Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C29 The Roller Coaster

C29 The Roller Coaster

3The shrimps chase the enemy.    


Under the power of the runes, the entire valley turned into an unstoppable moving fortress, rushing towards the distant waves.    


The feeling of taking the initiative to attack was much better than being passively beaten up. The group of shrimp people who had experienced the war of extinguishing fire had a deeper understanding of this point.    


The enemy couldn't run very far. The speed of the stronghold's movement was far faster than the enemy's waves.    


This time, the enemy was a little interesting. When they saw that the momentum was not right, they chose to retreat decisively. The waves carried the enemy as they sped forward. If not for the fact that the third structure had just been optimized a while ago, they would have almost run away.    


This group of enemies' commanders and Tide-Controlling Masters were not bad - the shrimp people still knew nothing about the structure of the Deep One.    


But it didn't matter...    


The person in charge of the fifth structure reported that a mountain range had appeared in the distance.    


As long as you stop for a moment, you're all dead...    


A debt of blood can only be repaid with blood.    




The young Deep One Priest was fully focused on controlling the waves.    


Behind the waves hung the enemy's mobile fortress.    


He couldn't be distracted. The young Deep One Priest knew that if he was any slower, the enemy's fortress would bite him.    


He didn't have the confidence to survive the lightning, not to mention having a light spear...    


Some soldiers were acting as his eyes. They were in charge of observing the surroundings to make up for the young Deep One's lack of attention.    


This was a good start...    


"Priest, we found a mountain range ahead." Deep One Warrior sent a message.    


When one ran for his life, he would die if he ran into any obstacles.    


In the wave, the young Deep One Priest rubbed his cane.    


I won't die today.    


He could see the panic of the soldiers. They were afraid, afraid of the enemy's moving stronghold, afraid of inexplicable death.    


Very good, his heart can be used...    


"Are you afraid?"    


The young Deep One Priest spoke.    


The soldiers were stunned. They did not understand what the young priest wanted to say.    


"There is no need to be afraid." The young Deep One's voice came from the waves, firm and powerful.    


"We will die, but not today."    


"So be careful, don't get thrown out!"    


The waves were accelerating.    


This was a speed that far exceeded the speed of the rapid march, even surpassing the charging speed of the offensive formation.    


The soldiers were stunned. They had never thought that this priest would have such a backup plan.    


However, in front of them, the tall mountains rose up from the ground, rolling up and down.    


The priest's voice sounded again.    


"So sometimes I wonder what would happen if I could fly up to the sky."    


The young Deep One Priest muttered something.    


"Later on, it was only after I flew into the sky that I realized that the feeling of the sky was actually not that great."    


The waves were charging towards the mountain peak.    


"So now it's your turn to try it out as well."    


The wave charged fiercely towards the mountain peak.    


"Be careful not to be thrown down!"    


In the depths of the wave, the young Deep One gripped his cane tightly, his face crazed.    


The wave rushed towards the peak of the mountain.    




The prawns in the distance were stunned.    


Although they knew that the enemy's ability this time was pretty good, the prawns didn't expect the enemy's Tide-Controlling Specialist to be so fierce.    


In the distance, the enemy's waves traveled along the mountain range, heading straight for the sky.    


The shrimp people with good eyesight could even see some of the Deep One that had been thrown out of the waves.    




The young prawn man who was in charge of controlling the beam of light gestured with his legs at his fellow prawns nearby.    


"Aren't they afraid of falling to their deaths?"    


The fifth structure quickly sent a message. The enemy didn't fall apart after landing, but took advantage of the opportunity to escape.    


The third structure indicated that it was possible to directly cross the mountain range, but it would take some time.    


The shrimp people were helpless. The enemy still escaped.    


This was the first time since the activation of the Runic Fortress that they weren't able to kill their prey.    


Shrimp Leader also received the news of his defeat in this battle, but he did not take this defeat seriously.    


It was not strange for the enemy to escape, but it was the enemy's strength and luck that allowed them to escape.    


What he needed to consider now was not this...    


"Prepare to turn around and leave this place." Shrimp Leader ordered, "The enemy should have already discovered us. This place is very dangerous."    


The huge valley moved silently.    


After leaving this place, they had to follow the direction the oracle had indicated.    


There were still some changes to the plan...    


Shrimp Leader lightly tapped on his carapace with his appendages and fell into deep thought.    


What he didn't know, in the distance, the enemy's nine allied armies had already surrounded them.    


He couldn't leave.    




Deep One Priest, who had climbed over the mountain range, rode the waves and ran all the way.    


It was already good enough to have this mountain to slow down the enemy's footsteps. The young Deep One Priest did not expect that mountain to be able to stop the enemy for too long. Who knew if the enemy's mobile fortress would directly come out of the mountain.    


If such a large valley could run all over the ground, he would not be surprised what those six-legged beasts could do.    


The enemy is so strong...    


Just as the young Deep One was about to retreat, he could faintly feel that he was about to die. He was certain that if he didn't run fast, the next second, the lightning would descend and take his life.    


He had been fleeing all the way until he had turned over a mountain. The young Deep One Priest didn't even know how he was able to escape from being caught. In the end, he could only conclude that he had done something unimaginable under the pressure of survival.    


There were fewer soldiers under him. These were the ones who did not try to swim up when they were climbing the mountain and were thrown out by the waves. That height wasn't low at all...    


The young Deep One Priest casually prayed to his unfortunate comrades who had fallen behind.    


And now, the young Deep One Priest looked at the chaotic soldiers.    


Since they had survived, they could prepare to reap the fruits of their victory. It was time...    




Deep One Warrior, who had survived the disaster, was furious.    


There were no reinforcements. There was nothing. Their priests had been able to hold on for a long time in the enemy's mobile fortress. However, they did not receive any rescue.    


Combined with the recent news that had been secretly spread, Deep One Warrior and the others had discovered a terrifying fact.    


The rumors were true. They were just bait thrown out by the higher-ups. They had been abandoned.    


"At least the priests are not on the same path as them!" Deep One Warrior spoke. He was one of the warriors who had just become a priest with hearing eyes. "The priests saved our lives!"    


"How do you know it wasn't because of him?" Another Deep One Warrior retorted, "He was born in the Capital of God's priest group!"    


"You..." Deep One Warrior and the others quarreled and were about to fight.    


All of this was seen by the young Deep One Priest.    


The soldiers needed a channel to vent their emotions.    


"Soldiers," the young Deep One's voice was still hoarse and firm. "What are you arguing about?"    


Deep One Warrior and the others were silent.    


Finally, Deep One Warrior could not help but speak.    


"Priest, we encountered the enemy and sent out the alarm, but why are there no reinforcements?"    


"Didn't you say that Dark Spawn would not abandon any of his own kind?"    


Deep One Priest, who was hiding in the tide, laughed silently.    


"Of course Dark Spawn would not abandon any of his own kind!" In the tide, the young Deep One's voice was still hoarse and powerful, "As for the reinforcements... I do not know either."    


A dark red color flowed from the depths of the wave.    


"Priest, you... are injured?" Deep One Warrior asked.    


"But I believe it." The young Deep One ignored him, "After we return to the alliance, the priest group will definitely give us an answer!"    


Of course you won't get anything... The young Deep One Priest sighed in his heart.    


What should be said is more or less this...    


"Now, let's go home!"    


The young Deep One's voice was firm and powerful.    


This emotion easily infected the soldiers.     1


"Go home!"    


"Let's go home!"    


"[Let's go home!]"    




Hearing the hoarse shouts of the soldiers, the young Deep One Priest rubbed the pebbles on his cane.    


Very good, the morale of the troops can be used.    


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