Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C220 Liu

C220 Liu

0In a spacious cave, a broken armor was carefully flipping a thick stack of books.     1


It had been a few years since Du Kang woke up. After waking up this time, Du Kang did not choose to drill out of the ground again. Instead, he only brought up the Armor Incarnation that had almost been repaired. After all, this thing had been modified by Nyarlathotep, so it was not scary.    


Du Kang was still somewhat interested in those people who looked like the parents and elders of his hometown. He really wanted to know what those humans had experienced in the years he had been sleeping, and what kind of achievements the Ancestral Dragon, who had been forced by Nyarlathotep to extend his life by ten years, could make under his instruction.    


There was indeed a record structure on the Moon Fortress. However, that thing was similar to a surveillance video. Du Kang did not have the intention of watching a few hundred years of recording. All he needed to know was a rough estimate.    


Thus, Du Kang bought these history books.    


The books were used by Du Kang to easily identify them, and not the words that seemed to require a lot of effort. This made Du Kang very pleased. Although compared to the books that Yuri had collected before, the words were much easier to recognize. However, Du Kang still felt that this familiar square word was the best.    


The content of the history book was not complicated, but it made Du Kang's teeth ache. Losing the enemy in the Northern Frontier... The Ancestral Dragon, who had gained another ten years of life, had indeed stabilized the situation. However, the prosperous era that he had obtained with great difficulty had collapsed in less than a year after the Ancestral Dragon passed away. Once again, they entered into a situation where all the men were chasing the deer. The successor of the Ancestral Dragon was still Huhai.    


That sentence "the king, the general, would rather be brave" was still shouted out, but it was not Chen Sheng. It was another person called Chen Zhi. Even though the old hooligan Liu Bang had been suppressed by the Ancestral Dragon for more than ten years, he had still seized the world and built a strong man. The wheels of history rolled past. Except for the Ancestral Dragon, who had lived for another ten years, there seemed to be no difference.    


Perhaps there were some differences, but most of them were things that would not be recorded in history books. For example, the battle between humans and the side master of the Deep One would not be recorded as words. But until now, Du Kang still did not know that the Deep One had once fought with these humans.    


But even if he knew, Du Kang would not do anything. On the battlefield, swords and spears had no eyes, and casualties were common. If these humans continued to develop, sooner or later they would have to face those Deep One. It was not a bad thing to experience the world in advance. After all, these humans were only defeated, and not completely dead.    


Du Kang's battle at the shore of the East Sea wasn't recorded either, as if it had never happened before. However, Du Kang didn't care about this. He chose to stand there that day because he wanted to give these humans who looked like their parents and elders a way to live, and not because he wanted to obtain some kind of worship.    


Besides, he had been a human before, and he knew what these humans were thinking. If they were not of my race, it would be considered light. Du Kang was not interested in sending himself to these humans to be cut into pieces. Besides, with Du Kang's current size, perhaps just by showing himself, he would kill all these humans.    


It was already enough for these humans to survive. Du Kang did not intend to find any sense of existence in these humans.    


However, there were still some humans who started to worship Du Kang. Those were some nomadic tribes that survived when the Earth Dragon turned over. Du Kang was shocked when he heard the news, but after a careful inspection, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


In any case, Du Kang would never admit that he was the one who drew those centipede-like dragons on the totem.    


A red light flashed on the broken mask, and the broken armor was put down in the history book.    


Walking out of the cave, Du Kang stretched towards the bright sunlight.    


This world was becoming more and more interesting...    




Big man, zhuojun County.    


The tall black-skinned man was wearing a black suit as he walked on the street.    


The pedestrians around him seemed to be unable to see him as they completely ignored this alien in strange clothing. But when they got close to this black-skinned man, they would automatically make way for him.    


Nyarlathotep knew that the carapace monster had been awake for a period of time. During this period of time, he had also seen the carapace monster a few times. After waking up this time, that carapace monster seemed to have changed a little, but also seemed to have not changed. Nyarlathotep did not use Mind Reading. He still had to maintain some basic respect for powerful existences.    


But this time, he did not just come to reminisce about old times. He had some things that needed the carapace monster's help.    


After turning two streets, Nyarlathotep saw a tall and broken armor from afar.    


The tall armor was standing outside a wall, looking into the wall.    




Nyarlathotep helplessly held his forehead.    


Did this carapace monster have so much free time that it came here to grab the wall?    


"carapace monster, you..."    


"Shhh..." The broken armor interrupted Nyarlathotep's words, "We'll talk later. I've been squatting here for five years just for now."    




Nyarlathotep was curious. What was the thing that was worth waiting for five years for this carapace monster...?    


Nyarlathotep stepped into the air and looked into the wall.    


There was a peach garden inside the wall, and a simple altar was set there. There was a red-faced man with a big beard and a middle-aged man. There was also a black-faced, bearded man standing in a row in front of the altar.    


"Liu Bei!"    


"Guan Yu! '"    


"Zhang Fei!"    


"Even though it is a different surname, since we are brothers, we will work together to save the people who are in danger. Report it to the country and report it to An Li Shu! We do not wish to be born in the same year, same month, and the same day! But we wish to die in the same year, same month, and the same day! The heavens and earth after the emperor, this heart was truly reflected! Spare kindness and forget righteousness, slaughter the heavens and the earth!"    




Nyarlathotep looked at the carapace monster, but he found that the broken armor was staring at the three people who had sworn their brotherhood.    


So it's like this...    


Nyarlathotep sighed.    


This is what you are looking forward to... Wait a minute.    


In Nyarlathotep's sight, this broken armor actually took out three incense sticks of time from nowhere and bowed to the three humans.    


"You..." Nyarlathotep was confused. "What are you doing?"    


"Bai Guan, second brother."    


A dull sound came from the broken armor.    


"Guan Er..." Nyarlathotep glanced at the three humans in the courtyard. "Humans? Why do you worship him?"    


"Because..." The broken armor thought for a moment. "That guy is loyal."    


"This... forget it." Nyarlathotep was used to the way carapace monster talked. "This year's island gathering, are you still not coming?"    


"Forget it." The broken armor shook its head. No." The last fight was my fault. I don't have the face to see the octopus head."    


Nyarlathotep had nothing to say.    


He knew very well that the battle wasn't entirely because of this carapace monster. The Yellow King had struck at the perfect time. He immediately stood on Cthulhu's side. In the face of the Yellow King, who had Cthulhu's help, this carapace monster might really die there. At that time, the carapace monster did not hesitate and had nothing to say. If it hesitated, it would be using its life to test Cthulhu.    


As for which one was more important to Cthulhu, it went without saying.    


"Forget it, let's not talk about that anymore."    


Nyarlathotep took out a stack of paper from the shadows.    


"I need your help this time."    


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