The Favorable Divine Doctor



2"How long has it been since the other party touched and kidnapped Angel?"    3


Liu Du was quiet at first, then he took a deep breath and asked softly.    


"Two minutes!" Li Liang answered without any hesitation, as if he was asking a powerful question.    


"It actually only took two minutes. How can it be so fast?" This was definitely a very powerful move! Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a fast and powerful skill!? " Liu Du decisively answered after hearing the answer!    


"No need for you to say, everyone knows. Otherwise, how could there be no news of Angel?" After Li Liang heard what Liu Du said, he could not help but mutter once again!    


"Since they are so powerful, and in London, there are only a few who are strong in Europe, there's no way I can't find out about them!" Liu Du's ears were incredibly sharp, but even if Li Liang's mutterings were a little softer, Liu Du would still be able to hear him clearly!    


"Even though you said that, but from the looks of the situation at the scene, not a single one of them has any news about the Angel, and the various powers all made a statement saying that they did not do it, and one of the injured cardinals also said that they had never seen this group of people, and their energies are quite strange, but they are very high level.    


The ones who took action were several youngsters, and each of them had a very high cultivation base. I'm afraid that all of them are SSS ranked experts, so what kind of power do you think they are? And which power can produce such an expert? "    


Li Liang said once again. Obviously, this time, the words were the true focus, stating a portion of the seller's information. However, he did not know which power had done it!    


But Liu Du could clearly hear the words of the power. Maybe others did not know about it, but Liu Du had some thoughts in his heart, maybe he already knew more or less who did it!    


But if it was these people who did it, if it was one or two of them, Liu Du was confident that he would not have any problems, but if there were many of these people, Liu Du would feel like he was facing a gigantic boulder!    


"I think I know who did it!" Liu Du said with a somewhat low voice at this moment, but his face also had a little melancholy and helplessness!    


"What?" Do you know who did it? How is this possible? I have been here for a long time, and I don't know what kind of force could do such a great thing, how would you know? " Li Liang, however, stared at Liu Du with wide eyes and shock. How was this possible?    


"There is nothing that is impossible. It is only right that you do not know about it. This is because they have just appeared and everyone of them is extremely powerful." Liu Du's eyes contained a hint of coldness, and said softly once again.    


"What power is it?" It was actually this powerful? I heard Xiao Menger say that you were very strong, but I heard you say that they were very strong from your own mouth once again.    


At this time, when the power heard Liu Du's words, it could not help but become even more doubtful, and its curiosity grew even more!    


"Do you really want to know? I hope that you know all of this and you won't have any effect on your cultivation! You should have heard of the existence of the Dao Realm right? " Liu Du did not directly tell those stories, but first asked about whether or not the power knew anything about the Dao Realm!    


It can't be considered young yet, but at the same time, I am already a genius with a bit of accomplishment. If I don't know the Dao Realm, why would I still be cultivating? " When Li Liang heard Liu Du's words, he immediately rolled his eyes at him. Evidently, Liu Du's question made Li Liang feel very speechless!    


"Good!" A genius! Hopefully you can still think of yourself as a genius later! When I say this, don't interrupt me. The story is a bit long, I want to slowly tell you all of this! "    


Liu Du first explained his requirements, and then raised his head to look at Li Liang, as though as long as he did not agree to it, he would not explain the stories anymore. He waited for Liu Du to nod his head resolutely, before speaking.    


"Actually, those people should have come from the Dao Realm that we mentioned. You should know about the legends of the seven realms, right? " At this moment, Liu Du's voice was still somewhat heavy, obviously because he had guessed these results in his heart, causing him to feel unwell!    


"I am sure I know about the Dao Realm, but I have never heard of the legends of the seven realms. How was this possible? Entering the Dao Realm is already so difficult, how could they possibly come to this place from the Dao Realm? "    


At this time, the power that had heard Liu Du could no longer remain calm, but when he saw the warning look in Liu Du's eyes, he immediately stopped questioning him, and went back to listening.    


"Legend has it that the seven realms was originally a prehistoric realm. There are many races that live in it, and there are always massacres occurring within the race. It can be said to be extremely bloody and cruel. "Later on, some powerful figures appeared from the other races in the Great Desolate Land, and each one of them was a Heaven's Pride expert. They led their own races to attack the other."    


"This massacre lasted for approximately two hundred years, and their result was the annihilation of many races. In the end, a chaotic battle between experts from various races broke out, and the intensity of the battle was unimaginable. In the end, the prehistoric world fell apart, forming many spatial slabs, of which the most famous were the seven realms s: Immortal World, Buddha World, Demon World, Demon World, Hell, and Heaven.    


The Mortal Realm was the weakest, but it was also the race with the largest population. Moreover, the Mortal Realm had many interfaces, so the Mortal Realm became the place where all major worlds absorbed faith and strength.    


As for those who had faith, they would cultivate according to their own beliefs. Once they reached the god level, they would be able to have a foundation to transcend boundaries, and the six great realms would have forces that would reside in the human world from time to time. They would spread their propaganda, transmit their faith's power, and on the one hand, they would develop their power in the human world, and from time to time, they would also help some humans who had reached the god level to enter their realm and become new citizens.    


Although it was currently divided into seven realms s, the Mortal Realm was the most vast, and the Mortal Realm was far from just a single session. The Mortal Realm had many boundaries, but the other six realms only had one interface!    


Although the Mortal Realm was vast and there were many interfaces, the Mortal Realm was the weakest and the strength of the other realms were all above the Mortal Realm. As a result, the various realms began to develop their faith in the Mortal Realm, and at the same time, the Mortal Realm was also the place for the various realms to replenish their strength.    


But there is only one place that is special, and that is the place where we live in that very place.    


The Ancient Wasteland was a very strange place within the seven realms, and it had many strange powers. Even the almighty beings of the other six realms wouldn't casually come to this place unless something special happened, and they didn't want to come to this place either.    


Moreover, there were many powerful individuals within the Ancient Wasteland. It was unknown since when they had been inside, but they had never left, and they had secretly cultivated within it. Even the Supreme Elders of the other realms had suffered greatly here, which was one of the reasons why the other Supreme Elders of the six realms did not wish to come here easily.    


Thus, the Ancient Wasteland became a mysterious place within the seven realms. Furthermore, every time a special change occurred in the Ancient Wasteland, some extraordinary changes would occur in the other six realms.    


The most shocking thing was, the talents that came out of Ancient Wasteland were all extremely talented. In all walks of life, not one of them was not an exceptional genius!    


This kind of discovery made every realm happy, but most of the time, as long as there was a special change in the Ancient Wasteland, when the other six realms changed, there would always be a few outstanding people from the Ancient Wasteland who came out each time. Furthermore, they would successfully become powerful individuals and control some of the changes in the six realms!    


A while ago, the barrier energy between Ancient Wasteland and himself had changed, and the barrier energy was becoming stronger and stronger, making it harder and harder for experts with Dao Realm cultivation to enter and exit the Dao Realm. Adding to that, the elites that came out of Ancient Wasteland were very strong, so this time, after the barrier energy between Ancient Wasteland and Dao Realm had changed, the almighty elder of Dao Realm was very worried!    


And so, the Dao Realm released an order: The Dao Realm sent out a few disciples with low cultivation to explore the Ancient Wasteland for their own lucky chances. At the same time, they also brought some of the geniuses that they knew into the Dao Realm to add some new and outstanding blood to the Dao Realm!    


It was clear that the Dao Realm Supreme Elder's plan was very good, but the way these disciples acted inside the Ancient Wasteland was up to them!    


The people who were chosen to enter the Dao Realm at this time had become a hot competition. The true cultivators of the Dao Realm did not dare to easily enter the Ancient Wasteland, as they were first affected by the barrier, and their cultivation would be suppressed. Furthermore, they would always encounter all kinds of mysterious and unfathomable events!    


Therefore, these spots became a competition between the genius disciples of the various families in Dao Realm. After a round of selection, the majority of the disciples who were able to enter the Ancient Wasteland were the genius disciples from a few big families or big powers. They all wanted to have a special opportunity to enter the Dao Realm and meet and bring some genius disciples from the Dao Realm to deal with the changes that would happen in the future in the seven realms!    


I think that Angel is very likely to be robbed by these people using extreme methods. At the same time, I think that they will also steal some of the other gifted disciples, and after coming back to the Dao Realm, they will need to increase their own strength! "    


Liu Du told Li Liang the story that he knew, and it was a story that Bai Zhantang had explained to him once again. Originally, it was beneath ordinary people for Liu Du to tell this to him, but the current Li Liang was also an expert in intermediate stage of internal strength.    


And it was precisely because he was so young and had such a strong cultivation that Liu Du felt that he could be considered as one of the candidates who could know about the things between him and Bai Zhantang!    


After all, Liu Du had seen a lot of young talents, but there were very few who could compare to Li Liang in terms of profound strength, let alone the fact that Liu Du might even need his help!    


But now, seeing such a good talent with such beauty, Liu Du actually cared a lot about Li Liang. Of course, saying these words now was the result of Liu Du thinking about it, since he couldn't possibly stay here forever, and he couldn't possibly hide this matter for a lifetime either. Since there had already been an incident where Angel was kidnapped, and he had a rough guess of the person's identity, Liu Du had no choice but to be cautious!    


Telling this matter to Li Liang would also sound the alarm at the same time, telling him that with the existence of this matter, there should not be anyone capturing his strength even if he were to be fooled by it. Only then would he be a joke!    


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