The Favorable Divine Doctor

C489 ancestral stria

C489 ancestral stria

1The two brothers of the Liu Family were locked inside the cow shed, and laid a formation outside of it. Normal people could not even get close to them.     0


According to Taoist Bai Yun's plan, he wanted to kill the two Liu brothers, but was stopped by Liu Du.    


He had always felt that the Liu brothers still had a secret on them, and couldn't be killed just like that. Hearing Liu Du's words, the Taoist Bai Yun didn't kill them, but Tianjizi and the others were reprimanded by the Taoist Bai Yun and didn't have the face to stay in the Daishui Village.    


"Brother, what should we do?" Liu Er asked Liu Da. His injuries had already healed, only Liu Da still looked as if he was half dead.    


Eldest Liu raised his eyelids lazily and said listlessly, "What else can I do? I'm just waiting to die."    


He was dispirited, and no longer had any desire to live.    


The current him, was just a cripple. How could he have any extravagant hopes? With such a half dead body, he might as well just die. After all, he had enjoyed so much in his previous life, so even if he died, he wouldn't suffer a loss.    


Furthermore, he knew very well that the villagers would not let him get away. Rather than that, it would be better to die.    


"Brother, I don't want to die. How about we beg that fiend to let us go?" Liu Er was very weak. As long as he could not die, he was willing to do anything.    


Liu Da laughed at Liu Er's naivety. They had created such a huge grudge, it would be weird if that evil star let them go. Why is his second brother still so naive at this point of time?    


"Don't think too much into it. They won't let us go just like that. Give up." Liu Da mocked. If it was him, he would also not show mercy to his enemies.    


Since they were already at a life and death situation, there was no need for them to pretend to be good people.    


Liu Er sighed, and lowered his head helplessly. He really did not want to die, he had not enjoyed enough.    


"Why don't we escape?" Liu Er thought about it.    


"If we run away, will we be able to?" Liu Er said.    


Liu Er immediately became dejected. When it came to escaping, it was not like he had never tried, but when it came to running away, it was like he was hit by something and rebounded and he could not escape at all.    


"But bro, I'm not willing to give up." Liu Er felt resentment in his heart, and said, "It's all your fault, why did you provoke them!"    


"Hmph, you're already blaming me for this. Don't you have the right to participate?" Liu Da was so angry that he laughed instead. His second brother had not figured it out even at this time, Liu Du and the rest wanted to kill everyone in the Liu Family.    


"If I kill them, they will definitely let me go. On this matter, it is all part of your scheme. I am only an accomplice, they will not kill me." Liu Er roared crazily, and closed in on Liu Da step by step.    


His eyes were red. He felt that if he killed Liu Da, he would have a chance at survival.    


Liu Da was shocked. He was not afraid of death, but better off dying than to live. He angrily rebuked, "Second brother, are you crazy?"    


"I'm not crazy! You're the one who's crazy! You're the one who's messing with me! I'm taking your life!" Liu Er ignored everything and pounced over, Liu Da didn't even have the strength to resist, he was instantly pushed to the ground.    


"Second brother, calm down. We have something to talk about. Don't do anything that will hurt your enemies quickly." Liu Da's face was full of panic as he kept dodging.    


Liu Er did not listen, he grabbed onto Liu Da's neck and fiercely said: "No need to speak any nonsense, I'll kill you first."    


He rolled his eyes and struggled with both of his hands. Finally, he found a wooden stick on the ground for, grabbed it, and knocked it on Liu Er's head with all his might.    


Liu Er cried out in pain as fresh blood dyed Liu Da's face. He looked at Liu Da in disbelief, then released his grip on Liu Da's hand and fell onto the ground.    


"Hmph, it won't be that easy to kill me." Liu Da coughed a few times as he held the wooden stick tightly in his hand.    


Now, it was Liu Er's turn to be afraid.    


He had nothing on his hands, so he struggled to get up. Ignoring the blood on his head, he looked at Liu Da nervously, afraid that Liu Du would charge at him regardless of the cost.    


In actuality, he was overthinking things. With Liu Da's current strength, how could he have the strength to do so?    


"Big brother, I surrender. Don't come over." Liu Er covered his head and looked at Liu Da in fear.    


"Hmph, didn't you want to kill me just now?"    


Within the cowshed, the atmosphere suddenly became terrifying.    


It was so dark that you couldn't see your fingers, just four pairs of green eyes staring at each other. From Old Man Liu's generation onwards, every bloodline in the Liu family could see things clearly at night. Moreover, once they were in the dark, their eyes would turn green. No one knew what was going on.    


Because of this, Liu Da also asked Tianjizi, but Tianjizi also said that he did not know, so he could only give up.    


"Big brother, I didn't do it on purpose. Didn't you just say that we can't do something like loving our enemies? Have you forgotten?" Liu Er looked around, wanting to hide even further, but the cow shed was only this big, where could he hide?    


"Hmph, it's too late to say anything now. Since you want me to die, I'll kill you first! " It was unknown where he got the strength from, but Liu Da suddenly jumped up from the ground, the wooden stick in his hand about to land.    


Just at this moment, Liu Er shouted loudly, "Big Brother, don't kill me, I want to tell you a secret!"    


"What?" Liu Da was startled, the wooden stick did not fall. He looked at Liu Er, wanting to hear what kind of secret it was, "Tell me."    


"If you swear you won't kill me, I'll say it." Liu Er thought about it, then decided to tell his the secret.    


"I swear." Liu Da's gaze drifted away, his mind was already on that secret, thinking about what kind of secret Liu Er would have.    


Liu Er paused for a moment, then said: "If I told you, you wouldn't have believed me, but father told me this himself. Furthermore, if he told me, only I would know, and no one else could, otherwise there would be a huge disaster."    


Liu Da's mouth was agape. There was actually such a thing? Why did that old fogey never tell me? Previously, he was still grieving over the death of the old ghost, but now it seemed that there was no need for that. Perhaps the old ghost had never taken him seriously, or else, how could he not have told him such an important matter?    


However, Liu Da had experienced so many things, his mind was like a demon, he knew that he cannot be impatient, he stared at Liu Er and said: "What is the secret, quickly tell me."    


"Actually, we are not mortals."    


Liu laughed out loud. If he wasn't a mortal, then what was he?    


Liu Er sighed, he knew that Liu Da did not believe him and relaxed before saying: "Big Brother, I know you do not believe me, but have you thought about why we are still alive after receiving such heavy injuries every time?"    


Hearing Liu Er's words, he remembered that since young, even if he was injured, after a period of time, the injury would automatically heal as long as it was not fatal.    


"So what?" Liu Da asked.    


"Because our blood contains the blood of the heavenly ghost." Liu Er said indifferently.    


Liu Da's expression changed. He did not know what the heavenly ghost was, but from Liu Er's tone, he could tell that it was definitely not some ordinary bloodline.    


Sure enough, Liu Er continued, "As long as we awaken our bloodline, we can transform into a heavenly ghost. Even that Liu Du would probably not be our match."    


It was earth-shattering!    


Liu Da's mouth was agape. This meant that as long as his blood awakened, he would be able to leave this place?    


"Then how can I awaken my bloodline?" This was what Liu Da was most concerned about.    


Liu Er shook his head: "I don't know either, but my father once said something that the six of them did not recognize, and thunder struck the sky."    


Liu Er had no choice but to tell Liu Da that they both possessed the Heavenly Ghost's bloodline. In fact, he knew how to awaken the bloodline, it was just that the conditions were too harsh, it wasn't that easy to succeed, and he also didn't want to awaken it either. This was because after awakening the bloodline, he would never be able to transform back, and could only hide in the darkness.    


Also, the heavenly ghost was a filthy being, and once it appeared, it would definitely be surrounded by the righteous forces of the world. He did not have the ability to continue living under the siege of cultivators.    


"No, that bastard must have told you something else." Liu Da roared, he did not believe that the old fogey would not know about it, the last time he saw the revived Old Man Liu, he had already suspected it, and now that he heard Liu Er say it again, his heart was clear, and he thought that he could escape from here very quickly, he was extremely excited.    


"Big brother, I won't lie to you. There's nothing left. I just don't want to take this secret into the coffin. " Liu Er dodged Liu Da's gaze.    


Just as the two brothers were looking at each other, the moon hanging in the sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds. When those clouds dissipated, the moon turned blood-red.    


At the same time, the sound of thunder and lightning filled the air. The sky seemed to be on the verge of collapsing, and what was even more terrifying was that from the direction of the Liu Clan's ancestral residence, waves of terrifying undulations could be heard.    


Liu Du and Taoist Bai Yun who were rushing back suddenly had their expressions change. Liu Du was shocked: "What's going on, why would a blood moon appear? Every time there's not going to be any good news, this time, which demon is coming out?"    


"This is bad!" Taoist Bai Yun's expression changed, he suddenly disappeared and rushed towards the cow-shed where the Liu brothers were imprisoned. He had a feeling that the appearance of the blood moon was related to the Liu brothers.    


Liu Du stared blankly for a moment. Reasonably, the Taoist Bai Yun was not loyal, so he threw him here. After thinking for a bit, he quickly chased after the Taoist Bai Yun.    


Inside the cow shed, Liu Da glared at Liu Er, and Liu Er also glared at Liu Da.    


Suddenly, Liu Da felt a terrifying aura erupting from his body. His eyes turned red in an instant.    


"Big Brother, your eyes?" Liu Er was shocked, he suddenly remembered what his father had said. When their eyes turned red one day, even if their blood veins awakened, not everyone could do it.    


Could it be that my brother's bloodline is about to awaken?    


Liu Er panicked, and continued to retreat.    


And at this moment, Liu Da felt a splitting headache. A thirst for blood welled up from the bottom of his heart. His consciousness gradually blurred. He let out a furious roar and two long ape teeth quickly drilled out from his mouth, shining with a cold light under the moonlight.    


Liu Er was scared out of his wits. He was extremely terrified: "Big brother, I'm your second brother. Please let me go."    


Liu Da let out a strange laugh and completely ignored it. His movements were as nimble as a monkey's as he pounced forward.    


Liu Er wailed. He knew that he was dead this time, he clearly remembered that as long as he awakened his bloodline, he would not acknowledge anyone as his own. He would die at the hands of his big brother.    


"Help!" He cried out desperately, but who could save him?    


Liu Da Fanged Ape bit hard on Liu Er's neck, causing Liu Er to struggle in pain before finally getting his blood sucked dry. Until he died, he still couldn't believe that this was true. He actually died at the hands of his big brother.    


Casually throwing Liu Er's corpse to the side, Liu Da licked his tongue in satisfaction and punched his way out of the barn after piercing through the nodules.    


"Evil creature, how dare you!" Liu Da had just rushed out as a monster when he met Taoist Bai Yun who had rushed over.    


Taoist Bai Yun was shocked. How did this Liu Da become such a monster? Could it be that he was the one who caused the Heaven and Earth phenomenon?    


Without thinking too much, he used his flying sword to meet it head on.    


Not only did Liu Da not retreat, his eyes flashed with a cold light as he rushed forward.    


Just then, Liu Du arrived in time to see Liu Da whose hair was dishevelled. He was surprised.    


"Bai Yunlai, what's going on?" Liu Du landed in the distance and quickly walked over.    


"I don't know either. Liu Da killed Liu Er, but he must have become a monster. He has an aura on his body that I really hate." To make the long story short, Taoist Bai Yun explained this to Liu Du.    


Liu Da tsk-tsked, and glanced at Liu Du. Just a single glance was enough to shock Liu Du's heart, what kind of expression was that, it was something that a human shouldn't have.    




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