Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C202 There Was No End in Sight

C202 There Was No End in Sight

2With some regret, he closed the book in his hand.     0


He was already old. The stack of books that were as tall as half a person back then had already been read countless times. However, the armored man who had promised to teach him back then had never appeared again.    


Ever since that magical journey, he had followed the man called Yuri and had experienced many things with his remaining ten brothers. Although he had gone through many life and death situations along the way, that man called Yuri seemed to have suddenly changed his character and did not send anyone to die.    


This also allowed him and his brothers to live safely until retirement.    


When his body showed signs of aging, the man called Yuri let him and the other ten brothers leave. He and his brothers did not feel depressed at all. The things they had earned from following Yuri all these years were enough for them to live their old lives peacefully and enjoy life.    


His ten brothers were all living quite well. Some of them had become the king's advisers. Some of them had become wealthy merchants, while others had opened taverns in the busy city. Every day, they bragged about their youth to the customers, and some chose to go back to their hometown and buy large fields. They would be ordinary rich men, with their descendants all over the place.    


Although he still had some connections with his brothers, he did not do the same thing. With his armor and weapons, the spoils of war that he had accumulated over the years, the generous pension that Yuri had given him before he left, and those books, he came to this academy and hid his identity. He became an ordinary teacher and lived a peaceful life in his old age.    


He liked the atmosphere of this academy, even more than the battlefield. If fighting could make his blood boil, then exploring and understanding the world made him feel true happiness.    


He didn't expect to know everything. The more he knew, the more he understood his ignorance. He had already understood this after following Yuri for a long time. What he liked was the feeling of exploring the unknown. Even a little bit of new understanding could make him happy.    


That was enough.    


Up until now, he had not married nor had any descendants. He had long since stopped caring about these things. Sex was no longer important to him. He knew that what he needed was not a wife, but a soul mate who could communicate with him. He couldn't find such a woman. As for a man... forget it, his sexual orientation was normal.    


Although he was already old, he didn't need any descendants to take care of him. His years of battle had created a strong physique for him. Even if he was already old, his physical fitness was far stronger than most young people. Compared to his blood descendants, he was more interested in finding suitable disciples. He wanted to pass down the knowledge he had accumulated over the years.    


In the academy, the silent him was not in the group, and there were pitifully few disciples who were willing to follow him. Everyone liked those scholars who could solve all kinds of tricky problems, or those who could cause controversy. An unknown old man like him was just a borderline character.    


He was too lazy to solve those tricky problems or academic arguments, even though he had the answers to all those things. However, he didn't want to take them out just like that. In his opinion, it wasn't a bad thing for these young people to do this. If they wanted to solve the problem, they could make progress.    


However, not everything had nothing to do with him...    




A bearded young man walked in and bowed to him.    


"Oh? He's here." He waved his hand. "Feel free to sit."    


This bearded young man was his only disciple. He didn't have the habit of taking the initiative to recruit disciples - - - he was too lazy to do such a flashy thing. However, when he was taking part in the enrollment routine, this young man took the initiative to become his disciple.    


"No, it's mainly because I didn't see anyone looking for you at that time. I feel a little miserable. As for learning... I can go to the other instructors to listen in. "    


When he asked this young man why he was under his tutelage, this was what the honest young man said.    


With his many years of experience, he could naturally tell that this young man was telling the truth.    


After that, he also understood what kind of person his disciple was. He wasn't very smart, but he was willing to put in effort to learn. He was very similar to himself when he was young - Of course, this kind of simple-minded person was completely different from him when he was young.    


This young man was very suitable to inherit his mantle.    


He didn't manage this young man's teachings as strictly as the other instructors. He only arranged a few assignments every month. It would be fine as long as they were handed over next month. He was only responsible for answering the questions. This young man made him worry a lot.    


Therefore, compared to the strict master-disciple relationship between the other mentors, he and his own disciple were more like friends compared to the master-disciple relationship - The prerequisite was to ignore the homework.    


"What's wrong?" He looked at the young man sitting on a stack of papyrus. "Is there a problem this time, or is he here to freeload?"    


"No, teacher." The young man shook his head. "It's a pyramid! A pyramid! Someone built a pyramid in the academy! "    




He was silent for a moment.    


If he remembered correctly, that pyramid was built by him. Recently, he had been studying the relationship between the pyramid and the stars. After reading some ancient texts from Ego, he felt that the construction of the pyramids and the stars seemed to have some kind of connection. Those pyramids seemed to have been built by something. Thus, he, who had nothing better to do, tried to build one in the academy.    


He was not afraid that people would gossip about this kind of project. He used the pension given by Yuri to buy half of the academy. He could do whatever he wanted. This was also the reason why he had yet to be expelled from the academy even though he was unknown.    


"The pyramid you mentioned..." He pondered for a moment, "It seems like I was the one who built it."    


However, he knew that his disciple was not the kind of person who only looked at fresh things. He must have encountered some kind of problem that caused him to come looking for him.    


"Er..." The young man choked, "Teacher, it's not this. I want to say that they want to measure how tall the pyramid is."    


"How high? Is there a need to ask? " He looked at his disciple, "How high is a brick? How many layers of bricks are there in the pyramid? "    


"This... Teacher." The young man shook his head. "No, something's wrong with the mason who made bricks. The bricks are different in size."    




He had a headache.    


He didn't think that after giving enough money, those people would still cut the work.    


"Forget it."    


He stood up and took out a small bottle from a box at the side.    


This was one of his spoils of war.    


"Shadow Bottle..." He held the bottle in his hand, "This bottle can summon an indefinite shadow beast. You let it climb to the top of the pyramid, dig a hole from the top to the bottom, until the end, it will tell you how tall the pyramid is, and then you come back and tell me"    


He frowned.    


"I'll go find trouble with the engineering team"    


"Shadow... height..." Ignoring his words, the young man seemed to have thought of something and muttered, "Shadow... Sun..."    


"I have it!" The young man excitedly clapped his hands, "I know how to measure it!"    


The young man, who seemed to have thought of something, ran out, leaving him standing in the room with the Shadow Bottle.    




He smiled and put away the Shadow Bottle.    


Isn't this good?    


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