Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C25 If I Say You Can Do It Then You Can Do It or Not

C25 If I Say You Can Do It Then You Can Do It or Not

0The young Deep One Priest was lying on the reef, allowing the seawater to wash his body.     2


The new transfer order had been issued. He would lead the priests to the front line and take over an army there.    


The time limit for the transfer order was not too tight, so the young Deep One decided to go after a period of time.    


The young Deep One began to like this kind of quiet feeling. Lying on the reef like this, he didn't have to think about anything, or just casually think about something.    


There was no heavy priest training, nor did he need to deal with all kinds of things, nor did he need to spend any energy to control the waves.    


Rubbing the pebble in his hand, the young Deep One Priest let out such a sigh.    


Although he was exiled to a place where there was no fish, his information channels were not that blocked. He knew some of the things that happened at the front line.    


The allied army formed by three full Oracles and five elite legions had undoubtedly invested a lot in dealing with the enemy gods. Perhaps they had even made some arrangements against the enemy gods, but the change in the enemy had disrupted all of their plans.    


Who would have thought that the enemy would turn the valley they lived in into a mobile fortress?    


The allied army's response was still considered normal. It was also normal for them to gather the surrounding ordinary legions to surround them. If they lost, they would lose because the enemy's hidden trump card was too strong and too targeted. Under the attack of the lightning, the army of sea people could not even withstand a single blow.    


After that, the Alliance Army's reaction was not so decisive. After three ordinary legions were eaten, they did not immediately give the order to retreat. As a result, when they truly retreated, five legions had already been eaten by the enemy. Although it was only an ordinary legion, this responsibility was not something the Alliance Army could shoulder.    


Perhaps this island would become more lively in the future...    


The front line was no longer a good place to gain experience. The enemy's mobile fortresses were now frantically looking for opponents. They would immediately start fighting when they encountered Dark Spawn's army. They even took the initiative to attack the elite alliance army. However, the enemy's attacks seemed to have some limitations and the lightning did not cause any harm to the Alliance Army.    


Hence, some ordinary armies spontaneously joined forces to avoid the enemy's attacks. The enemy also changed their strategy and targeted those ordinary armies. They did not stop after one successful attack, and only left headless corpses on the ground for Dark Spawn's army.    


The young Deep One Priest did not understand what the enemy was thinking. If they had such a method, why did they not use it when they were about to be wiped out?    


If there was a choice, the young Deep One Priest would rather stay on this island that no fish could see than accept the transfer order. The leading priest was not the following priest. With the current situation, the hidden meaning was to let him die on the front line.    


Unfortunately, he did not have a choice. If the transfer order was removed from the priest because of neglect, then even if he did not go to the front line, he would not be able to live.    


What he really cared about was the significance of the leading priest.    


The higher-ups did not realize that the way of war had been changed, they were still using the original method, there were no changes...    


It was difficult...    


Maybe going to the front line was an opportunity?    


Holding the pebble in his hand, the young Deep One Priest let the seawater flow over his head.    




The busy shrimp people could be seen everywhere in the valley.    


Opening three layers of the structure at the same time for a long time was still too much of a burden on the valley. When there were no enemies, the shrimp people needed to make the best use of their time to repair the entire fortress in order to ensure that it would not collapse.    


The seventh structure also displayed its limitations in actual combat. After the enemy's few waves merged, the seventh structure could not cause that kind of huge damage. The enemy seemed to have learned how to be smart, and now it was very difficult to catch the enemy army that was left alone.    


The third structure's performance was quite outstanding. Up until now, the Shrimp Valley had never been caught up by the enemy even once.    


War was indeed the best whetstone. A group of young Shrimp people entered Shrimp Leader's line of sight. They displayed remarkable management and commanding ability in this war. Although they were a little immature, it still made Shrimp Leader feel gratified.    


At least they would not have no successors.    


But the current situation...    


Shrimp Leader lightly tapped his carapace with his appendages.    


He didn't know whether the current situation was good or bad. Although he had obtained a great victory without any injuries, the emptiness inside was still a fact. The enemy also had a way to deal with the Seventh Structure's attack power. If the enemy changed their tactics, then it would only be a matter of time before they were surrounded.    


So now, they could only choose to fight in a sportswear and try to buy as much time as possible.    


But how long could it drag for?    


The enemy would come again after retreating, and there would be a second wave after the first wave was defeated...    


Shrimp Leader remembered the oracle. It was the order he received after experiencing the trial.    




Looking at the scenery outside the rock wall, Shrimp Leader had an epiphany.    


Shen Ming had predicted the current situation early in the morning? Did the oracle mean to start the fortress and attack the ocean directly?    




Shrimp Leader remembered the runes bestowed by God. These runes had been deciphered, taught, used, and reassembled by the learners. Now, they had become an indispensable force for the people of Fire.    


However, there was still one rune that he had not deciphered back then.    


After returning to the valley, Shrimp Leader tried to decipher the rune again.    


He didn't tell any of his fellow clan members anything related to this rune.    


This was not something they could understand. If the other runic symbols that the gods passed down were flames that lit up the era, then... Then the power contained within this symbol was without a doubt blasphemous, extinguishing all darkness.    


And this was also what the gods had taught them.    


What was the gods expressing? Or had he predicted something?    


And now, Shrimp Leader connected all of this together in his mind.    


His sharp appendages hooked a deep ravine on the carapace.    


It turned out that the gods had already expected everything, but they had given the right to choose to the people who were on fire.    


Shrimp Leader looked at the towering figure in the square from afar.    


Is this the god?    




The Flyer were ready to retreat when the Deep One alliance army retreated.    


After observing the entire battle, they witnessed the powerful strength of these shrimp people, and this also created a new problem.    


The shrimp men's long-range attacks were too powerful. The Flyer men simply had no chance of coming into contact with their god.    


The shrimp people were very powerful, but they were only on land. They couldn't even ascend to the sky.    


Thinking of this, the Flyer people suddenly became enlightened. So what if the prawn people were strong? They were still the overlords of the sky.    


Therefore, let the earth return to the earth, and the sky return to the sky.    


With this thought in mind, the Flyer flapped their wings and flew into the distance.    


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