find a new shield. It would be best if he could meet a group of righteous people...    


A voice came from the darkness of the night, causing Sanpu Jisuke to stop in his tracks.    


This was a language that Sanpu Jisuke could not understand. However, his survival instinct allowed him to follow the direction of the voice.    


The light from the torch lit up the street. Under the light of the torch, a slightly plump man dressed in fine clothing appeared in front of Sanpu Jisuke. And in front of the slightly plump man was a group of warriors wearing strange armor.    


That was not a large armor, but some kind of armor that Sanpu Jisuke had never seen before.    


"Put down the bow!"    


He saw these warriors with his eyes. They were about to draw their bows and arrows. Sanpu Jisuke hurriedly placed his dagger on the neck of the Mad Emperor.    


"Otherwise, I will kill the Heavenly Emperor!"    




In front of the slightly plump man, a man temporarily lowered the bow in his hand.    


"This kid seems to be saying that the one in his hand is your emperor?"    


The man smiled as he looked at the slightly plump man. As he spoke, he spoke Mandarin that Mitsuki Mitsuo did not understand.    


The slightly plump man named Fijiwara no Michinaga took a deep breath and closed his eyes.    


"That's fake."    


Fijiwara no Michinaga shook his head and cupped his hands towards the man, speaking the same fluent Mandarin.    


"My country's king has already been killed by the fox demon, the one in the hands of this thief is fake. I hope that all of you do not worry and kill the thief as you wish."    


King? Fox demon harming people?    


The man was stunned for a moment, then he looked at Fijiwara no Michinaga with a playful look in his eyes.    




A wolf fang arrow instantly pierced through the neck of the Crazy Heavenly Emperor, and also into Sanpu Jisuke's throat.    




Sanpu Jisuke wanted to say something, but he could only spit out a mouthful of blood.    


How dare you...    


"Sou! Sou! Sou!"    


Several wolf fang arrows were shot by the soldiers in front of Fijiwara no Michinaga. They pierced through the chest of the Emperor of Madness and Sanpu Zhisuke, nailing the two of them together.    


The huge impact caused Sanpu Jiesuke to fall to the ground, and he was pressed down by the corpse of the Emperor of Madness.    


At the last moment of his life, he had indeed managed to do it under one person, above ten thousand people.    




The man put down the bow in his hand and patted Fijiwara no Michinaga's shoulder.    


"You are a sensible man. I see it in my eyes, and so will the commander."    


"Thank you for your appreciation, my lord!"    


Fijiwara no Michinaga quickly cupped his hands and bowed.    


He knew very well what the change in tone meant.    


It was stable!    


"But Tengyuan, you should also be a little more quick-witted." The man shook his head helplessly. "What era is it? Why do you still use demons to harm people? Can anyone believe what you just said? No matter how you think about the reason, you have to make it sound like something... "    


" Sir, you worry too much. "    


Fijiwara no Michinaga thought about it for a while, and then he revealed a look of shame.    


"All the stupid people in our country are superstitious about Ghast. So using this excuse was already enough. No matter how complicated it is, they won't be able to hear it..."    


Boom - -    


The 30 meter tall evil ghost crashed into the building on the corner of the street, charging straight towards them.    


The man with the bow was dumbstruck as he looked at the malevolent ghost with two horns on his head and the huge Katana in his opponent's hand.    


The malevolent ghost holding the large saber glanced at the two corpses on the ground, then looked at Fijiwara no Michinaga and the soldiers.    


Just as the soldiers drew their bows and prepared to retaliate, the malevolent spirit turned around and left. In an instant, it disappeared from the sight of the soldiers.    


It was as if it had never appeared.    


"superstitious... Ghast?"    


The man turned his gaze towards Fijiwara no Michinaga with great difficulty.    


"Superstition? Ghast?"    




Fijiwara no Michinaga was also stunned.    


"This thing..." Fijiwara no Michinaga immediately reacted, "Master, listen to me carefully. It is true that everyone in our country is superstitious about the Ghast, but it is also related to the basic state of our country..."    


Seeing the confused face of the Tang man, Fijiwara no Michinaga could not help but have a trace of doubt in his heart.    


Could it be that the people of Tang Country have never seen evil ghosts?    


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