Super Miracle Doctor

C322 Niu Dawei's Gambling

C322 Niu Dawei's Gambling



The slap on Chu Fei's face was very loud. There were still echoes in the room. Chu Fei's face was burning even more. His five red fingers were clearly visible on his face.    


Chu Fei's eyes widened. In his entire life, he had never been hit by anyone before. Even his parents had never been hit before. But now, they were slapped by Jiang Hua!    


It was his face that was in pain, but it was also the dignity that he felt deep within his heart!    


Chu Fei wanted to immediately jump up and punch and kick Jiang Hua, but he couldn't do it. At this moment, his heart felt extremely uncomfortable, as if it would explode at any moment.    


The pain in his heart made Chu Fei unable to move. However, even if he wasn't poisoned, he still couldn't beat Jiang Hua!    


"Young Master Chu!" Don't look at me like that, even if you look at me like that, I won't give you the antidote! " From Chu Fei holding his hand at the center of his heart, Jiang Hua knew what kind of situation he was facing.    


The viciousness in Chu Fei's eyes, as well as the expression of wanting to hack Jiang Hua to death when he was unsatisfied, made Jiang Hua very unhappy. Therefore, Jiang Hua felt that he had to humiliate this noble young master and let him see the situation clearly!    


Chu Fei didn't answer Jiang Hua's sarcasm immediately. Instead, he took a deep breath and tried to reduce the pain in his heart as much as possible. He then adjusted his body from the sofa to make himself more comfortable.    


"Jiang Hua, just tell me what you want. This time, it's in your hands, I'll take it! However, if there is a path, we will eventually meet again! " Chu Fei said it word for word while enduring the pain. Not saying a word would make his heart ache more.    


Hearing Chu Fei's words, Jiang Hua wanted to laugh. Even at this point, he still hadn't seen the situation clearly! Even his life was in his hands. As long as he lightly picked the trigger, he would lose his life on the spot!    


This young master didn't seem to be as smart as he looked, and he seemed to be pitifully stupid. Jiang Hua wondered if he should remind him of his situation, otherwise, if he didn't want to kill this young master, this young master would directly force him to kill him.    


"I have to admit, Young Master Chu, your cultural knowledge is not bad. Unfortunately, you seem to be a lot stupider than I imagined. Until now, you still haven't seen your own situation clearly, so let me help you!"    


Facing the 20 bodyguards Chu Fei brought, Jiang Hua was not courteous at all. Now that he was only sick, Chu Fei was in so much pain that it was hard for him to move, so there was no need to be courteous.    


Jiang Hua raised his leg and stepped between Chu Fei's legs. If Jiang Hua stepped forward just a little bit more, Chu Fei's vitals would also be stepped on by Jiang Hua. Perhaps Chu Fei would never be able to enjoy the happiness of a man ever again.    


Then Jiang Hua grabbed Chu Fei's shirt from his chest and pulled Chu Fei in front of him with one hand. The two looked at each other!    


Jiang Hua's step scared Chu Fei quite a bit. Chu Fei was still thinking about how to scare Jiang Hua, so he tried to first stabilize him and get the antidote from Jiang Hua. Then, Jiang Hua silently stepped on Chu Fei.    


That was a man's most important place. Once threatened, who wouldn't be nervous? Chu Fei was no exception. Furthermore, he was attacked without being aware of it, which made Chu Fei's back go cold!    


After that, the mention of Jiang Hua made Chu Fei feel even more uncomfortable. Previously, Chu Fei had only been frightened, but now he was being mentioned by Jiang Hua. That was the true torture.    


Chu Fei's heart was already in pain, so much that he didn't even have the strength to move. With Jiang Hua's words, his heart was squeezed even more, causing him to be unable to breathe smoothly. Naturally, it was several times more painful than before, and now, it was as if tens of thousands of ants were biting and biting Chu Fei's heart, making him want to pull out his heart.    




Chu Fei couldn't help but shout out loud. The hatred in his eyes towards Jiang Hua deepened. Previously, he only wanted to get rid of Jiang Hua, but now, he wasn't going to stop until he died!    


Perhaps there was still room for reconciliation between the two of them. Ever since tonight, Chu Fei could only be fated to be enemies with Jiang Hua.    


Outside the door, Niu Dawei did not leave at all. He had been hiding outside the whole time, eavesdropping on the conversation between Jiang Hua and Chu Fei while the camera inside was taken away by him. He wanted to know what was going on inside could only rely on eavesdropping on the outside, so he sent his subordinates to eavesdrop on Niu Dawei.    


Logically speaking, Niu Dawei wouldn't have dared to hide outside and eavesdrop when he went in and saw the scene inside along with the two guns that Jiang Hua gave him.    


But he didn't dare to leave. Besides telling Chu Fei that he had a good relationship with Jiang Hua, Jiang Hua also put the two guns in his hands to intimidate Niu Dawei.    


Niu Dawei was a smart person and naturally knew the reason why Jiang Hua did all of this. From the moment Niu Dawei left the door, he knew that the only thing he and Chu Fei were going to face was death, but he still didn't dare to give up on Chu Fei.    


Who is Chu Fei?    


the young master of the largest clan in River City, the first young master of the River City!    


If this young master of River City, who was the most concerned young master, died in his territory, then no matter if it was him who killed Chu Fei, the Chu Family would bite people around like a mad dog, and he, Niu Dawei, would definitely be the first person from Chu Family to make a move, and become Chu Fei's first offering after death!    


Therefore, even though Niu Dawei knew that it was very likely that Chu Fei would fight to the death with him and become his obstacle, Niu Dawei still didn't dare to let Jiang Hua get rid of Chu Fei directly even in the face of a great disaster.    


Not only did he not dare to, he also wanted to prevent Jiang Hua from killing Chu Fei, otherwise, he would very quickly die at the hands of Chu Family!    


Niu Dawei stuck close to the door. The door was already broken, so it couldn't be closed. Leaning against the door with his body and weight was definitely a burden. Maybe he would immediately break the door!    


In order not to disturb the conversation between Chu Fei and Jiang Hua, Niu Dawei could only lean half of his body against the door, not daring to put his weight on the door. This was a test for ordinary people, not to mention Niu Dawei, the damn fatty.    


Even Niu Dawei couldn't help but admire himself. He had been at the door for quite some time, but he was still able to persevere!    


Just at this moment, Chu Fei's pained voice came from inside the door. It sounded like he was going to be tortured to death by Liu Tie. At this moment, Niu Dawei had the urge to push open the door and enter.    


Just as he was about to open the door, Niu Dawei stopped himself. He was afraid that Jiang Hua would be unhappy with him if he went in.    


It was very possible that Jiang Hua did not dare to kill Chu Fei, but to get rid of Niu Dawei and Jiang Hua, he did not have any scruples. Niu Dawei was not Chu Fei and he did not have that life-saving trump card.    


Standing at the door, finally Niu Dawei did not choose to go in. He was betting that Jiang Hua did not dare to kill Chu Fei now.    


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