Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C222 Food Is the Bridge to Communication

C222 Food Is the Bridge to Communication

3By the bonfire, the broken armor turned its head and looked at the screaming human male.    4


It's not Chinese... I don't understand.    


A golden flame lit up on Du Kang's neck. After clearing his throat, Du Kang decided to show his friendliness first.    


"Who is it?" Du Kang tried to make his voice softer. "Do you understand what I'm saying?"    




The human male turned around and ran.    


This... do I look like a ghost now? I look like a human already.    


Forget it, I'll just go with the flow.    


Du Kang picked up the long spear from the ground. He aimed at the human who was running away and threw it at him.    


The spear spun a few times in the air and knocked the human to the ground.    


"Come back!" Du Kang tried to make his voice sound more imposing. He pointed at the human and then pointed at the empty space beside the bonfire. "Sit down!"    


As expected, the human obediently walked back with a spear and sat beside the bonfire.    


Looking at the trembling human male, Du Kang had a headache.    


The atmosphere of communication that had been set up was now completely gone...    


Luckily, there was a remedy.    


"You." Du Kang looked at the human, "Wait."    


Du Kang took out a small knife and started to process the half-cooked lion.    


Sharing food had always been the best way to eliminate hostility.    




Next to the bonfire, he trembled as he tightly gripped the spear in his hand. Now, only weapons could give him a sense of security.    


He did not dare to escape. The terrifying Undead in front of him had already made his words clear. Come back and sit here. In other words, if he ran away - no, even if he stood up, he would still be killed by the Undead.    


This thing in front of him was undoubtedly an undead. Humans couldn't be so tall, nor could they let out chaotic roars, let alone a ring of fire around their necks. And the aura that this Undead displayed just now... Were the ancient soldiers all so fierce?    


Even though he held a spear in his hand, he didn't have any intention of attacking the undead. Not to mention the strange yet somewhat damaged armor on the undead's body, the obsidian spear could not pierce through it at all. Even if it could, whether this ordinary spear could cause damage to the undead that had died a long time ago was also a problem.    


He did not want to anger this undead. He still had his family. He wanted to live.    


Thinking about it carefully, if this undead really wanted to take his life, then he would have been killed a long time ago. Since he wasn't dead yet, it meant that he wasn't dead yet. I still have something to do with this undead...    


A mouth-watering aroma interrupted his train of thought.    


This is...    


He looked at the source of the aroma. The tall Undead was dealing with the lions on the bonfire in an orderly manner.    


This... Didn't the legendary Undead eat flesh and blood raw? They also ate cooked meat?    


Croak -    


His stomach let out a hungry wail.    


Seemingly aware of his hunger, the tall Undead sliced off a piece of meat from the roasted lion and handed it over.    


"Eat" The Undead's eyes flashed with a faint fiery light, "The conditions are simple, just give it a try."    


This... food made by the Undead?    


He felt a chill down his spine.    


After eating the food made by the undead... would he turn into an undead?    


Looking at the malevolent mask of the Undead, he stretched out his trembling hands and took the roasted meat.    


If he ate it, he might turn into an Undead, but if he did not eat it, he would definitely be killed. Even if he died, he would still be a dead man.    


Looking at the roasted meat in his hands, he closed his eyes.    


Farewell, mother. Farewell, havana. Farewell, children. Even if I become an Undead, I will never forget our home.    


He resolutely stuffed the roasted meat into his mouth.    


Death will not be able to separate us, my soul... Wait a moment.    


This meat is really fragrant.    




Alright. Du Kang looked at the human who was chewing on the meat and nodded his head in satisfaction.    


His cooking skills had gone through hundreds of years of training. Although it was limited by the ingredients, it was not a problem to conquer this native who seemed to still be in the Stone Age.    


As for this human's generous expression of death, Du Kang treated it as a custom for the people who lived here to eat. A tribe that was still in the Stone Age would always have this kind of strange custom. Perhaps this human was showing his respect for food.    


"How does it taste?" Du Kang tried to make his voice sound more friendly, "Do you want some more?"    


A trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the human male, but it quickly became calm.    


"It's delicious."    


The male human nodded, then looked greedily at the roasted lion.    


"Go and cut it yourself."    


Du Kang handed the knife over.    


"I have no hostility towards you."    


He looked at the human male who was wolfing down his food. Du Kang felt that this was a good communication atmosphere.    


"I am Kang Du, a lost traveler. I came to this place to find... something. Then, what's your name?"    


" Respected warrior. "    


The human male struggled to swallow the food in his mouth.    


"My name is Apache."    




Burp ~    


After eating about 80% of his fill, Apache reluctantly handed the knife back to the undead who called himself Gondor.    


He knew very well that eating until he was full meant that he would be at the mercy of others. He was not stupid enough to think that the undead would not hurt him. Even though this undead who claimed to be a lost traveler had a name, it still seemed somewhat rational. However, in the legends, which undead wasn't lost in the mortal world and couldn't return to the world of death?    


This Undead should not be an ancient warrior, but an outsider. It could be seen from the short sword sized metal knife just now. There was no metal smelting technology locally. Only the nobles in the city would have some metal weapons that were traded from outside - - but they didn't have the ability to trade back the technology. The stack of things that the undead took out just now, which was called "paper," was something Apache had never heard of before.    


He did not understand the drawings on the paper. The strange painting style was similar to the one that the priests had drawn after flying too many leaves. Perhaps the priests could decipher these drawings.    


However, he didn't want to tell this to the Undead.    


It would bring disaster to the village.    


However, things would not develop according to his imagination.    


Just as he was about to bid farewell to the Undead and raise his spear to leave, he noticed that the Undead had followed him.    


"It's fine if you don't know" The Undead's eyes flashed with a faint fiery light, "There will always be someone who knows."    


"I... I don't want to go back." He racked his brains to think of an excuse to deal with the Undead, "Respected Warrior, I'm going to hunt some wild beasts. This year's harvest of corn is an apology, I need to be responsible for my family "    




A hint of... approval flashed in the eyes of the Undead?    


But what the undead said next made Apache's heart sink to the bottom of the valley.    


"Hunting, right? Let me see."    


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