Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C243 Martial Arts Competition

C243 Martial Arts Competition

1Yangzhou, jiangdu County.    2


Pei YuanNan, who was covered in blood, fled in panic in the streets and alleys. Behind him, several young men with long swords were chasing him closely.    


The horses were killed by those young men at the first moment. Pei YuanNan knew very well that if these young men wanted money, they would not attack the horses.    


They wanted his life.    


"Pei YuanNan! Today, I'll make you pay with your life for my father!"    


A somewhat high-pitched shout sounded from behind him.    


As expected, he wanted to take his life. However, he had taken on too many lawsuits. Who was your father?    


A strong wind came from behind Pei YuanNan. Pei YuanNan felt a palm print on his back. Then, a strong force came, shaking Pei YuanNan's internal organs and making him stagger.    


He had a sword in his hand but a palm... What was he thinking?    


After stabilizing his body, pei YuanNan continued to flee.    


It was very difficult for him to understand what those young men who had attacked him were thinking. If that strike just now had been made with a sword, he would not have had the strength to escape. But using a palm... would these attackers be so kind as to help him stall for time?    


"Where do you think you're running to!?"    


The loud shouts of the youths could be heard from behind.    


Pei YuanNan no longer knew whether these youths wanted to chase after him or let him go.    


However, it didn't matter. With such a big commotion, the Anping Army couldn't just sit back and watch. As long as he waited for the people from the government, he would be safe...    


Pei YuanNan's footsteps came to a halt.    


Looking at the high wall in front of him, pei YuanNan smiled bitterly helplessly.    


Dead end... He did not expect that he would actually have the chance to do something stupid as well.    


"Pei YuanNan! Today, I'll make you pay with your life for my father!"    


Turning around to look at that young man with an angry face, pei YuanNan inexplicably thought of that so-called Peace Talisman.    


Peace... It was as if ever since he took this thing, he began to feel uneasy.    


Thinking like this, pei YuanNan took out that sickle-like little pendant from his bosom.    




Seeing that his enemy had actually ignored him, the furious youth raised his sword and stabbed.    


Now you know how to use a sword... Looks like you won't be able to live today... Hmm?    


Pei YuanNan was stunned.    


The small pendant in his hand had gone to an unknown place, but what replaced it was a huge sickle with two hands that looked like a pickaxe.    


The tip of the sickle was nailed to the young man's head.    


This is...    


Holding the sickle, pei YuanNan could feel that his extremely painful internal organs were rapidly recovering. However, in front of Pei YuanNan, the body of the young man holding the sword had withered into a skeleton in an instant.    


[The heavens won't kill me...]    


After kicking the skeleton away, pei YuanNan carried the huge sickle and walked towards the young men who were stunned on the spot by this shocking scene.    


I'll use you to treat your injuries.    




"A martial arts seminar?"    


In the tavern next to the relay station, Lu Diao looked at the big man wearing a bamboo hat next to him in shock.    


"Yes, the martial arts seminar."    


Du Kang nodded.    


This was what happened. After persuading a group of people from the pugilistic world to leave with another punch, Du Kang stopped at the station and prepared to replenish his supplies. Lu Diao's group and the horses still needed to eat.    


Then Du Kang found that he seemed to have unintentionally become a scapegoat.    


God knows how the so-called challenge to the pugilistic world in the Central Plains came about. As for Magic and Martial Sovereign... he probably did not run away.    


He couldn't beat him, so he spread the rumors? Was he playing pranks? This was the so-called people of the pugilistic world?    


Du Kang had a new understanding of the shameless side of humans.    


However, this was not necessarily a bad thing. Since he had those people to help him become famous, he might as well take advantage of them.    


"Didn't those little bastards say that I want to challenge some martial arts world? Then let them see the battle." Du Kang explained, "Let's make a gimmick first and then make some bets so that those people in the martial arts world think that if I win, I'll be able to gain fame and fortune. That way, I'll be able to gather a large group of people."    


"The more people come, the easier it will be to find the things I lose." Du Kang picked up a piece of beef and put it into his mouth. "Even if you use your power to gather information, it is still too slow. Do you understand?"    




Lu Diao was speechless for a long time.    


He still remembered that he was part of the rumors. This person in front of him could fight, but he had never seen anyone who could make him throw a second punch. But what about himself?    


Although he had some reputation, he was only among the younger generation. He really wasn't invincible under the heavens...    


"You what?" Du Kang looked at Lu Diao and asked, "You don't have enough funds? Don't worry. Although I don't have 5 Baht, I have gold and silver. I won't let you work for free."    


"I..." Lu Diao held it in for a long time. "Sir, this isn't about money..."    


"Hmm... you're right."    


Du Kang thought for a while and nodded.    


"Although there are few people who do not care about money, it is not that there are none. It's too vulgar to only prepare money. How about this, I'll prepare some antiques and weapons as a prize for them to see. In any case, they won't be able to win... "    


Looking at Du Kang who spoke with confidence, Lu Diao wanted to cry but had no tears.    


That's right. I can't win against you, but I will definitely win. Not only can I win, I can also beat you to death...    


"That's not it." Lu Diao quickly interrupted Du Kang's words, "Yes..."    


"Not about that? Oh, I remember now."    


Du Kang patted his head.    


"Cultivation technique! Yes, there must be a cultivation technique!" Du Kang stretched out a finger, "No money, no things. A cultivation technique that can increase one's strength by leaps and bounds will definitely attract people. I still need to prepare this thing."    


In fact, Du Kang, who knew nothing about inner force, did not really plan to do anything about it. He only wanted to make up a few books and put them outside as a prize. As for the problem of this dangerous item being leaked out... Anyway, no one could beat him. These humans were destined to not get any prize.    


Du Kang was truly prepared to spend the money. Only those gold and silver were used to establish credibility. The rest of the money, whether it was antiques, weapons, or cultivation techniques, were just for drawing a pancake. Du Kang did not intend to give these humans anything at all. Having a certain amount of money was already giving them face.    


The journey to find Yig had given Du Kang a new understanding of his identity. He did not need to force himself to act according to the monster's thinking. He treated everything as grass. He also didn't need to restrict himself in order to protect these weak creatures just because he was once a human. Identity didn't matter, he was himself. As long as he did what he wanted to do.    


Therefore, Du Kang didn't have any psychological burden on this kind of deceptive behavior.    


Besides, it was like if you could not hit the card, it would be your face that would turn black. If you could not beat it, it would be your ability that would not work. The prizes are all there, and I'm not lying. Who can you blame if you can't beat me?    


As for what if my face turns black and I really lose... this kind of situation doesn't exist at all. Although the Armor Incarnation had become weaker after its size had been reduced, it wasn't something that these humans could defeat. Perhaps, if it were another shrimp person, they might have the chance to use their physique advantage to fight this incarnation... but that was a different matter.    


Sure, the Martial Arts Conference's plan was indeed feasible. If one session was not enough, he could hold a few more sessions. On the other hand, he could not let go of the task of gathering intelligence. Both hands must be hard. In this way, in at most half a century, he would be able to find all the things he had lost - otherwise, looking for things that had not been marked on a densely populated land would be no different than looking for a needle in a haystack.    


One had to know that even octopus head could not be used to find a needle in a haystack.    


"Your Honor."    


Lu Diao interrupted Du Kang's thoughts.    


"Hmm?" Du Kang came back to his senses and looked at Lu Diao. "What else do you want?"    


Hearing the chaotic roar, Lu Diao subconsciously shivered.    


"No, no."    


Lu Diao waved his hand repeatedly.    


"I'm fine."    


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