Female CEO's Super Bodyguard

C3763 Pretending to be Confused

C3763 Pretending to be Confused

3A thought flashed across Yang Ping's mind, and he immediately suppressed it. He thought to himself, 'Since no one can believe that the things given by Tian Xing Jian can't be casually used on Old Master Mu, it seems like we still need to find our leader.'    


A cool breeze blew. Yang Ping pinched off the cigarette butt, jumped down, and disappeared into the darkness.    


In the next room, Jin Xiu, who was lying on the bed, opened her eyes when she felt Yang Ping leave. She looked at the transparent glass of the bathroom, and a black shadow appeared in the bathroom. It was hard to see through it.    


"How is the mission I gave you?" The black shadow said indifferently.    


Jin Xiu stood up and bowed. "I haven't obtained his trust yet. I need some time. "    


"You don't have much time. Don't disappoint me. I want you to do something now. " Three Gouyu appeared in the darkness, as if everything he saw could become an illusion. The eyes of these three Gouyu were filled with deception and hypocrisy, causing the world to become extremely unreal.    


Jin Xiu was a proud daughter of the heavens, but when she saw the eyes of the three Gouyu, her heart was filled with fear. She lowered her head and said, "Please speak."    


"She killed the girl I met during the day."    




Jin Xiu raised her head, looking at the black shadow in shock, and shouted, "You asked me to kill an innocent person."    


"Killing is just a means, the key is the goal. After killing her, the responsibility will be placed on the Xuanyuan Family."    


Jin Xiu hesitated. Suddenly, a red light erupted from the eyes of the Three Gouyu in the darkness. Jin Xiu held her head and knelt on the ground, crying out in pain. There seemed to be tens of thousands of ants biting and tearing at her blood. She was in so much pain that she almost fainted.    


After a long time, Jin Xiu gasped for breath and was extremely terrified.    


"My orders will no longer be explained in the future. Just do as I say. "Jin Xiu, you are the person I like. You have great potential, and in the future, the Divine Spirit Valley will need you to inherit it. Do you understand? " The owner of the Three Gouyu passed through the glass. He came before Jin Xiu and hooked his arm around her chin. "You are very beautiful, as long as you are a man, there is no way to refuse you. If feelings are not good, Use your body to tie Yang Ping up. Make sure he doesn't leave you. "    


Jin Xiu's entire body was drenched in sweat. With a trembling voice, he said, "Understood."    


The Three Gouyu Master walked out of the window, leaving footprints in the air before disappearing into the night.    


Jin Xiu lay on the ground, her body spasming and in extreme pain. Thinking of the Three Gouyu's eyes, her fine hairs stood on end. All these years, she had always been under the control of her master. Even if she became the Divine Spirit Valley's Valley Master's successor, she still wouldn't be able to break free. He seemed to possess endless power, able to accomplish anything.    


"Just who is he?"    


Jin Xiu stared blankly outside, tears of pain appearing on her face. However, she quickly changed her face and forced a smile.    


"Do I still have a choice?"    


The courtyard house.    


Yang Ping was told that the leader was not here. He had been waiting all night and did not see Yang Ping come out. The leader was in the courtyard, but for some reason, he did not want to see Yang Ping come out. When dawn arrived, Yang Ping could clearly sense his opponent's aura. Just as he was about to go in and ask about Old Master Mu's treatment method, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart.    


The change in the leader's aura was huge, and it was different from before. What surprised him was that the leader actually had the aura of the Heaven's Path.    


Could it be that Tian Xing Jian was dead?    


Yang Pinggang wanted to leave, but the guard said the chief wanted to see him.    


In the living room.    


Yang Ping saw the leader whose aura had changed drastically. He felt the source of the energy of the Heaven's Path. He wanted to ask, but he held it in. He found that the leader looked at him differently, as if he was going to devour him.    


"Are you here to ask about Old Master Mu's treatment method?" The leader smiled and asked.    


Yang Ping nodded and said, "At that time, the sun and the moon were high in the sky. But I still don't understand. "    


The leader stared into Yang Ping's eyes and suddenly asked, "Did Tian Xing Jian give you something?"    




The terrifying impact of the Spiritual Force made Yang Ping realize that the Spiritual World was under attack. If he hadn't gone through the refinement of Chaos Tower, he might have been controlled. The Spiritual Force displayed by the leader far surpassed the Half Step Heavenly Stage realm. It was an indescribable realm. It was extremely profound, just like the Heavenly Dao.    


The leader was also very confident in Yang Ping's hypnotization. He believed that no one could resist his hypnosis, because his Spiritual Force was known as the strongest expert in the Heavenly Yuan. It was even scarier than the one from the Zhang Family, but he hid it very well.    


Yang Ping struggled for a moment. He wanted to resist, but he still held it in. He wanted to see what the leader wanted.    


Gradually, Yang Ping lost himself in the hypnosis.    


However, he was still conscious.    


When the leader saw Yang Ping's expression, he revealed a satisfied smile. Even Lei Feng's successor could be hypnotized. There was nothing he could not do. He asked directly, "Did he give you a box?"    


Yang Ping frowned and deliberately revealed a conflicted expression.    


The leader repeated, "The box is very important to me, to the people, and to the country. You have to take it out to save the country and the people."    




Yang Ping replied.    


The leader said angrily, "You are lying to me. I have killed him, but I did not get what I wanted. That box must be with you. " Because only you have entered my world "    


Really not. He did tell me that he had a box for me, but it wasn't on him. " And it was in a secret place. " Yang Ping explained, "He could not carry such an important thing with him. If he did, you would have found it long ago."    


The leader looked thoughtful and nodded. He had searched many times in Tian Xing's fitness training, but there was no result. In the end, it was possible that he had already placed the box somewhere.    


"Where is the box?"    


Yang Ping was conflicted again, but the leader increased his hypnosis and forced Yang Ping to say the answer. Soon, Yang Ping could not resist the hypnosis and said, "He said he wanted me to find someone called Uncle Qii, so I knew where the box was."    


The leader's eyes flashed as he thought to himself, Uncle Qii, that old man from the Xuanyuan Family who cultivates the power of life?    


It seemed like Tian Xing Jian had colluded with the Xuanyuan Family long ago and handed the box to someone who seemed unrelated. In fact, the two of them had been friends for a long time. The leader knew very well that Uncle Qii and Tian Xing Jian had a very good relationship in private. For some reason, Uncle Qii stayed in the Xuanyuan Family and did not leave.    


Could it be that Uncle Qii stayed in the Xuanyuan Family to protect the box?    


The leader felt that it was very likely.    


Yang Ping was secretly surprised when he saw the leader's expression of trust. He did not expect that he would be able to come up with a random answer. He did not know that the person most likely to get the box was actually Uncle Qii, because there were not many friends in Tianxing Jian, and Uncle Qii was one of them.    


"I can tell you the way to save Uncle Qii. The Cihang Quiet Building has a Chaotic Divine Pond. As long as Old Master Mu is soaked in it for nine days, he will be able to recover his life force."    


After the leader told Yang Ping the way to save Old Master Mu, he dispelled the hypnosis.    


Yang Ping pretended to be awake and said in surprise, "Leader, what happened to me just now? I seem to have been controlled by someone."    


The leader smiled and said kindly, "Who can control you in my place? You go back first. I still have important things to take care of. "    


Yang Ping nodded and left the courtyard.    


On the way out, Yang Ping felt a chill down his spine. If he had not been smart and lucky, he might have been hypnotized and told everything. As expected, the leader was not trustworthy. It was a pity that Tian Xing Jian died.    


With a hint of sadness in his heart, he returned to the hotel.    


Yang Ping searched Ma Weiwei's aura. It was early in the morning. She should have come to work.    


What was strange was that Ma Weiwei's aura had completely disappeared, as if it had never existed. A bad feeling welled up in Yang Ping's heart. He knew that something had happened to Ma Weiwei.    


- The content came from [Miaow Reading].    


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