Genius Immortal Doctor In City

C569 Leave

C569 Leave

4Hearing this, Lin Yi couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. When the old man heard this, he was finally moved. So, he said slowly, "If that's the case, you can leave after you've recovered from your injuries."    


Lin Yi could tell that the old man's words were full of love for Ke'er. Seeing the old man agree, Ke'er immediately became excited, as if she had obtained some treasure.    


After that, the old man brought Lin Yi to the courtyard, then he turned around and went to the kitchen to serve the dishes with Ke'er. Lin Yi found that although the old man said that he was unreasonable, his heart was good. Otherwise, he wouldn't have saved her.    


Ke'er looked at the table full of dishes and was very satisfied. This was the result of Lin Yi seeing her work for a long time. Lin Yi had a taste that was very good, and there was also a trace of familiar taste. It made Lin Yi's appetite greatly increase.    


Time passed like a flash of light. Soon, Lin Yi's injuries were almost healed. During this period of time, Lin Yi, Ke'er and Sima Huangtian. This was also the grandfather of Ke'er. It was only later that Lin Yi found out that the old man had such a domineering name. The three of them lived harmoniously.    


Gradually, Sima Huangtian could tell that Lin Yi wasn't a bad person from the bits and pieces of his life. However, the thing that gave him the biggest headache was that Lin Yi simply couldn't remember who he was. Moreover, he had forgotten a lot of things. If he let Lin Yi leave... Sima Huangtian didn't know if Lin Yi would be able to leave this place alive.    


After hesitating for a while, Sima Huangtian softened his heart and let Lin Yi stay for a period of time.    


"Dumby, what are we eating today?" Sima Huangtian saw Lin Yi come back from outside and asked with a smile. During the time they were together, Sima Huangtian found that Lin Yi was very talented in cooking. Moreover, the taste was very good, and he praised ___ every time.    


"Uncle, I caught some fish today. I can drink the fish soup tonight." Lin Yi smiled and said. Then he picked up the fish in his hand and waved it in front of him.    


As Lin Yi's injuries gradually recovered, Sima Huangtian gradually found something unusual about Lin Yi. For example, he had great strength and was very agile, and his hands were very fast. Sometimes, even Sima Huangtian felt that he couldn't see his eyes.    


"Who is this Dumby? Although he didn't know, he was sure that Dumby was also a master before. No, I can't let him stay here any longer. After all, I don't know if he will harm Ke'er or cause us some trouble. " After that, Sima Huangtian made up his mind.    


Every time they ate, Ke'er would be the happiest. This was because he could eat delicious food without cooking. He looked at the big table of dishes on the table. Ke'er always had the most smiles on her face, and every time she saw Ke'er's smile, Lin Yi was always very pleased in his heart.    


"Dumby, your injuries are almost healed. It's time for you to leave." Just as the two of them were feeling extremely satisfied, Sima Huangtian suddenly opened his mouth and said slowly.    


Hearing this, Lin Yi instantly fell silent. He knew that Sima Huangtian had his own considerations, but after he looked at Ke'er, his face was full of confusion. During this period of time, he really liked this little girl who was like a daughter.    


When Ke'er heard this, she was stunned, and then her eyes were full of tears. However, she didn't make a sound. This made Lin Yi's heart ache when he saw it. Ke'er didn't refute, because she had already left Lin Yi behind more than once. Looking at Sima Huangtian's determined look, Ke'er knew that she really couldn't keep Lin Yi this time.    


"Uncle, don't worry. I will pack my things and leave now. I won't trouble you anymore. Thank you for taking care of me during this period of time." After saying that, Lin Yi got up and went into the house. He packed his things briefly and then went to the front yard.    


"Uncle, I'm leaving." After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the door. Lin Yi knew that this day would come, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.    


"Dumby, wait." Ke'er's voice sounded behind Lin Yi. Lin Yi immediately stopped his steps. He turned around and saw Ke'er holding a package in her hand and running over to hand it to Lin Yi.    


"This is the dry food I made. You can eat it when you're hungry on the way." Ke'er said with tears on her face. Lin Yi felt like his heart was about to melt when he saw this. He immediately squatted down and wiped the tears off Ke'er's face.    


"I am leaving. You have to take care of yourself. I will come back to see you when I have time." Lin Yi's eyes were also red. After that, he stood up and left.    


"Dumby, you have to come back to find me." Lin Yi only heard Ke'er shouting loudly behind him when he was far away. In the end, Lin Yi could not hold back his tears and wiped his face.    


From the beginning to the end, Sima Huangtian did not turn around to take a look. When Ke'er came back, Sima Huangtian sighed. Looking at the table full of dishes, both of them lost their appetite.    


After Lin Yi left Sima Huangtian and Ke'er, he did not know where he should go. But he knew that if he wanted to find out who he was, he had to live. Currently, there was no one around, and Lin Yi was also aimlessly walking forward.    


"Help! Help!" Lin Yi was sitting under a tree drinking water when he suddenly heard someone calling for help. Lin Yi immediately put the water bag into his bag and got up from the ground. He ran towards where the sound came from.    


Lin Yi jumped over a small hill and saw a few people chasing a woman with long blades in their hands. A woman. She was about 20 years old, and there were many wounds on her body. She was holding a box in her hand, and the people behind her were chasing after her relentlessly.    


Lin Yi didn't rush down immediately. Instead, he laid on the ground and quietly watched what was happening. Then, the woman in front of him kicked a stone and fell to the ground.    


When the people behind saw the woman, they slowed down and slowly walked up to her. They looked at the woman and said, "Miss, you can't blame us. We are also taking money to help people get rid of the disaster."    


The woman on the ground didn't panic. Instead, she said calmly, "How could that be? I will give you three times as much as others give you."    


"Three times? Big Brother, three times." At that moment, someone exclaimed to the person at the front.    


However, the man at the front kicked him to the ground. Then, he said coldly, "Three times? So what if it's three times? We have to follow the rules in this business. Otherwise, who will come to us for work in the future? Even if it's ten times, we can't do this. "    


When the people on the ground heard this, they got up from the ground, feeling wronged.    


That head looked at the woman and said, "Miss, you'd better hand over the thing in your hand. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude."    


Hearing this, the woman on the ground immediately tightened the box in her arms, afraid that it would be snatched away.    


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