Cthulhu Fantasy : I Am The Great Old One

C1 It's Time for the Mantis Shrimp to Leave

C1 It's Time for the Mantis Shrimp to Leave

1Du Kang turned into a Mantis shrimp.     3


It happened on a dark and windy night. When Du Kang was in a daze, he suddenly felt that his body, which had not undergone any training, was full of strength. He could kill a cow with one punch. Then, when he tried to clench his fists, he found that his hands had become a pair of appendages.    


After spending half a day to confirm that he was in some unknown sea, he used another five days to understand that he had become a Mantis shrimp.    


Or, it could be changed to another commonly used name - Leather Prawn.    


After understanding his current situation, Du Kang quickly adapted to his new identity. After all, the natural world paid attention to the survival of the fittest. Rather than thinking about those things, it was better to think about the natural enemies of the Mantis shrimp. Otherwise, he would not know who ate them.    


But what was the natural enemy of the Mantis shrimp?    


Du Kang cautiously wandered around in this sea, hunting some small fish and shrimps. In fact, Du Kang had never seen any big fish in this sea. Most of the fish were not even as big as him.    


What Du Kang did not know was that his current size was about the size of a cow or a tiger. For the Mantis shrimp, which was less than half a meter long, he was like a giant.    


And as he ate, his size continued to grow.    


Du Kang's way of hunting was very rough. He did not know that the Mantis shrimp's original food was mostly the slow moving foot or carapace in the ocean, or it was used to ambush small fish. He was like a shark chasing its prey. After getting close, he quickly shot out the spikes on his forelimbs to pierce through the prey. He had tried not to shoot out the spikes but to use a more powerful attack. However, after knocking the fifth fish into a cloud of blood mist, he gave up on the idea of doing so. Pcht! Pcht! Pcht! Pcht! Pcht! Pcht! Pcht! Pcht! Pcht! Pcht! Pcht! Pcht!    


Du Kang did not know which sea he was in. There were no effective reference objects around him, and he had never seen any fish he knew. Du Kang had never seen a shark, a whale, or any other fish. He had seen some octopuses before, so he knew that he should be in the sea, at least in the sea.    


After eating and sleeping for a few months, Du Kang finally realized that he was not normal. He felt that the fish he ate was getting smaller and smaller. The fish that he could use his forelimbs to pierce through were now directly cut in half by his forelimbs. The caves that were often used to hide were getting harder and harder to hide in.    


"I can't continue like this. I have to go around." Finally, after completely not being able to hide in the cave, Du Kang came to a conclusion.    


"I have to go upstream." Du Kang thought that if he could swim to the surface of the water, he might be able to see something he was familiar with.    


Du Kang did not know how deep he was underwater. His vision was different from when he was a human. This caused him to be unable to determine whether it was day or night by sensing the changes in the light, because he could see everything clearly. He could even see his back.    


"Maybe the water is deep where I am." This was Du Kang's conclusion.    


It did not feel good to swim up. As the position went up, Du Kang also felt hotter and hotter. He felt that he was almost cooked.    


Finally, after swimming for an unknown number of days, Du Kang finally floated to the surface of the water.    


Hot. Du Kang felt that it was very hot. The thick shell made him feel even hotter. The water around him was not as calm as he had imagined. It was not like the dark clouds that he had seen on TV. If he had to make an analogy, it would be more like a boiling pot of soup. There was mist and colorful, unknown smoke coming from the evaporation. There were also several active volcanoes in his field of vision. Boiling hot lava constantly gushed out of the crater, cooled down, and then solidified. It slowly and firmly piled up, some of which were even higher than the surface of the water. Small islands appeared one after another. The small islands grew bigger and bigger. There were even a few islands that merged together to form bigger islands, and the big islands also gradually expanded. When they were pieced together, they squeezed out towering peaks from the seams. The embryonic form of some land was revealed, and the fog began to rise. The colorful fog also rose higher and higher, and their vision became clearer and clearer.    


Du Kang looked at this scene and did not know how long had passed. To describe it with his poor vocabulary, he only found the words' the world has just been opened '. What he saw in front of him gave him quite a shock. The scene of the creation of the world made him intoxicated. As he watched the continents take shape, the smoke at the top gradually faded. It formed a blue sky. This sense of accomplishment and satisfaction was hard to describe.    


Finally, after the heaven and earth were completely formed, Du Kang woke up. In fact, it was because he felt that the water around him had cooled down. At this time, he also understood that the reason he had been looking at this place for so long was that the surrounding environment was too hot, which affected his brain. In fact, he felt that he was already familiar with this place. However, since he could still move and think, it meant that there was no big problem. However, compared to these, he wanted to go to the mainland and take a look.    


Du Kang tried his best to swim towards the land. He swam very fast. It only took him about half a day to reach the shore. Du Kang's head seemed to have been burned by the high temperature, and he didn't even consider whether this large mantis shrimp could survive the water. However, the truth was that leaving the water didn't have much of an effect on Du Kang. He just felt that his carapace was a little dry.    


After circling around twice, Du Kang was disappointed. The newborn land was desolate. Other than rocks, it was earth. The volcanic eruption brought enough dust. After mixing with the mist, it turned into dirt, but there were no plants on it. Maybe there were some microorganisms, but Du Kang had grown to the size of a sperm whale, so he would not care about these little things.    


"Maybe I should rest for a while." Du Kang felt a little tired. He didn't know how long it had been since he had rested. The separation of heaven and earth also had some benefits. At least Du Kang could now distinguish the day and night, and not the day when he was in the sea. Or when he just came out of the water, he could only see steam and colorful smoke.    


After finding a small hill, Du Kang raised his sharp and hard forelimbs and started to dig holes. He prepared to dig a big enough nest for himself like he did in the water. Then he would sleep inside for a while. In fact, Du Kang did not need to do that. The carapace on his body was thick and tough. If he could give it a try, he would know that even if his carapace was bombarded by battleships, it wouldn't be a problem. However, Du Kang's human thinking still made him feel that when he slept, he had to create a comfortable enough space for himself.    


After the day and night rotated seven times, Du Kang dug out his temporary residence. Half of the mountain had been hollowed out by him. Twisting his huge body, Du Kang went into his own nest and slowly fell asleep.    


In his dream, Du Kang saw the sun. The scorching light did not blind his eyes, but made him feel like he had the power of fire.    


"Maybe I can eat cooked food in the future." Du Kang was happy for a moment. His consciousness gradually sank deeper.    


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