Soldier King's Love Affairs In City

C29 Dragon Shadow Tenth Person

C29 Dragon Shadow Tenth Person

4After surfacing, Qin Yun cursed himself for being foolish. He was about ten kilometers from the seaside and the water depth was at least a few hundred meters or more. How could he be underwater?    


Just as Qin Yun was feeling puzzled, a cruise ship was heading straight for him. This is it! " Qin Yun looked at the cruise ship that was approaching him. As the information was correct, the cruise liner would pass where he was four hours later.    


If he had come earlier, he would have definitely caught up to the cruise ship. However, if he came late, he would naturally be eliminated. Without any hesitation, Qin Yun swam towards the cruise ship.    


This cruise ship was called 'Sonny', and it was an international cruise. The people on board this cruise were all famous figures, so naturally, the security of this cruise ship was very tight. There was a hundred guards on board to prevent pirates from hijacking the ship.    


As the cruise ship gradually entered, Qin Yun rapidly climbed up the cruise ship's hull. He even had to dodge the searchlights that constantly shone at him.    


The few dozen meters of railing took him nearly half an hour. While no one was around, Qin Yun leaped and scuttled to the deck.    


However, he did not dare to rest here, because the ship's guards would occasionally patrol. If they were caught, they would be shot as pirates and thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.    


Qin Yun quickly slipped into a warehouse and changed out of his wet clothes. He wore the clothes of a waiter and came to the agreed room.    


The decorations in the room were luxurious, spacious and bright. A middle-aged man with a smile on his face sat on the sofa in the middle of the room.    


When the middle-aged man saw Qin Yun, he looked at the time on the wall and said with a smile, "You are indeed a weapon king. You arrived earlier than I expected. I welcome you to join Dragon Shadow and become the tenth member of Dragon Shadow."    


"Are you the head of Dragon Shadow?" This was because Qin Yun's voice when he received the call was clearly different from the middle-aged man in front of him.    


"Hehe, why are you asking about it right after you arrived? That's right, I'm the leader of Dragon Shadow. You can call me Dragon Head." The middle-aged man laughed.    


"Next, I'll give you a brief introduction of the dragon's shadow." The dragon head slowly stood up and said, "The dragon shadow is a sharp weapon of my Huaxia. Including you and me, there are only ten members in total."    


When Qin Yun heard the dragon head's words, he felt a ripple in his heart. The majestic dragon shadows only had ten members. It was obvious how terrifying the other members were.    


"Alright, that's all I have to say." The dragon head only introduced him once before sitting back down.    


"Ah!" Qin Yun was clearly somewhat dumbfounded. This sentence did not even seem like an introduction.    


"Haha, this is for you." Seeing Qin Yun's confusion, the middle-aged man took out a box and handed it to Qin Yun.    


He opened the box and found a dagger about ten centimeters long and a special badge. The badge was about the size of a coin and had a lifelike dragon engraved on it.    


Qin Yun picked up the epaulette and examined it for a moment before picking up the dagger again. Although the dagger looked ordinary and small, it was ice-cold to the touch. It did not seem to have any weight.    


Qin Yun held the dagger and with a flick of his wrist, the dagger spun rapidly in his hand before grabbing it tightly. He could not help but exclaim in surprise, "Good saber!"    


The dragon head looked at Qin Yun and said with a smile, "The Dragon Shadow Badge is a symbol of status. The Dragon Shadow Dagger is a sharp weapon that the Dragon Shadow Dagger is.    


Qin Yun placed the dagger in a specially prepared scabbard and placed it close to his body. He held the Dragon Shadow Badge tightly in his hand and walked out of the room with the dragon head.    


"I forgot to tell you. This cruise ship is bound for the Atlantic Ocean. If you want to disembark, you have to hurry." The sound of the dragon head's laughter came from within the room.    


Just as Qin Yun came out of the room with the dragon head, he met a three-man patrol team. The leader of the team was a blond hulk who looked somewhat unfamiliar. He shouted at Qin Yun in English, "Stand still, show me your work permit."    


Qin Yun's grades in high school were very good. Furthermore, language learning was a basic quality that a weapon king had to have, so it was very easy for him to understand it.    


He smiled at that person in English and said, "Come here, I'll show you."    


The leader of the guards was obviously not an idiot. The Qin Yun in front of him had a strong body that exuded an aura that left him in awe from head to toe. He was definitely not an ordinary person.    


He picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Suspected personnel have been detected on the sixth floor. Requesting backup."    


"Damn, if there's any disagreement, we'll ask for help." Qin Yun's figure quickly came in front of the person and with a palm strike, he struck the muscular man's neck, stunning him.    


The duo behind the burly man quickly reacted. Just as they pulled out their guns, they were struck by Qin Yun's elbow. With a knee strike, they quickly left the scene. By the time the other guards arrived, Qin Yun had already disappeared without a trace.    


With a "plop" sound, Qin Yun leaped from the side of the boat into the ice-cold sea and swam towards the sea. Watching Qin Yun swimming in the sea, he could not help but say with a smile to an expressionless middle-aged man behind him, "Old Ma, this Qin Yun really has a personality. He jumped into the sea without a word."    


The sky had begun to brighten, and the sky was turning white. It was almost sunrise.    


At that moment, Qin Yun was lying on a rock, constantly panting. As he had been on the cruise ship for some time, the distance between him and the seaside was much greater. He had to swim for a full two and a half hours before he returned.    


Fortunately, he had a strong spiritual energy to support him; otherwise, he would have been exhausted long ago. However, his spiritual energy was also almost depleted.    


After resting for a few minutes, Qin Yun sat down on a rock and began recovering his spiritual energy.    


The spiritual energy by the seaside was extremely abundant. Furthermore, it was an uninhabited seaside, so no one noticed the circling golden dragon above his head. Two hours later, Qin Yun had recovered all his spiritual energy and he felt that he was only one step away from breaking through to the Connate realm.    


Qin Yun found the location where he had kept his cellphone and wallet and prepared to return to Riverside City.    


By now, the sun had risen high into the sky. On the highway a kilometer away from the sea, there were many cars shuttling back and forth. Qin Yun stood by the roadside as he prepared to take a ride to the nearby Seaside City before changing his stop to Binjiang River.    


At this moment, Qin Yun came face to face with a Porsche sports car. He did not wave at it because the people driving such a sports car were usually rich. They normally did not want to be hitchhiked.    


The woman driving the Porsche didn't think so. Although the man on the side of the road was wearing the clothes of a waiter, he was still tall and straight. Moreover, he was handsome, which exuded a charm that could captivate females.    


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