Pretty Girl’s General Guard

C36 The past

C36 The past

3"Good, good, I want to eat more!"    


"Aiya, Xueyu, slow down. You are a big star after all. Can you pay attention to the way you eat?"    


Meng Lianna used her chopsticks to pick up the fish meat and stuffed it into her mouth. She really wanted to carry the plate to her side.    


"Good, you Nana. It's your bad taste. There are also men by your side, can you be more careful of your influence?"    


Zhou Xueyu retorted mercilessly. In any case, their goddess image had already been lost today. They might as well act openly.    


What was the use of having face? Anyway, they were all family.    


The delicious dinner vanished amidst everyone's clamoring, and only bits and pieces of bones were left on the table.    


"Good night!"    


After everyone bid their farewells, they returned to their respective rooms.    


Chen Junlin was tossing and turning on the bed. He could not sleep for a long time.    


Today, he had started learning these two dishes since he was young, because his foster father and foster mother liked these two dishes very much.    


When Chen Junlin was very young, he swore to himself that he would cook these two dishes for them when he grew up.    


But it was still too late. Chen Junlin's childhood dream could no longer be realized!    


Some chaotic thoughts suddenly surged into Chen Junlin's mind.    


The noisy Chen Junlin got up and opened the door, ready to take a breather in the yard.    


What surprised Chen Junlin was that there was already a person in the yard.    


Under the light and the dim moonlight, Zhou Xueyu, who stood quietly under the starlight, looked beautiful. Chen Junlin looked at her graceful back and could not help being a little stunned.    


Zhou Xueyu suddenly turned her head when she heard the footsteps. Her small nose and big bright eyes were extremely beautiful.    


"Hai! It's already so late and you still want to come out? What's wrong? "Can't sleep?"    


Zhou Xueyu greeted Chen Junlin with a smile.    


"Didn't you not sleep? What's wrong? Are you thinking about life alone in the yard?"    


Chen Junlin teased with a smile.    


"Yes! Think about life! There are too many annoying things when you grow up! "You also often lose sleep!"    


Although Zhou Xueyu forced a smile, the faint sadness in her eyes still fell into Manager Cheng's eyes.    


"You're not happy after eating my dinner tonight!"    


Zhou Xueyu looked at Chen Junlin, who was talking a little too much tonight. This man had too many secrets.    


She was wondering what kind of Chen Junlin was the real Chen Junlin. What kind of person was this man?    


"Your cooking is good! Give me a taste of home! " But is this feeling good or bad? "    


Chen Junlin did not know how to comfort Zhou Xueyu.    


"Let me give you a simple massage. Maybe you will be in a better mood."    


In such a low atmosphere, Chen Junlin actually said something like this.    


Zhou Xueyu stared at Chen Junlin quietly. Her beautiful big eyes were calm and deep. No expression could be seen on her face.    




For some reason, Zhou Xueyu agreed to this rude request.    


Chen Junlin slowly approached and pressed his middle finger on Zhou Xueyu's temple, slowly rubbing it.    


Zhou Xueyu slowly closed her eyes and suddenly said, "Junlin! Do you want to hear some of my stories?"    


Chen Junlin did not answer and continued to move his hands slowly.    


"I liked music since I was young. I wanted to be a singer when I was in third grade."    


"When I was four, I started to learn piano. As I worked hard, my dreams got closer and closer."    


"When I graduated from high school, I chose an art school. When I excitedly told my parents what I thought, what I didn't expect was that my parents, who always doted on me, would actually fiercely berate me!"    


Two lines of clear tears flashed across Zhou Xueyu's face as she continued to speak on her own. "From that day on, there was a barrier between me and my parents. My parents kept nagging me about how dark the entertainment industry was. Those celebrities were only the lowest level actors."    


"I've heard those words of persuasion too many times."    


"On the day I graduated from university, I couldn't bear it anymore. So I left my house and said that I would never go back."    


"And I did basically do it. I didn't return home once, and I would never call them without any special circumstances! Haha!"    


Zhou Xueyu, who was laughing, could not stop her tears from flowing down.    


"If you are depressed, cry out loud! No one will laugh at you."    


"But you have to remember one thing, you have parents! And some people no longer have parents. "    


Chen Junlin's calm and sad voice came from behind.    


Zhou Xueyu suddenly grabbed Chen Junlin's hand and slowly turned around when she heard Chen Junlin's voice. She stared at the man with a sad look at the corner of his eyes with tears in her eyes.    


"He should be in more pain than me. What kind of suffering and pain did he experience to use such a complicated gaze?"    


After a brief moment of deep affection, Zhou Xueyu let go of Chen Junlin's hand.    


"As early as five years ago, I told myself that I could never cry again."    


"My former comrades died in front of me one by one. I finally realized that tears were useless! Only those with sufficient strength can protect the people that they care about!"    


"That's why I'm especially strict with my brothers! Because! I just want them to live well!"    


Chen Junlin held his hands tightly, closed his eyes, and opened them again.    


In the past, his comrades' voices and smiles had started to appear in front of him, but now they were just memories.    


A bitter smile appeared on Chen Junlin's face.    


"Let's have a good chat. If it's too sad, let's have a good chat. I'm sorry for the beautiful moonlight tonight."    


Chen Junlin did not want to recall some things anymore. Maybe he could only put them in a corner of his heart and did not dare to take them out again.    


"Indeed. A person who disguises himself from head to toe will definitely feel pain in his heart that he doesn't want to mention."    


Looking at the man who revealed the weak side of his heart in front of her, Zhou Xueyu felt a special feeling in her heart. Perhaps even she did not know about it.    


"I wonder if there are other girls who want him to reveal this side of his face?"    


Zhou Yu thought randomly in her mind.    


The two of them chatted until the latter half of the night due to their emotional outbursts. The night was slightly cold, but the two of them were chatting and laughing as they shared their feelings. Time passed quickly.    


No one had ever been able to make Chen Junlin show such a weak side. Zhou Xueyu successfully approached Chen Junlin because of her actions tonight.    


Fate was so strange. Inadvertently, two hearts slowly approached.    


"There will be a performance tomorrow morning. Can you come and participate?"    


Zhou Xueyu asked hopefully.    


"Okay! We will definitely be there!"    


Chen Junlin answered without hesitation. This woman had successfully aroused his interest as a straight man.    


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