Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C267 The Melon Gets the Melon the Bean Gets the Bean

C267 The Melon Gets the Melon the Bean Gets the Bean

0Time flies like flowing water, flowing endlessly.    


It had been some time since the battle against the mother monster. But he still clearly remembered everything that happened that day.    


They rushed into the mother nest of the monsters for the peace of their homeland, they let one monster after another fall at their feet, they finally found the mother nest of those monsters, they...    


They turned into a pile of rubble.    


The bodies of their comrades were retracted. Fortunately, with Freeman's help, they were able to recover very quickly. It had to be known that not long after he left, he felt the earth trembling. He was already very familiar with this feeling. It must be that kind of indescribable monster had appeared again.    


But Freeman still did not feel anything.    


Along the way, he had already tried very hard to explain what he saw to Freeman. But his simple rhetoric only made Freeman even more confused.    


"You mean... soft limbs? Strength? How is that possible? Even the bodies of those monsters are supported by hard stones. Alright, don't think too much about it, at least the parent bodies of those monsters have already disappeared "    


Freeman, who couldn't tell the difference between the bones and the rocks, comforted him like this.    


After returning to the Inkstone Tribe, he and Freeman received a grand welcome. Although the complete annihilation of the warriors had brought some haze to this welcoming ceremony, he and Freeman still became the heroes that the clansmen praised.    


"You have conquered the parent bodies of those vicious monsters, this is the glory you deserve"    


The elder of the Inkstone Tribe said this to him and Freeman.    


He really wanted to explain that the mother of that monster wasn't punished. Instead, it was taken away by a big hand that came from nowhere. The Inkstone Tribe might not be able to escape the crisis.    


However, no one believed his words.    


Even Freeman, who had participated in the battle with him, didn't believe his words.    


"I know that the deaths of our brothers have made you very sad, and I am also very sad. But since we are still alive, we can't always immerse ourselves in the memories of the past. Even if it is for those fallen brothers, you should still live well. Don't blindly think about it."    


After finishing his words, freeman hugged the two females who were shouting" Sir Freeman is so powerful "and left.    


He could see that Freeman enjoyed the feeling of being a hero. He also knew that he did not change Freeman's eloquence.    


After that, he had never communicated with Freeman again.    


But Freeman's performance also allowed him to see some other things. Thus, as a hero, he began to use his influence to let the people of Inkstone Tribe know that the danger had not yet gone far, and that fierce monster could come back at any time.    


As expected, some of the people of the Inkstone Tribe believed his words, and gave up on the enjoyment after a great victory. They began to practice their martial skills day and night to prevent those monsters from returning. This made him feel very gratified. After all, the Inkstone Tribe was already his home.    


However, after a long period of time, no monsters attacked him.    


Sensing that something was wrong, he sent out a search team as if he was in a war. He wanted to find their nest before the monsters settled down. However, the search team didn't find the nest, but found something else.    


Looking at the hill-sized corpse dragged back by the search team, as well as the ten uneven horns on the corpse's head, his heart finally relaxed.    


But more questions popped up.    


"Look! This is the parent body of the monster that we are suppressing!" Freeman climbed onto the monster's corpse and stepped on the monster's head, showing off to the people of the Inkstone Tribe, "At that time, I only used one sword attack..."    


He could see Freeman flaunting his power. He could also feel those suspicious gazes that were fixed on him. But he was in no mood to care about these things.    


He clearly remembered that this monster was only captured by that big hand, but now this monster was killed.    


Was it that big hand? Such a powerful monster was actually easily killed. Was that big hand protecting the Inkstone Tribe? Or...    


For some reason, he thought of the green limb that destroyed his hometown.    


"Hey! Why did you lie to us!" A member of the Inkstone Tribe stood in front of him, "This monster's parent body is clearly dead, why did you lie to us and say that it's still alive!? What are you trying to do!? "    


"Alright, stop talking." Another stone golem pulled the hooting stone golem away and tried to persuade him in a low voice, "He's an outsider after all..."    


His voice was very soft, but it was just enough for him to hear.    


An outsider?    


He shook his head with a bitter smile, then turned around and walked towards his own residence.    


He was no longer in the mood to deal with these strange things. Instinct told him that this monster's death was not the end of the disaster.    


It was the beginning of the disaster.    




Next to the small lake, the carapace covered Six Legged Beast picked up a few small seeds and carefully examined them.    


"This thing... Are you sure it will work?" Du Kang turned his head and looked at Nyarlathotep. "Don't let anything go wrong like last time."    


"How is that possible? Don't worry about what I do." The ugly giant waved the giant tentacle on his face. He pointed at the seed in Du Kang's hand. "Bakerwood. It takes root for one day, and it sprouts for three days. It takes fifteen days to grow a tree. The four-leaf clover was faster, and it would grow bigger in a week. These things were enough to turn this planet green. It could also provide enough food for the creatures that were going to be released. Right, you can try the fruits of the bakerberry tree, the taste is not bad "    


"What will these things become when they grow up?"    


Du Kang asked cautiously. He knew how unreliable Nyarlathotep was.    


"The bread tree... probably." Nyarlathotep drew a pattern on the ground. "If it's the four-leaf clover, it probably looks like this. These things would be modified according to the local environment, but they could not be modified too much. What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"    


"Uh..." Du Kang looked at the pattern drawn by Nyarlathotep. "There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it."    


There was indeed nothing wrong with it. The bread tree looked like an ordinary monkey bread tree. The four-leaf clover was just an ordinary grass. There was no strange tree with tentacles or flower with a big mouth.    


"carapace monster, your problem is getting worse and worse." Nyarlathotep was a little helpless. "When you have time, you should go and see a psychiatrist. It doesn't matter if you don't trust me. I still know some reliable psychologists in the sea of stars. But when the time comes, you have to be careful. Don't make a move just because the doctor is ugly... "    


" Alright. " Du Kang buried the seed into the ground and carefully covered it with a layer of soil. "That should be enough, right? There shouldn't be any requirements for the soil quality, right?"    


"No. If the requirements for the environment were so harsh, I wouldn't be able to take it out. " Nyarlathotep waved his hand. "By the way, are you going to talk about the psychiatrist or not?"    


"Let's see." Du Kang shook his head. "I have a feeling that even if there are no problems, there will be a bunch of problems."    


"Hey, what you said is wrong. You are discriminating against this profession..."    


The two monsters walked into the whirlpool in the middle of the lake and disappeared.    


Only a few seeds were left lying quietly on the ground.    


They took root and germinated.    


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