Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C59 The Beasts in the Mountains Were Fresh at the Bottom of the Sea

C59 The Beasts in the Mountains Were Fresh at the Bottom of the Sea

3Under the vast starry sky, a tall Six Legged Beast carried a human figure as they trekked through the desert.    


Initially, Du Kang was prepared to walk out with Johnson. However, after seeing Johnson walk two steps like a starving ghost, Du Kang still threw him onto his back.    


The other party's body was too weak. If Johnson insisted on walking by himself, even if he grinded his big hip, he might not be able to walk out of this desert.    


Du Kang was still carrying some meat on his back. These were all ripped off from the huge dog's head.    


Du Kang did not support eating any intelligent life. This was not a moral obsession, but he felt that it was not easy for everyone to mix into intelligent life. Even if they killed each other when they were alive, they had to show respect to each other's bodies after they died.    


However, after seeing Johnson, who was about to starve to death, Du Kang still chose to take some meat off his head as Johnson's food reserve.    


This... Let's just treat it as a wild animal.    


Johnson's existence also gave Du Kang an intuitive understanding of his height for the first time.    


Johnson was tall and big. Judging from his figure, he should be around two meters tall, which meant that his incarnation should be around eight to ten meters tall. Including his tail, his body should be about fifteen to sixteen meters long. As for his real body...    


Du Kang was too lazy to calculate such a big number.    


And among those shrimp people, the taller one was a head shorter than him. In other words, the taller shrimp people were about six to seven meters tall. Most of them were about five meters tall, and their bodies were about thirteen or fourteen meters long.    


Those prawn people...    


Du Kang looked up at the night sky.    


The bright moon hung high in the sky.    


Those shrimp people really did come up with something incredible...    


A planet...    


These days weren't meant to be. It's pretty good...    


Du Kang strode forward and walked into the distance.    


He lowered his head.    


He no longer looked at the moon hanging high in the sky.    






The headless Amp held his head and stood there blankly.    




I... was killed?    


He stood there in a daze. There were no gods to guide him on his path, nor were there any gods to judge his past. He was responsible for all of this.    


What exactly... was that thing?    


This was not normal. If that Six Legged Beast was a god from the other side, then he should have already fallen by now.    


And his clergy would also be seized, and the other party would become a new Death God.    


However, he had returned to Hell.    


But if the other party was just a powerful beast with intelligence...    


Amp placed his head back on his neck.    


The huge jackal head slowly slid down from the cut on his neck.    




How did he do it...    


He didn't understand. That Six Legged Beast was something he couldn't understand at all.    


The only thing he could do now was to send the message of that Six Legged Beast to all the gods.    


An unknown terror invaded.    




Deep Sea, Capital of God.    


In the collapsed temple, it was lying on the ground without any image, counting its tentacles.    


On its back, a pair of small wings were flapping weakly.    


One, two, three...    


That carapace monster was really too good at fighting...    


Three, four, five...    


Maybe that fellow's idea was correct, even though there seemed to be something wrong with that fellow's brain. But if he could fly back then, that carapace monster would definitely be unable to do anything to him.    


He flapped the small membrane wings on his back.    


It looked too slow...    


It would be better to count the tentacles...    


Five, five, five...    


Those weak creatures haven't brought food here for a long time, I'm so hungry...    


But speaking of which, these weak creatures were indeed very interesting. He knew that when he was injured, these weak creatures did not have a good life, so it was normal that they did not bring food over.    


However, these weak creatures actually sent him over to eat... This kind of friendship made him so moved that he was about to cry.    


But the nest collapsed...    


He could feel that the creatures outside were reinforcing the collapsed nest. This was nothing. Although it was a bit angry that it couldn't get out, the carapace monster couldn't get in either. This was a good thing.    


He was so weak right now. What would he do if the carapace monster came over and ate him? He didn't even have the strength to resist.    


Later on, there was a weak creature that came here. That weak creature offered some sacrifices, but took advantage of the time when it ate to cut open its body.    


Even though the wound was extremely small, after rubbing it twice, it couldn't be seen anymore, this type of action still made it extremely angry.    


Interrupting food was the worst behavior. The next time he saw that weak creature, he definitely had to give it a good beating to make it remember.    


However, fighting required a lot of stamina...    


I'm so hungry...    


It counted its tentacles.    


Five, five, five...    


Why was the fifth tentacle thicker than the other tentacles?    


Five, five...    


It looked... delicious. ...    


Five, five...    


Its mouth was wide open, and its tentacles were slowly approaching its mouth.    


A burst of laughter rang out from the collapsed temple.    


"Hahaha, the Lord of Seven Seas is actually so miserable that he ate himself, hahaha."    


It had never heard that voice before. But he didn't know why, but he could understand the meaning expressed by that voice.    


It stopped moving and stared in the direction of the voice.    


The tall figure walked out of the shadow with his hands covering his abdomen.    


Hmm... It was indeed a bit taller than those weak creatures.    


But... that's not right.    


This figure is not weak at all.    


It could feel what was contained within this figure's body.    


That deep madness and nameless chaos...    


It was very dangerous...    


His crouched body silently adjusted his posture.    


It was ready to fight.    


"Haha, I'm not here. Haha, I'm here to fight." The figure stretched out his other hand and waved it. "I'm laughing. Haha, my stomach hurts. Let me take a break."    




The figure stopped laughing.    


"Alright, I'm not here to fight, I'm a pacifist" The figure pointed at himself. "If you don't believe me, look. I don't have any hostility."    




Indeed, that was the case. Although it could feel the power of this figure, it could not feel any intention of attacking it.    


"The one who used to be the dominant one was actually reduced to eating me... Tsk tsk." The figure shook its head, "Too pitiful."    


It did not understand what it meant by pitiful. It felt that it was already very lucky that it was not killed and eaten by that carapace monster.    


"Forget it, I'll teach you a method." The figure sized up the sealed temple. "You can't get out... but you can do this. You only need to sleep. When you feel that there is information appearing in your brain, there will be food."    


This... Will it work? It had slept for so long and had never seen any food.    


"Of course it is." The figure seemed to see through its doubt, "Try it and you'll know, I never cheat"    




It opened its mouth and roared, that was the language used by those weak creatures.    


"Oh? How do I know if that information is food or something else?" The figure scratched his head. "This... How about this, if you hear someone calling their name, then the food is here."    


The roar continued.    


"What? What's your name?"    


"Of course it's your name."    




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