The Favorable Divine Doctor

C572 bright droplet

C572 bright droplet

3Liu Da quickly looked. Sure enough, there were six bright and glistening red nevi on the soles of the children's feet.     4


"Yes, there are indeed six moles." Liu Da did not understand. After such a strange thing happened, he no longer had the same joy from the birth of his child.    


Hearing that, the Sixth Granduncle sighed and said: "Eldest Liu, you have to be mentally prepared, this child is fiendish, do you want a child or a wife?"    


Without waiting for Liu Da's reply, Lin Han's weak voice rang out, "Hubby, show me the child."    


Eldest Liu quickly carried the child to Lin Han's side.    


Lin Han took the child and looked at him deeply, his eyes filled with love.    


"Sixth Granduncle, I want my child ?"    


"Sigh ?" Sixth Granduncle sighed again. Under Liu's surprised gaze, he turned around and left while trembling.    


Just as Liu Da Gang wanted to speak, Sixth Granduncle's voice rang out in his ears: "Big Liu, when this child is two years old, remember to bring him to me."    


With that, the Sixth Granduncle left.    


Before Eldest Liu could react, he saw Lin Han's hand drop to the ground.    


"Wife!" Liu Da looked flustered, only to see Lin Han slowly close his eyes while a faint smile hung on his lips. In her arms, the newborn child was still giggling nonstop, the small teapot pricking Liu Da's face. It was a boy.    


The wind grew stronger.    


Liu Da knelt in front of the bed and looked at his wife with lifeless eyes.    


Lin Han's expression was serene, as if he was in a deep sleep.    


He looked at the child who was still laughing with disgust, turned around and left, disappearing into the night.    


Many years later, when Liu Du found out about everything that had happened from the Sixth Granduncle, he finally understood why his father had never been good to him. It was because in his father's eyes, he was the person who killed his mother.    


My surname is Liu, and my name is Mo. As the name implies, my birth was a difficult task.    


What nobody knew was that the night I was born was not the end at all, but was just the beginning.    


"DogLeading, you devilish brat, if you steal my family's eggs again, I'll smash your butt to pieces!" Aunt Zhang followed behind me, panting and cursing.    


I proudly grabbed the big egg, in the process of escaping did not forget to make a face at Aunt Zhang.    


I had my eyes on Aunt Zhang's eggs a long time ago. Every day, I would visit them on time, and had already stolen six eggs. I didn't expect to be discovered today.    


Who told that old man of mine to ignore me, I'm always hungry and full every day. Luckily, I'm smart. Today I'm going to dig Uncle Li's sweet potatoes and tomorrow I'm going to pick the cucumbers from Uncle Xie's house.    


"Hey, Gousheng, did you steal Aunt Zhang's egg again today?" Tie Dan came out from the pile of firewood and stopped me while grinning.    


Tie Dan is my little friend, and the two of them have been secretly playing with each other since they are young. I was five years old, but he was six years old and was a wild child that adults had to worry about. But he is different from me, he is only a mother, and he is also blind.    


"Tie Dan, don't think that I'll eat my eggs." As a friendly friend, I am not so stupid as to share the good stuff that I got from my hands with him. Last time, when he was roasting sweet potatoes, I did not have a share.    


Tie Dan laughed and said: "Little bastard, who wants your eggs? Come with me, I have something good for you."    


Hmm? When did this fellow become so generous? I was doubtful in my heart and hesitated for a moment.    


"Hey, are you going or not? It'll be gone by tomorrow." Tie Dan glared at me, then said, "Let me tell you, Little Four and Third Sister also have a share."    


The Little Four he spoke of was my cousin, while the Third Sister was my cousin.    


"Fine, fine. If there's nothing good to eat, then it's a puppy!" I swallowed and my stomach rumbled. Speaking of which, I haven't had anything to eat today.    


"Hehe, let's go!" Tie Dan wiped his nose and used his dirty hands to pull me.    


I'll endure, this disgusting fellow.    


Along the way, I couldn't help but ask Tie Dan what exactly were these good things.    


Tie Dan only laughed foolishly and did not answer. He hated me so much that his teeth itched.    


"We're here!" Tie Dan stopped under the big willow tree at the entrance of the village, and waved at two people who were standing under the willow tree.    


Third Sister skipped over to me and tugged at my sleeve. "Big brother, why have you only just arrived? Fourth brother and I have been waiting for a long time."    


This girl, she rubbed her mucus on me again.    


I stepped away and said, "I'm here."    


"No, you're late. Give me the egg in your hand." Third Sister stared at my hand in a sneaky way.    


Hearing Third Sister's words, I really want to slap her to death. Isn't this stealing food from the mouth of a tiger? In the end, I naturally didn't give it to her. The egg is mine, so no one can steal it from me.    


Tie Dan curled his lips and said: "Alright, you guys stop fighting. I'll bring you guys to eat something good."    


Hearing that there was something good to eat, even Little Four who had been silent all this time came over. The three of them had their eyes shining as they stared at Tie Dan.    


Tie Dan scratched his head in embarrassment and gave an embarrassed smile. He then walked under the big willow tree and started to pluck at the ground with his hands.    


A moment later, a dead rooster appeared before us.    


We were all shocked, the rooster could tell at a glance that it was from Uncle Huang's house in the village. I heard that Uncle Huang had raised this rooster for eight years and it looked like it was a treasure.    


"Don't worry, this isn't Uncle Huang's, I dug it out from the willow tree." Tie Dan looked at us in disdain, ridiculing us for being cowards.    


How could this be possible? There was even a rooster at the willow tree root, so we all shook our heads, expressing that we did not believe Tie Dan's words.    


Tie Dan said angrily: "If you don't believe me, then forget it, do you still want to eat more?"    


In the countryside, it's normal for us to not know how to taste the meat. Even if this rooster really belongs to Uncle Huang's family, it wasn't us who killed it. If we were to scold it in the future, we would scold Tie Dan.    


Having thought this through, we soon had no burdens in our hearts. He followed Tie Dan to the stream and washed the rooster clean.    


"Do you think it's better if we roast them or make them into beggars and chickens?" Tie Dan asked us as he clumsily used a knife to cut open the rooster's chest.    


We all said we were going to eat a beggar's chicken.    


Very quickly, the rooster's chest was sliced open, just at this time, Tie Dan let out a "Aiya!" sound and swung his hand. With my sharp eyes, I saw a small black snake thrown to the side by him, and it quickly swam into the grass and disappeared.    


Tie Dan grimaced in pain and cursed, "What the hell is this?"    


I looked at his hand and saw that it had a dark mark, like a grimace. Thinking that I was seeing things, I took another look and the face disappeared again.    


Scratching my head, I don't know what's going on and didn't think about it. Anyway, Tie Dan is fine now, right?    


"Brother Tie Dan, didn't you get bitten by something?" Third sister tilted her head and asked innocently.    


Tie Dan looked at his hands and saw that there were no traces at all. He grinned and said: "It's probably because of the bones, it's nothing serious."    


After he finished speaking, Tie Dan lowered his head and continued to fiddle with the rooster.    


When the bonfire was lit, the four of them stared blankly at it and couldn't help but swallow their saliva.    


"Brother Tie Dan, when can we eat?" Third sister stared at Tie Dan and said.    


"Soon, soon!" Tie Dan waved his hand and said impatiently. The moment he waved his hand, I saw that ghost face again.    


I asked Little Four if he saw the thing in Tie Dan's hand. Little Four gave me a glance and said, "There's nothing."    


That's weird, but it doesn't make sense for me to be wrong twice.    


No, I have to look, but when I look again, there's nothing left.    


I'm still not at ease, this fact is just too strange. I asked Tie Dan: "Tie Dan, do you feel uncomfortable?"    


"You're the one who's not feeling well, I'm fine!" Tie Dan glared at me fiercely with a sinister look.    


I was shocked. When did he become so fierce?    


I felt a little fidgety and cast my gaze on Tie Dan from time to time, but he had recovered back to normal, as if nothing had happened just now.    


I shook my head, blaming myself for my suspicions.    


When the fire was extinguished, they tore open the fire and removed the soil, only to see a golden yellow chicken.    


The four of them were already starving, so without a word, they started to split the chicken into pieces and began to wolf it down.    


"Delicious. Delicious." Third Sister said.    


"It's been a long time since I've eaten something so delicious." Little Four also said so.    


Tie Dan ate two mouthfuls, but did not say a word.    


A moment later, we all finished eating the chicken. He still had more than half of it in his hands, so Third Sister was staring at the chicken in Tie Dan's hands, drooling unconsciously.    


Tie Dan immediately placed the chicken on Third Sister's hand and said, "I'll give it to you to eat, I'll go and take a piss."    


"I'll go too." I followed behind Tie Dan, but strangely, I didn't see him after walking a few steps.    


A living person disappeared in front of me, and I rubbed my eyes, but I still didn't see him.    


Damn it, Tie Dan is gone!    


"Tie Dan, where are you?" I panicked and shouted for Tie Dan, but there was no one who replied me, so I continued to call out for a few more times, but there was still no one who responded.    


However, my shouts alarmed Third Sister and Little Four as they ran over to ask me what was going on.    


I said Tie Dan is gone.    


When the Third Sister heard this, she started crying loudly, "Brother, Brother Tie Dan must have been taken away by Grandma Wolf."    


In the countryside, if a child disobeyed them, the adults would lie to them and say that if they continued to cry, Grandma Wolf would take them away. Third Sister had heard everything and thought that Tie Dan had been taken away by the wolves the moment she heard that Tie Dan had disappeared.    


"Third sister, where did you get that wolf grandma from? All of them are lies." I think Tie Dan is playing hide-and-seek with us. " Little Four was not anxious at all. From his point of view, Tie Dan has always been mischievous and mischievous, he might even be playing a prank on us.    


However, I felt a faint uneasiness in my heart. I kept having the feeling that a pair of strange eyes were staring at me from behind. However, when I turned my head around, I didn't see anything.    




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