Soldier King's Love Affairs In City

C255 I'il Just Watch You Pretend

C255 I'il Just Watch You Pretend

1Everyone dispersed and returned to their own rooms. Qin Yun stayed alone in one room while the three women stayed in another.    


Qin Yun did not rest immediately after returning to his room. Instead, he placed his attention on the Fiery Dragon Battle Tattoo on his chest.    


Qin Yun slowly circulated the power of the Dragon God in his body. His eyes turned a deep golden red as the golden glow from his body began to appear incessantly.    


However, besides emitting a dim golden light, there were no other changes to the Fiery Dragon Battle Mark.    


"Hmm? I'll try. " Qin Yun thought to himself as he infused the power of the Dragon God into the Fiery Dragon Battle Marking.    


The Fiery Dragon Battle Tattoo on his chest suddenly emitted a dazzling light. A golden dragon similar to the Fiery Dragon Battle Tattoo appeared on Qin Yun's body.    


With the appearance of the golden dragon from the Fiery Dragon Battle Mark, Qin Yun felt as though his strength had increased significantly.    


"Try again!" Qin Yun channeled all the power of the Dragon God into the Fiery Dragon Battle Marking.    


A resounding dragon roar resounded as the golden dragon coiled around Qin Yun's body. The golden dragon roared incessantly as Qin Yun felt as though it possessed endless strength.    


Having gained the strength, Qin Yun was filled with confidence in the upcoming Black Dragon Council expedition.    


Although the Fiery Dragon Battle Tattoo could allow Qin Yun's Dragon God's power to persist for a longer period of time, it consumed a great deal of the Dragon God's power when using it.    


Furthermore, for the time being, Qin Yun had only discovered the effect of the Fiery Dragon Battle Tattoo's ability to raise one's strength.    


Early the next morning, Qin Yun and company had a fast meal at Green Station Temple. After that, they bid farewell to the two great masters, Hui Guang and Hui Yun, before taking the three women down the mountain.    


The white fox looked at Qin Yun's back as he disappeared into the distance as it muttered, "Could he be the fated person that I met?"    


As the people of An County did not dare to come to the North Mountain, they had to walk a long way to get a taxi.    


The taxi brought Qin Yun and company to the entrance of the car care center.    


Just as Qin Yun got out of the car, he heard a whoosh! A Maserati sped past them.    


"Isn't that our car?" Murong Ke Er said in surprise.    


Qin Yun frowned. From the looks of it, the boss was dishonest. While he was gone, he drove his car away.    


Dongfang Qing Lan and Nangong Yue naturally had guessed this as well. They too frowned as they looked in the direction that Maserati had disappeared to.    


"Come, let's go and see what's going on." As Qin Yun said that, he walked straight to his state of mind.    


A staff member of the Nurturing Center turned pale with fright when he saw Qin Yun and company return. He hurriedly went forward to welcome them. "Sir, why have all of you returned so quickly?"    


"If we don't come back, who knows what the car will look like." Nangong Yue stepped forward and said coldly to that person.    


Seeing that the matter had been exposed, the employee quickly apologized, "Sorry, sorry. This was indeed our fault. I'll call the boss right now."    


After saying that, the employee turned around and went into the room to make a call.    


At that moment, the sound of the Maserati engine rumbled in his ears. With a creak, Qin Yun's Maserati drove back and came to a steady halt beside Dongfang Qinglan and the other ladies.    


A young man in his twenties who was not too tall and dressed very well walked out of the car. He shook the car keys in his hand and touched the streamlined body of the car.    


He faced Dong Fang Qing Lan and said, "Beauty, do you know what brand this car is?"    


Dongfang Qing Lan's playfulness was immediately sparked when she saw him pulling her. She pretended to be very surprised and said to the young man, "What a beautiful car. It should at least cost a million and eight hundred thousand yuan."    


After the young man heard what Dong Fang Qing Lan said, he smiled proudly at Dong Fang Qing Lan, "This car is called Maserati, and it's a limited amount worldwide. The one million and eight hundred thousand you said is not even enough to buy a wheel."    


Dongfang Qing Lan couldn't help but laugh as she heard this. She tugged on Nangong Yue's and Mu Rong Ke'er's heads and gave them a meaningful look. The two of them instantly understood.    


Nangong Yue exclaimed, "So this car is so valuable. According to what you said, it should at least be worth seven or eight million."    


There was a trace of contempt in that young man's eyes. He smiled at Nangong Yue and said, "To be exact, it was twenty million."    


"Wow, then can you take us for a ride?" Murong Ke Er said to the young man.    


After the young man heard what Murong Ke-er said, he was overjoyed. He never thought that the charm of this car would be so great that the three great beauties would take the initiative to take it.    


"Of course you can, I'm very honored to be able to take you beauties for a ride." The young man laughed.    


When Qin Yun saw that the girls had also finished playing, he said to the youth, "Is this car yours?"    


The youth did not expect Qin Yun to ask such a question. His expression changed before turning to Qin Yun and said, "Why? Are you envious that the beauties want to ride me?"    


When Qin Yun heard his words, he could not help but find it laughable. He could not help but be amused.    


Qin Yun said to Nangong Yue and the others, "I have a car with beautiful girls. Take my car."    


Dongfang Qing Lan looked at Qin Yun with disdain and said, "Where's your car?" Is it 20 million? "    


"Well, there isn't." Qin Yun answered.    


At this moment, the youth felt even more proud. He said with a smile to Qin Yun, "Brother, it's useless to dress well these days. It's better to have a luxurious car."    


Just as the young man was feeling pleased with himself, a "pa!" sound rang out. A short middle-aged man walked over from behind and slapped the young man on the back of his head.    


The short middle-aged man was the owner of the car care center.    


"Who the f * ck hit me!" The young man felt disgraced seeing himself being beaten in front of a beautiful woman, and started swearing.    


When he turned around, he was stunned, because the person in front of him was his father.    


"Little bastard, you even dare to scold your father!" "Pah!" The boss slapped the young man in the face.    


"Dad, why did you hit me!" The young man covered his face and said in an aggrieved tone.    


"I'm just going out for f * cking long time, yet you dare to drive your car out for me!? Even hitting you would be considered light! " The boss scolded the young man.    


"I was wrong, it was just a drive, it's not like I broke it." The young man felt wronged.    


"You still want to break it? If it breaks, I won't be able to afford to sell it to you!" When the owner raised his hand to slap him again, Qin Yun said indifferently, "Forget it, stop it."    


"If it wasn't for this mister pleading for you, I would definitely skin you alive today!" The owner cursed angrily and snatched the car keys from the young man's hands.    


He walked in front of Qin Yun and company and returned the keys. With an apologetic expression, he said, "Sir, I'm truly sorry. My son has no skills at all and has secretly driven your beloved car out while I'm no longer around. I'm sorry. Why don't I return the money to you?"    


With that said, the owner was about to give the money to Qin Yun.    


Qin Yun noticed that the owner's attitude of admitting his wrongs was very good. Furthermore, he had reminded himself kindly yesterday, so there was no problem. He waved his hand and said, "Forget it, the car is fine."    


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