Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C60 Cats Are the Hope of Humanity

C60 Cats Are the Hope of Humanity

0Lying on the back of the giant beast, he organized his chaotic thoughts.    


In his hand was a large piece of dried meat and a water bag.    


He lost and retreated into the desert. He was on the verge of death and prayed to the fair Anubis. Then Anubis's head was cut off by this powerful monster in front of him.    




That monster killed a god in front of him...    


He looked at the dried meat and water bag in his hand.    


This is the flesh and blood of the god... this is blasphemy against the god...    


As a descendant of a royal family, how could he...    




After eating and drinking his fill, he laid down on the back of the six-legged monster, organising his chaotic thoughts.    


With enough food, he could feel that his physical strength was recovering.    


Although he didn't know why this monster would chop off Anubis's head, his actions were undoubtedly a challenge to the entire Heliopolitan Ennead God family.    


As a member of the royal family in the past, he was the closest person to God, so he should...    


Burp ~    




The Heliopolitan Ennead shouldn't let me go...    


However, the Heliopolitan Ennead wasn't as fair as the Magistrates had said. They knew that the descendants of the eagles were shameless usurpers, but they still let Horus become the human Horus.    


Was that why this six-legged monster appeared?    


Before conquering the foreign countries, he had also traveled around the continent. He also knew that the alien races would worship some gods or powerful creatures other than the Heliopolitan Ennead. But...    


He had never heard of this six-legged monster.    


To be able to cut off the head of the Death God, Anubis, this six-legged monster was powerful enough to be worshipped as a god.    


Looking at the ferocious and powerful body of this Six Legged Beast, it should be worshipped as a war god by some warlike tribes.    


Furthermore, the opponent's combat skills...    


He pondered the trajectory of that blade.    


He had a premonition that this was the opportunity for his martial technique to advance further.    


How did he do that...    




A dull thud could be heard as he was flung off his back by the six-legged monster.    


What's going on? ...    


The Six Legged Beast's appendages lightly tapped his shoulder and pointed in front of him.    


Following the Six Legged Beast's appendages, he looked into the distance.    


Water canals, farmland, cooking smoke... Mud and brick houses...    




He had already walked out of the desert...    


In front of them was the enemy's village. The meaning of this Six Legged Beast was...    


There was not much food left...    


It did not matter if he did not have any weapons. After eating and drinking his fill, he was full of energy. His opponents were only villagers who could not even be considered as warriors. He could also use his bare hands...    




His strong and powerful limbs directly knocked him to the ground.    




He looked at the Six Legged Beast, and the Six Legged Beast shook its head at him.    






Looking at the seemingly confused Johnson, Du Kang felt his heart cramp.    


He pointed at Johnson to tell him that there was someone there, but who would have thought that Johnson would look like he was going to slaughter the village? Of course not.    


Initially, he was hoping that Johnson would negotiate with those humans, but now it seemed like he had to come personally.    


But who knew what era the Horrifying Upright Ape were in now? If they didn't like him, he could just drive a bunch of airplanes and tanks over. That would be a bad thing.    


His main body had already moved to the ground nearby. If there were any problems, he would at least be able to protect this incarnation.    


Moving his feet, he led the confused Johnson towards the village.    


From afar, he could see the crude buildings and the busy figures in the farmland.    




Not like modern people...    


Although Johnson had pointed out the direction to leave the desert, Du Kang did not blindly follow the other party's route. Instead, he changed the route according to Johnson's route.    


It did not matter where he went, but this was the first time Johnson had met him, so he could not trust him completely.    


If he followed the direction Johnson pointed, Du Kang would be able to determine the approximate age and location of the equipment on the corpses in the desert very quickly. But now, he could only make wild guesses about this crude building and the foreign people dressed in exotic clothing.    




The people in that village seemed to have discovered him and were fleeing towards those crude buildings.    




Maybe they should change their way of communication...    


He had to see if there was anything in the vicinity that could help him establish his authority...    




On this day, a fierce monster appeared near a remote village.    


The villagers who were working discovered the huge six-legged ferocious beast. They frantically ran back home and prayed to the Heliopolitan Ennead, hoping that God could drive away that terrifying creature.    


Very soon, the figure of the six-legged ferocious beast disappeared.    


The villagers thought that their prayers had been answered, so they spent a day preparing to offer the sacrifices to the god - otherwise, what would happen if the furious god sent the monster back?    


The sacrifices were very sumptuous, the gods should be full...    


A huge figure appeared in the distance, and the six-legged ferocious beast came back.    




The villagers frantically ran back home, praying to the Heliopolitan Ennead, praying for the gods...    


Wait a minute, what was that Six Legged Beast doing?    


The corpse of a wild beast was thrown off the Six Legged Beast's back.    


One... Two, three, four...    


It was a pack of lions wreaking havoc nearby.    


Thirteen corpses of wild beasts were left at the entrance of the village.    


At this moment, the villagers realized that there was a tall man standing beside Monster. That strong body and the crisscrossing scars were clearly the bodies of warriors who had gone through hundreds of battles.    


"The powerful warrior tamed the monster and defeated the raging lions!"    


No one knew which villager shouted first.    


The villagers who were hiding in their houses and shivering carefully gathered at the entrance of the village. They sized up the tall and powerful warrior in front of them, as well as the huge and ferocious six-legged ferocious beast.    


"Powerful warrior." Among the villagers, a relatively prestigious person spoke up, "Thank you for helping us defeat the raging lions."    


"This is not my result." The tall warrior shook his head and turned to face the monster. "This is his result."    


Him? The villagers noticed this unusual form of address.    


That monster... is a foreign god?    


The tall warrior bowed to the monster with a solemn expression.    


"He is the God of Warriors, the God of Desert." The tall warrior said piously, "He came to this place..."    




The tall warrior was knocked to the ground by the monster's thick limbs.    




The villagers who were just about to hear the origin of the monster were stunned on the spot.    




After knocking over Johnson once again, Du Kang shook his head.    


In order to communicate with the villagers, he planned to find some wild beasts nearby.    


The stronger the wild beasts were, the better. He would kill those wild beasts and give them to the villagers. Basically, it could eliminate their vigilance - humans were greedy, and no one would refuse gifts that came to their doorstep. And the stronger the beast sent out, the more powerful it was. People would be interested in the tiger heroes, but no one would care who caught a few rabbits one day.    


And everyone's curiosity was the basis of communication.    


The plan was not bad. This Johnson also had a look. He went to negotiate with the villagers on his own accord. This was very good. One should know that even if Du Kang could speak, he would not speak their local language.    


But something still happened to this Johnson.    


Johnson's performance just now was the face of a pyramid salesman.    


This... forget it.    


He still had to do it himself.    


Du Kang raised his limb and pointed at the beast's corpse on the ground, then at the villagers.    


The villagers were trembling.    


...     3


Du Kang bent over and pushed the beast's corpse towards the villagers.    


The villagers retreated and wanted to escape.    






There was the sound of a meow nearby.    


A black short-haired cat passed through the crowd and walked towards Du Kang.    




Du Kang bent over and stretched out his appendages towards the cat.    


The short-haired cat sniffed Du Kang's appendages and jumped up. Then it followed the appendages and climbed all the way to Du Kang's head.    


The black short-haired cat laid on Du Kang's prawn head and looked down.    


The villagers burst into cheers.    


Du Kang let out a long sigh of relief when he heard the villagers cheering in an unknown language.    


It's done!    


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