Conceited Immortal On Campus

C463 After College

C463 After College

0The Cloud Capital Hotel was considered to be slightly above average in Zhenjiang City, and it was also considered to be slightly famous.    


Chen Yi drove to the underground parking lot of this hotel and slowly walked to the lobby.    


In the lobby, there were a few students who had been waiting for a long time.    


Zhou Feng's eyes lit up when he saw Chen Yi. He came up and said with a smile, "Chen Yi, you are finally here. You are in Room 888."    


Zhou Feng's clothes were obviously different from when he was in high school. It had only been half a year since they last saw each other. Zhou Feng was much more handsome and tall than before.    


Chen Yi remembered that Zhou Feng was a lonely and nameless figure in high school.    


When the others saw Chen Yi, they greeted him warmly. Chen Yi nodded in response.    


There were already more than a dozen people in the private room. There were men and women chatting. When they saw Chen Yi, many people immediately turned around to look.    


"Chen Yi!"    


Some of them greeted Chen Yi enthusiastically. Some of them just nodded at Chen Yi.    


After all, even in a class, there were people they were familiar with and people they were not familiar with.    


Sitting in the gathering, Chen Yi looked at them and talked about university clubs, classmates, dormitory environment... Of course, most of the talk was about dating.    


Some people mentioned it. When someone mentioned it, everyone's gossips were immediately on fire.    


Some of the girls looked even more embarrassed, and the others couldn't help but jeer.    


However, Chen Yi remained silent all this time. Someone at the side saw that Chen Yi was depressed and teased him, "Chen Yi, didn't you get into Jin Di University? How are you doing in Jin Di University?"    


Chen Yi had swept through all the high school students in the past. Liu Yunhao did not even put the dean in his eyes. He could be considered a famous figure in the school.    


When they heard someone asking about Chen Yi, many people turned to look at him.    


Chen Yi smiled faintly. "It's normal."    


"Hahaha, I don't believe that you will at least join the student council, right?" A boy who joined the student council laughed.    


"No!" Chen Yi replied. The boy's eyes lit up and he smiled proudly.    


"Where's your girlfriend? Chen Yi, you don't look bad either. You don't have a girlfriend in college." Someone else asked, "I'm afraid there are as many beautiful women in Jin Di University as there are clouds."    


Chen Yi smiled and didn't say anything.    


Those students looked at Chen Yi with a strange look. Someone mocked, "You can't really go to college, can you?"    


Suddenly, Zhou Feng pushed the door open and came in with the last few students.    


"Everyone is finally here. I've already asked the waiter to serve the dishes. Everyone must be happy today." Zhou Feng laughed and said, "Don't worry, I'll treat you to this meal."    


His words immediately caused the 20 plus people present to cry out in shock. However, there were some who were slightly indignant.    


"Isn't it just because our family is rich? Humph, what are you so proud of!?"    


Chen Yi looked over and saw a boy. This boy seemed to be at odds with Zhou Feng in school.    


Soon, they were full of food and drink. Everyone was chattering.    


Occasionally, Chen Yi would come to Chen Yi's place and ask him a question. He replied that he did not eat much food.    


After they were full, Zhou Feng stood up. Next to a girl: "How about we go and sing K!?"    


"It's not easy for us to get together. Next time, it'll be another year and a half. Today, as long as the students are happy, I'll pay for all of them!"    


His words immediately made some people echo him. Not only did he not spend money, he could also have free entertainment. Naturally, they would not let go of such a good thing.    


Chen Yi looked at Zhou Feng and the slightly good-looking girl beside Zhou Feng and could not help but shake his head and smile.    


It was very obvious that Zhou Feng's ulterior motive was not wine, but he did not care.    


More than 20 people stood in front of the Yun Du Hotel. Zhou Feng waved his arm and said, "I'll help you guys applaud the car. I'll drive with Wang Meng and the other two. You guys can just take the car and leave!"    


His words immediately caused a wave of exclamations. Many people cast envious and jealous gazes at Zhou Feng.    


"The eldest family bought a car for them!"    


"I really envy Zhou Feng!"    


"Hmph, it's just one car!"    


Very quickly, Zhou Feng drove a BMW and greeted everyone before leaving.    


The car arranged by Zhou Feng arrived very quickly. Chen Yi and the other two people sat in the car and left for Jiang Yuan Entertainment Club.    


In the private room, everyone walked together. The atmosphere became lively with the time of a few songs.    


Unknowingly, Zhou Feng held Wang Meng's shoulder, and Wang Meng did not seem to refuse.    


Chen Yi seemed to be an outsider as he quietly watched this group of young people go crazy.    


"Chen Yi, why don't you sing a song?"    


Someone noticed Chen Yi and asked eagerly.    


Chen Yi just smiled and shook his head. At this moment, he couldn't help but frown.    


Outside the private room, he sensed a familiar aura.    


"Qi Yufei and Chen Xinjia?"    


Chen Yi stood up and walked out of the private room with a frown. As expected, Chen Yi saw a group of seven or eight people in the corridor, four men and four women. Qi Yufei and Chen Xinjia were among them.    


On the side, there were two boys fawning and fawning.    


Chen Yi frowned slightly when he saw the two boys, but the two boys did not do anything excessive, so Chen Yi did not take it to heart.    


He did not need to restrain Chen Xinjia. After all, in this era, karaoke was only normal.    


He returned to the private room and took about half an hour. Some people had already left one after another, and Zhou Feng had obviously returned with the woman in his arms. Wang Meng had already fallen drunk on Zhou Feng's shoulder, and the smile and complacency on Zhou Feng's face became even stronger.    


Zhou Feng took the initiative to suggest, "It's already too late, let's go back!"    


The remaining few were already dispirited from being drunk. Some people noticed Zhou Feng and Wang Meng, but they also tacitly agreed.    


Chen Yi also slowly got up and prepared to leave. But before he left, he looked at the private room where Qi Yufei and the others entered. Suddenly, Chen Yi frowned.    


His hearing was sharp. From this private room, Chen Yi heard the sound of the wine bottle shattering and the angry shout of a woman.    


Chen Yi let out a breath, "I don't know if Jia Jia is really unlucky or Qi Yufei is too good at causing trouble."    


He turned around and walked to the door of the private room. The sound from inside immediately reached Chen Yi's ears.    


"Qi Yufei, what do you mean?"    


"Didn't Zhou Hao accidentally touch Chen Xinjia? It's not intentional. Do you have to hit Zhou Hao?"    


"That's right, that's right. Qi Yufei, you are too much!"    


"After going to university, Qi Yufei, your temper has really grown a lot."    


The voice from inside slowly came out. Chen Yi frowned and slowly pushed the door open.    


Qi Yufei and Chen Xinjia stood up in the private room. There was a slap on the face of a boy beside them. He was slapped to the ground.    


The other three boys and two girls were obviously fighting for this boy. Qi Yufei was hugging Chen Xinjia and it was obvious that Chen Xinjia had drunk too much.    


Although Qi Yufei's face was also red from alcohol, her eyes were very clear.    


"Zhou Hao, don't think that I don't know what you're thinking! Jia Jia's innocence doesn't mean that I don't understand." Qi Yufei coldly said, "Stop it when it's time. Don't make everyone unhappy."    


Hearing Qi Yufei's words, the boy who was slapped by Qi Yufei's face was even more furious," Qi, you dare to hit me. Do you believe that I will not let you leave this Jiang Yuan with just one sentence?! "    


"Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you are pretty. There are many good-looking women."    


Qi Yufei turned around and ignored the boy. She hugged Chen Xinjia and turned to leave, just in time to see Chen Yi push open the door.    


Qi Yufei was stunned for a moment and then revealed a smile.    


At this moment, she saw Chen Yi's eyes suddenly turn cold.    


This kind of coldness scared Qi Yufei.    


"Qi Yufei, you want to leave? Did laozi let you go?"    


Zhou Hao got up. In a fit of anger, he took out a bottle of wine and smashed it at Qi Yufei's head.    


Not to mention Qi Yufei, even the other three men and two women were stunned.    


"Zhou Hao!"    


A boy shouted and saw that the wine bottle was about to hit Qi Yufei's head.    


Suddenly, a hand appeared on Zhou Hao's wrist.    


Chen Yi seemed to flash behind Qi Yufei. Qi Yufei, who had the easiest aura, could only feel a strong aura coming from her face. Beside her, Chen Yi's indifferent voice could be heard.    


"Courting death!"    


After that, accompanied by a series of cracking sounds, Zhou Hao immediately let out a heart-wrenching scream.    


The wine bottle also fell to the ground and turned into fragments.    


Qi Yufei turned her head to look but saw Zhou Hao kneeling on the ground with his hand on his wrist. She instantly understood.    


"Take Jia Jia outside to wait for me. It's just some trash!"    


Chen Yi said without turning his head, "I'll clean it up!"    


Chen Yi loosened his grip and kicked Zhou Hao's chest, sending him flying.    




Qi Yufei held back the excitement in her heart and her face turned even redder. She took Chen Xinjia and ran away.    


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