Sword Conquers Heaven

C10 Sang Luo Town

C10 Sang Luo Town

4Ningyang City was the fourth largest city in Lei Kesi, located in the southwest. It had developed transportation and economy, and was close to three days away from Quluo City.    


Sangluo Town belonged to this city, and it was located in the south. This town had a population of over a thousand people and a thousand acres of fertile land. Its economy had also developed along with the Ningyang City and could be considered wealthy. However, after this disaster, it had become a miserable sight.    


At this moment, the surroundings of the Sangluo Town were filled with all kinds of traps and rows of sharp wooden stakes. It could be said that they were fully armed, and only a narrow passage for people to enter and exit was left behind.    


It was close to noon, and two figures walked over from the small path and entered the Sangluo Town.    


One of these two people looked like a young man, holding a sword with a cold expression on his face. The other was a tall man, probably an adult, but he wore a bamboo hat that covered his face.    


The two of them walked forward and stopped in front of a tavern.    


The youth looked up and saw that there were traces of repair on the walls of the tavern. The door was also in tatters, and a wooden signboard hung above it, with the words "Frey Pub" written on it.    


"Feng, we have arrived. This is your first mission, and it is also an examination for you. You must treat it with caution."    




The two of them walked into the tavern. There were not many customers in the tavern, and there were not many people who were talking and laughing. Obviously, the attack of the wild beasts had a big impact on the business.    


"What do you need?" The bartender went forward and asked.    


"I have accepted a mercenary mission, so I am here to gather." The man in the bamboo hat replied briefly.    


"Oh, you are a mercenary. The person in charge this time is Lansley. He is sitting there. You can look for him," the man in the bamboo hat said. The bartender respectfully pointed to a yellow-haired middle-aged man sitting in the corner and said.    


This time, they were attacked by a group of wild beasts. The people of Sangluo Town were all counting on the mercenaries who came. The tavern wanted to resume its business, and the mercenaries had to drive away the wild beasts. Therefore, when the bartender heard that the man was a mercenary, he showed a respectful expression. He warmly welcomed them.    


"Feng, go over there and show that person the mercenary manual and mercenary badge." The man wearing the bamboo hat said to the young man beside him.    


The young man nodded slightly and looked at the blonde man. He was around thirty years old, dressed in red, and had snow-white skin. He had a tall nose bridge and a pair of brown eyes. He was quite handsome. The young man withdrew his gaze and walked towards him.    


The bartender looked at the young man and felt puzzled. He didn't know that the man wearing the bamboo hat had come to complete his mission. Why did he have to bring a child with him? However, he did not ask any more questions. He suppressed the doubt in his heart and said, "Sir, where did you come from? It's been hard on you all the way. Drink some wine to quench your thirst. "    


"Yes." The man answered faintly, but did not answer. He just found a chair to sit down and thought to himself, He is not here? That's right. They should have been on missions there all these years. Maybe he won't be able to make it back in time. Otherwise, these beasts wouldn't dare to be so unbridled. "    


Furthermore, the youth came to the yellow-haired man's side and took out a book and badge.    


"Hm?" The yellow-haired man had a worried look on his face and was sitting there with a frown on his face. He saw... When the young man took out the item, he suddenly became energetic. "Finally, someone else came. Adding this, the total number is fifty. Adding on the remaining ten people from before, we have more confidence in dealing with that group of wild beasts. I hope the strength of this trip will be stronger. "    


After he took the booklet and badge and looked at them carefully, he frowned and a look of doubt appeared on his face. He looked up at the young man in front of him, then looked down at the mercenary handbook and badge in his hand. He was sure he was right.    


"You, your name is Qin Feng? Are you here to participate in this mission?" The yellow-haired man asked in disbelief.    


"Yes." The young man replied as calmly as the man wearing the bamboo hat.    


After getting confirmation, the yellow-haired man's eyebrows furrowed even deeper. He carefully sized up the young man, especially the Longsword and the ring on his left hand.    


"I didn't expect a child to come. I thought it was someone's servant. But it was also a mercenary. At his age, he should have just barely reached intermediate swordsman. However, this sword was extraordinary. It was probably a magic weapon. Also, the ring should not be an ordinary item. Strange, strange! " The yellow-haired man's heart was filled with doubt. He stared at the other party, but he didn't know where to start asking. How should he ask?    


Instantly, he fell silent. He didn't return the manual and badge, nor did he open his mouth. He just looked at the other party.    


Finally, after the boy showed an impatient expression, he let out a long sigh and returned the item to the boy. He said, "Hello, Qin Feng. My name is Lansley, and I am the person in charge of this mission. I will now include you. There were 50 mercenaries who had rushed here. Most of them live in the inn behind the Frey Tavern. You can go there yourself. Or I'll bring you there when everyone is here."    


The young man nodded slightly, turned around, and left. He went to the man wearing the bamboo hat and sat down next to him.    


This young man was naturally Qin Feng, and the man wearing the bamboo hat was Qin Xiaocang. When he was approaching the Sangluo Town, he took out a bamboo hat from somewhere. He had put it on, perhaps because he was afraid that someone would recognize him. It might be inconvenient, or perhaps it was because of some other reason.    


The yellow-haired man named Lansley had been staring at Qin Feng. When he saw Qin Feng sitting beside Qin Xiaocang, he also carefully sized him up, but found nothing.    


In the afternoon, another seven mercenaries arrived one after another. Lansley gathered everyone and headed towards the inn.    


On the way, he briefly introduced the mission and explained the current situation.    


The wild beasts came to Sangluo Town five days ago. The first attack brought a nightmare to the unprepared town, and they suffered heavy losses.    


After the wild beasts left, the townspeople immediately went to Ningyang City to invite three Mercenary Group to protect Sangluo Town.    


Because according to the past rules, once the wild beasts rushed out of the habitat and attacked the people, there would not only be one attack. They would also attack several times before returning to the habitat.    


The specific times would be hard to determine, and there would be a buffer period of one to three days between each time.    


Unless they could use force to rush back to the habitat or slaughter them all, they could only wait for the attacks to leave automatically.    


The townspeople of Sangluo Town were obviously unwilling to leave the town and retreat, and they were even more unwilling to watch the wild beasts attack the town several times. That was why they invited mercenaries.    


The second attack was on the night of four days ago. The attack was extremely fierce and caught the people of Mercenary Group and the townspeople unprepared. The three Mercenary Group fought with the risk of being wiped out to barely block the attack and save the town.    


Therefore, Sangluo Town issued a mercenary mission and gathered mercenaries from all over the city to arrive within three days to help defend against the attacks from the wild beasts.    


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