Genius Immortal Doctor In City

C156 A Messenger Bird

C156 A Messenger Bird

1In the boring afternoon, there were only a few people who came to see the doctor.    


Feng Yixu was lying on a rattan chair in the yard with his eyes closed. There was a teapot on his right side, enjoying the cool breeze that was unique to early autumn.    


When he came to Shangdu, it was still in the middle of summer. The hot sun always hung on his head proudly. A few months later, it was already autumn. Occasionally, there would still be scorching sun exposure. However, that heat already had some signs of struggling before death, and it could not last for long.    


Lin Yi finished looking at the last patient in the waiting area and smiled as he took the medicine for him. After sending him out, he looked around and saw no one. It seemed that today was another good day to slack off.    


After Han Ying left, there were more free time like this. Originally, Lin Yi thought that after he sat in the Profound Wind Hall, business would be more lively than when Han Ying was there, but on the contrary, there were fewer people.    


It seemed that no matter how brilliant the medical skills were, they were not as attractive as the young lady's beauty. Lin Yi shook his head and slightly covered half of the door. He picked up a teacup and sat beside Feng Yixu.    


"Mr Lin, I see that you have been so depressed recently. Are you not used to Ying'er leaving? Hahaha." Feng Yixu half-opened his eyes and half-closed. He joked about Lin Yi and peeked at his expression.    


Lin Yi brought the tea to his mouth, "Dejected? Senior Feng, you are old, and your eyes are not very good. I have been in high spirits recently, but I am not in time yet."    


After saying that, Lin Yi drank the cup of tea in one gulp. He was very happy.    


" However, there are a lot less patients recently. This might be related to Han Ying's departure. " Lin Yi laid on the rattan chair and looked at the pale blue sky. He said inadvertently.    


"You can't blame Ying'er for this. You and Ying'er have almost finished looking at all the patients in the neighboring villages. Moreover, the two of you treat them from the roots. Unless the seriously ill person needs to take a few more doses of medicine, the lightly ill person will be cured immediately. There are no other patients. " Feng Yixu said slowly.    


Lin Yi rolled his eyes and thought about it. This seemed to be a step closer to his original intention. In the end, his thought also hoped to realize that there was no disease in the world. However, this wish was about the same as Utopia. At least, it was a long-term goal.    


Lin Yi and Feng Yixu were resting with their eyes closed. Suddenly, a bird's cry woke them up. Lin Yi opened his eyes and saw a fat white pigeon. Looking closely, one of its feet seemed to be tied with something.    


No way? What era was this? There were people playing with carrier pigeons in big cities? Lin Yi could not believe it. He quietly approached the pigeon and prepared to capture it in one fell swoop.    


The pigeon's eyes kept looking elsewhere. It seemed that it did not notice Lin Yi's actions. The pigeon moved step by step, opening and closing its mouth as it continued to shout.    


Lin Yi got up and pounced over. In the end, he fell into the mud.    


"Ouch, it hurts." Lin Yi couldn't help but cry out in pain.    


"Mr Lin, Mr Lin, are you alright?" Feng Yixu saw this and slowly walked over, trying to help Lin Yi up.    


Lin Yi supported himself with one hand and supported his whole body. He shook his head and said, "I'm fine, I'm fine. This pigeon looks fat. I didn't expect it to be so agile."    


Lin Yi rearranged his clothes and prepared to do it again. He fixed his eyes on the pigeon and muttered, "One, two, three..." But before he could rush out, the pigeon automatically flew to Feng Yixu's side. Finally, it stopped on his left shoulder.    


Feng Yixu smiled kindly. He patted the pigeon off his shoulder with one hand and gently grabbed it in his hand. His goal was to take off the object on its feet.    


"Senior Feng, what is this? A pigeon delivering a letter?" Lin Yi curiously ran in front of Feng Yixu and asked.    


After Feng Yixu took the thing, he let go of his hand and the pigeon flew away from him. It flew to the roof in one breath and stood there, looking down on him.    


"Mr Lin, have you never seen it? In the past, you and your master lived on the mountain. Did you not use this kind of thing?" Feng Yixu asked as he opened the thing he took off.    


"Could it really be a messenger bird? Someone used this to send a letter to our master, but it is understandable that we live in the deep mountains and use this kind of thing. Doesn't everyone who lives in a big city have a phone number? They really didn't trust letters and express delivery? There's no need to use such primitive communication equipment." Lin Yi was puzzled and puzzled.    


"You don't understand. The more advanced the technology, the easier it is for people to eavesdrop on it. Besides, there are still many places where communications are not developed. This kind of primitive equipment is very convenient." Feng Yixu explained while looking at it.    


Lin Yi could not help but find it funny in his heart. In such a poor and remote place, they did not do any shocking medical research. Who would eavesdrop on them?    


The pigeon brought a letter. Lin Yi stood at the side and saw that the small piece of paper was filled with words.    


"Hahaha, Mr Lin, this letter was indeed sent by Ying'er. She has already arrived and sent a letter to report that she is safe. She even said to greet you on your behalf." Feng Yixu said, handed the letter to Lin Yi and went into the kitchen himself.    


Lin Yi watched Feng Yixu leave and spread the letter in his hand. The letter only briefly introduced Han Ying's journey to the destination after a few twists and turns. Now it had been settled. Next, he was going to start cultivating the Hmong doctor. After that, she talked about a lot of things to make Feng Yixu pay attention to his body. If there were any hard work, she would just leave it to Lin Yi. There was no need to be polite. The last few words at the end of the sentence were, "Greet Lin Yi on behalf of you."    


This little girl still remembered me. She thought that she would only think of me when she was working. Lin Yi felt a little sour in his heart. He folded the letter that he had finished reading and prepared to return it to Feng Yixu later.    


Han Ying had left for about ten days. It took her a long time to reach there. It seemed that the degree of remoteness of that place was comparable to the mountain that Lin Yi had lived on before.    


Feng Yixu came out, opened his fist, and sprinkled it on the ground. The ground was littered with jade grains. The pigeon, who had a solemn expression a moment ago, saw this. It immediately flapped its wings and flew down, pecking the ground bit by bit. Judging from its anxious look, it must be hungry.    


"Senior Feng, I've finished reading. Put the letter away." Lin Yi handed the letter back to Feng Yixu and asked, "How many days does it take for a pigeon to deliver a letter?"    


"Divide it into different places. It will not take more than three days to get here from Miao Village. This pigeon was specially trained by the Miao family to deliver letters. It's very professional and faster than normal messenger birds. " When Feng Yixu said this, he had a proud expression on his face.    


At first, Lin Yi thought that he had seen wrongly and wanted to test his guess.    


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