Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C75 In the Eyes of a Thousand People There Are a Thousand Kinds of Shrimp Men

C75 In the Eyes of a Thousand People There Are a Thousand Kinds of Shrimp Men

3Du Kang was quite satisfied with his recent life.    


He didn't need to fight, and there weren't any animals that came looking for trouble with him. He also had the girl and the two cats by his side. The journey was very easy.    


Ah, no, he wasn't following them, he was carrying them on his back.    


Du Kang knew that the girl had put away the remaining blade fragments when he was making the sword for Johnson. He also knew that the girl had been using those blade fragments to puzzle them, but he didn't care about that. If the girl thought it was fun, he would let her do it.    


But speaking of this girl...    


Du Kang, who was moving forward, turned his head and glanced at the girl who was still fiddling with those blade fragments.    


Sensing Du Kang's gaze, the young girl was like a frightened little beast as she quickly put away the blade fragments. She turned her head and obediently hummed an unknown song.    






Du Kang was once a human. Even with his picky eyes, this young girl was still a rare beauty. Although it wasn't the eastern style that Du Kang was used to, this exotic style was even more outstanding.    


It was indeed very pleasing to the eyes.    


However, if one looked at it from the perspective of the shrimp people... it was pretty, but its body wasn't strong enough, and its arms weren't strong enough either. With this kind of physique, any random Deep One could beat ten of them.    


Too weak... No, that's not right.    


Du Kang shook his head and threw this strange idea out of his mind. He felt that his aesthetic sense had a very serious problem.    


The white long-haired cat nimbly jumped onto Du Kang's head.    




According to human eyes, this long-haired cat was very cute, except for its fur, which was harder to take care of.    


According to a shrimp man's point of view... it was strong and agile, but it was a little small. If it was big enough, it would be a ferocious predator. Warriors would raise this kind of beast to boast about their bravery.    


Du Kang shook his head and shook the image of the giant cat that was about the size of the shrimp man out of his mind. It did not matter if the tiger was that big, but if the cat could grow that big, it would be a big problem.    


Recently, his life had been very fulfilling. Every day, under the guidance of the young girl's tour guide, he would carry out his journey. When he had time, he would take a look at the young girl and the cat to raise their eyes. If he didn't have enough daily necessities, he would exercise his body under the guidance of the young girl. There was no verbal communication between Du Kang and the girl. Du Kang, who could not speak, could not learn the local language. However, Du Kang and the girl could understand what the other party wanted to say.    


This feeling was not bad.    


However, Du Kang did not pay too much attention to this matter. He knew that compared to his current lifespan, the girl's life was much shorter. Perhaps he was sleepy that day and wanted to sleep. When he woke up, this girl had already passed away many years ago.    


However, it had been a while since he had nightmares.    


These peaceful days were not bad.    


But it was too calm, so calm that it felt like a dream.    


However, dreams would wake up.    




Under the night sky.    


Du Kang cautiously stared at the tall black-skinned man in front of him.    


On this day, Du Kang still created a small lake for the young girl. After cleaning up all the living things within a mile radius, he walked further away, leaving the young girl to take a shower and play with the puzzle.    


The two cats were also brought over by the young girl. Along the way, the two cats had become much dirtier and needed to be washed clean.    


After that, the girl's scream came from the lake.    


After Du Kang rushed over, there was no young girl and puzzle in front of him, nor were there two cats. There was only a tall, dark skinned man standing there, as if he was waiting for his arrival.    






Du Kang raised his arms.    


"Not enemy, not enemy." The black-skinned man waved his hand in panic, but his smile showed no signs of panic. "Don't use force, don't use force."    




The black-skinned man spoke in local language. But for some reason, Du Kang could understand what he meant.    


Adding the word enemy...    


Mind reading? Or mental communication?    


"How could it be those boring things..." The black-skinned man shook his head. "One should know that being able to communicate with any target without any hindrance is an extremely rare ability."    


Is it rare... It is indeed rare.    




The blade silently hacked down.    


It missed.    


The tall black-skinned man walked out from the shadows.    


"Didn't I say not to use force?" The dark skinned man smiled. "If you have something to say, we can talk."    




That's not right.    


Du Kang carefully looked at the tall black-skinned man.    


Although he had the appearance of a human. But they're not human, they're dangerous things.    


Under the appearance of that human, it was a huge monster that was even more ferocious than the Flying Octopus and Green-skinned fat man that Du Kang had seen before.    


And it was hidden in the depths. That something even worse...    


It was a powerful enemy that was hard to come by.    


And that strange ability. ...    


Du Kang put away the blade and gathered his strength with his limbs.    


"I am not a human, but don't use force." The black-skinned man smiled and waved his hand. "I am a pacifist. I don't like fighting."    


... me?    


You are not a human...    


Du Kang's feet were accumulating strength.    


"Don't fight, don't fight. I'll leave after I finish talking business." The black-skinned man took a few steps back.    


He just happened to be out of Du Kang's attack range.    


Du Kang knew this wasn't a coincidence.    


"It's like this, I prepared a grand ceremony for you near White City, but you still haven't arrived. I can only use this strategy."    


A ceremony?    


"In order for you to come as soon as possible, I invited your companions to the ceremony. I only hope you can attend."    


Understood, hostage, right?    


But an external object...    


Du Kang took a step forward.    


"It's not a hostage, it's not a hostage." The dark-skinned man waved his hand. "I won't do anything to your companions. They will be your guests and witness your bravery."    


Heroic... Bewitching?    




Du Kang exerted force with his feet, and his huge body instantly rushed to the side of the dark-skinned man.    


Du Kang swung his blade.    


It was empty again.    


"Of course, you might not know where the White City is. Although it is the capital city of the human race, I don't think it can enter the eyes of an existence like you."    


With a smile on his face, the dark skinned man jumped into the shadows.    


"But it does not matter. I have already marked the route. You only need to come and meet me."    




"Oh right, I forgot to tell you." In the shadows, the dark skinned man stretched out his body, "My name is... I am waiting for you in White City."    


It was a string of syllables that Du Kang could not understand. Du Kang could only hear a small part of it.    




The man named Nyarlathotep retreated back into the shadows and disappeared.    




Was this kid retarded?    


However... White City.    




In Du Kang's vision, the black fog was like sparks of fire, continuously extending into the distance.    


It really pointed the way...    


Then let's go and take a look.    


Du Kang's mind was empty.    




The ground was trembling.    




An enormous figure broke out of the ground, towering like a mountain.    


The mountain moved.    


Moving its belly and legs, the mountain advanced.    


Moving along the black fog, all the way north.    


On the towering figure, the ferocious Six Legged Beast stood against the wind.    


It was good to go and take a look...    2


He would also send that black skinned man on his way.    


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