Pretty Girl’s General Guard

C483 You Don't Believe Me

C483 You Don't Believe Me

3Wu Tao looked at Fu Qiang, who was lying on the ground and couldn't be arrogant anymore. He quickly ran to Chen Junlin and asked him politely.    


"Senior Officer, do you think we should wake Fu Qiang up?"    


Chen Junlin lowered his eyes slightly and looked at Fu Qiang, who was scared to death on the ground. He winked at the shadow.    


The shadow immediately understood and covered Fu Qiang's mouth and nose, waking him up.    


Looking at Fu Qiang who was lying on the ground like a pile of mud, Chen Junlin ordered someone to help Fu Qiang up.    


"Fu Qiang, do you know what you did wrong?"    


Fu Qiang was frightened by Chen Junlin's identity. He had lost his three souls and seven souls. When he heard Chen Junlin's question, he could only raise his head in a daze, but he could not say a word.    


Chen Junlin looked at Fu Qiang's bear-like appearance and lost interest. He directly announced to the crowd.    


"Today, there is the commander of the Central Plains Military Region, Fu Qiang. He bullies people and does whatever he wants. Now, in the name of the head of the army, I revoke Fu Qiang's position as a military general. Also, I hereby declare that Fu Qiang's military status is removed. From now on, Fu Qiang is not allowed to take a step into the military department!"    


As he spoke, Chen Junlin nodded at the shadow and nodded at Fu Qiang.    


The shadow immediately understood. In a flash, it appeared in front of Fu Qiang and was about to remove the emblem on Fu Qiang's shoulder.    


Fu Qiang felt it. Someone tried to move his epaulettes, but he snapped out of it and struggled violently.    


"Let go of me. I'm telling you, you have no right to arrest me. I'm a general. No one has a higher position than me!"    


"Chen Junlin, you're just a kid. " I don't believe you can achieve Senior Officer's achievement. I don't believe you. You must be lying! "    


"You bunch of useless people. How can you believe that he is Senior Officer? Are you all fools?"    


Fu Qiang's emotions completely collapsed. He punched and kicked the people who held him back and kept cursing.    


When all of Fu Qiang's subordinates saw Fu Qiang in such a sorry state, they couldn't help but sigh.    


Just a second ago, this senior officer Fu Qiang acted like he wasn't satisfied with Senior Officer. He was acting cool!    


Who would have thought that in less than ten minutes, this Officer Fu would go crazy because he couldn't accept Senior Officer's identity?    


This was truly a world of change...    


Chen Junlin heard Fu Qiang's shameless words and was very disdainful.    


It was fine for an army general to do whatever he wanted with an evil person, but he still did not take responsibility for his mistakes and let him be a general. He was really an army general. A huge loss...    


Chen Junlin stared at Fu Qiang coldly and questioned him in a stern voice.    


"You are still a soldier. Are you doubting the military system?"    


Fu Qiang's eyes gradually dimmed when he heard Chen Junlin's question. The struggle in his hands also gradually lessened.    


The military registration system advanced step by step. Every level had a strict censorship system. Every military badge that represented military rank had a special anti-falsification mark. No one could fake it.    


That confidential document just now also had a special anti-fraud mark from the military. It was a secret document that was truly passed down from the upper echelons of the imperial capital...    


As a soldier, Fu Qiang naturally knew how strict the military registration management was. He also knew that no one could fake military registration and no one dared to fake it.    


But he was unwilling!    


He was only a lieutenant colonel at Chen Junlin's age. He had to endure for nearly 30 years before he finally became a general. How could he provoke such a devil...    


Fu Qiang looked at Chen Junlin in despair. He kept mumbling, "Impossible.    


Chen Junlin knew that Fu Qiang was already struggling with his life on the line. He laughed in disdain.    


"You don't believe me, do you? Then why don't I introduce myself to you?"    


Chen Junlin stared at Fu Qiang with a faint smile on his face, ready to give him a good blow.    


"I joined the army at the age of eighteen. The training for the new recruits ended, and I was valued by the special forces. I joined the special forces in the same year to participate in special forces missions and destroy the base of the well-known drug traffickers, Yan Hui. I captured Yan Hui by myself. I was rewarded with second class credit and promoted to major."    


When everyone heard Chen Junlin say that the drug traffickers, Smoke Ash, they couldn't help but look surprised.    


When the military department captured Smoke Ash, many of them received the news. As reinforcements from the outside, they were prepared to fight a tough battle, but in the end, this matter was left unresolved.    


They only got the news later that the war should have been a siege.    


But no one had expected that in the end, Smoke Ash would be captured alive by a new recruit. The Smoke Ash Organization had no leader and collapsed, so they did not use ordinary soldiers like them.    


"After that, along with the special forces, they became some small fry. I can't remember exactly which people they took away."    


"I was nineteen years old, and I led a small group of special forces independently. In the first half of the year, we investigated a smuggling case abroad. In the past, I saved three of my companions with my own strength, and won the first prize. In the same year, I was promoted to major general."    


Border smuggling group. It was said that this group had been wandering in Great Xia for hundreds of years, but no one had been able to figure out their movements.    


The 722 border smuggling incident was also a very sensational battle. Although the military had a headache over this smuggler group, they had no way of dealing with it.    


However, they did not expect that news to suddenly spread that year. The smuggling group that had always been a source of worry had actually been completely wiped out...    


This was a military secret war. The combat personnel did not leak out at all. At that time, they only knew that the smugglers that had been troubling them were gone. However, no one knew who did it.    


They did not expect to have such an honor today. To be able to meet the leader of this battle...    


"I am 22 years old. I participated in the border support and supported a tribe called the Bitter Prison. In the end, I merged the land of the Bitter Prison into Great Xia..."    


"23 years old, there are enemies invading my Great Xia land. I led 50 thousand elite troops to force them back."    


"In the same year, I established the Dark Shadow Troops and spread the name of Great Xia's army overseas..."    


Chen Junlin counted his military achievements in detail.    


When everyone heard Chen Junlin's list, they were all more and more shocked.    


What Senior Officer said was something that shook the sky and earth back then.    


However, these things were all confidential. Therefore, everyone only knew that these things happened, but they did not know who did it...    


No wonder this man was able to become Senior Officer at such a young age. Sure enough, he was very proud of himself.    


Fu Qiang's subordinate looked at Chen Junlin with admiration.    


Chen Junlin said with a mocking smile on his face.    


"Recently, I went to the border and killed 340,000 soldiers of Kai Hang. I beat Mo Di of Kai Hang until he lost his armor! " Now that I'm here, I have to clean up the trouble for Jiangnan! "    


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