Sacred Martial Divine Sovereign

C736 Successfully Rescued

C736 Successfully Rescued



The Destructive Arc circulated all over Ao Lingchen's body. The Nine-floored Tower rotated intensely, and the power of obliterating all things surged within it. Under the intense impact, the tear in the surrounding space became bigger and bigger. It could be said that the sky and the earth were truly collapsing.    


Faced with this kind of power, Mo Haihua's body completely collapsed. The bone spikes on his body quickly turned into powder under the erosion of the Power of Destruction.    




A miserable devil roar sounded out from Mo Haihua's throat, which only had bones left.    


The moment the devil roar spread out, his body quickly crumbled, and finally turned into powder in front of everyone's eyes!    


Killing intent erupted, and the cracks in the space seemed to show the power of this attack!    


Mo Haihua's devilized body was completely destroyed by the formidable power of the Nine-floored Tower in the end.    


At this point, all four true disciples of the Stellar Sect had fallen at Ao Lingchen's hands.    


This scene caused everyone to tremble in fear. Ao Lingchen's means were too terrifying. Such a terrifying devil had actually been turned into ashes by him in the end.    


"Could it be that Ao Lingchen is really so terrifying that even Mo Haihua is no match for him?"    


"First it was Wang Chongfei, Chu Haiyu, and Wang Chongtian. Now, even senior disciple Mo is dead. Could it be that he is the bane of Stellar Sect?"    


The surrounding people looked at Ao Lingchen with fear, at the figure standing proudly in the sky.    


Ao Lingchen's mightiness had completely crushed the will in their hearts.    




Letting out a long breath of turbid air, Ao Lingchen slightly shook his neck. His eyes were filled with a bright light as he swept his gaze towards the mountain range where Xia Jingxue and the others were at. His sharp gaze was focused on the few people who were holding them hostage.    


"Let them go, and I will spare your lives!"    


Under the numerous fearful gazes, Ao Lingchen moved with the tower in his hand. There was not a single energy fluctuation circulating on his body, but it made everyone retreat in fear.    


Everyone could see that Ao Lingchen had become extremely weak, but none of them dared to make a move.    


The Black Tower in Ao Lingchen's hand was too terrifying. The intense killing intent on it made the scene of Mo Haihua's death appear in everyone's mind.    


"A bunch of trash!"    


Looking at the people who were retreating in fear, Black Robed Man said coldly. His eyes became extremely cold and ruthless.    


In his opinion, this group of people didn't even have the qualifications to be demonized by him.    


Most importantly, the fact that the evil bone was killed had completely exceeded Black Robe's expectations.    


Originally, he was successfully summoning the devil, allowing the evil bone to revive. Black Robe thought that he could summon the devil to the world, slaughter the skies, and kill Ao Lingchen.    


Who would have thought that in the end, the evil bone would be blasted into pieces, leaving nothing behind. It was actually the evil bone that had turned into a devil!    


Initially, he had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but in the end, because the evil bone had been killed, all of his plans had to be foiled!    


"Leave or stay?"    


Black Robe's heart was filled with complicated emotions. He knew very well that Ao Lingchen's injuries were not light, and he had consumed a lot of his energy. If it wasn't for the Nine-floored Tower being extremely powerful, the evil bone might not have been the one that had been turned into ashes just now.    


This was the perfect time to kill Ao Lingchen!    


Black Robe cast a cunning glance at Ao Lingchen. The dark killing intent was surging.    




The green light tore through the air, and the sharp sword light forcefully cut the dark cloud in half.    


The swift and fierce sword force almost sliced through Black Robe's chest, forcefully cutting a huge mouth out of his robe.    


If it wasn't for Black Robed Man's quick reaction, this sword would have been able to heavily injure him.    


"Hmph, you still have the mood to be distracted while fighting with me?"    


Qing Chen snorted. This Black Robed Man was too arrogant. When he was fighting with Qing Chen, his eyes were still looking at Ao Lingchen. He was looking down on Ao Lingchen and did not put Qing Chen in his eyes at all!    


"You are courting death!"    


The sudden attack of the sword made Black Robed Man roar in anger. He waved both of his hands and released a surge of evil Qi, which turned into two sharp claws and lunged at Qing Chen.    


In the heart of the black-robed man, Qing Chen's threat was far less than Ao Lingchen's. If there was a chance to kill the latter, he would never show any mercy.    


Now that Qing Chen had destroyed his plans time and time again, it had made him feel like a heretic!    


Evil energy was surging, and the sword light was shining. The two experts were exchanging blows in the sky, and their attention was focused on each other.    


Ao Lingchen saw the intense battle in the air, but he did not pay attention to it, nor did he have the energy to pay attention to it.    


If he could, Ao Lingchen also wanted to keep Black Robed Man here forever. Unfortunately, when he killed Mo Haihua, he had almost used up all the energy in his body. There was nothing he could do about it, and there was nothing he could do about it!    


This was also the reason why he did not attack Black Robe.    


Originally, Ao Lingchen wanted to kill Mo Haihua and use the blood energy in his body to heal his injuries and replenish the energy in his body.    


However, when he killed the completely demonized Mo Haihua, what surprised him was that the blood energy he had been waiting for so long actually didn't appear.    


It was also because of this that Ao Lingchen chose to give up on the idea of keeping Black Robed Man.    


"This is your last chance. Let him go, and I'll give you all a chance to live!"    


Ao Lingchen let out a loud roar, and his aura erupted from his body. A fierce murderous aura burst out from his body, and powerful electric arcs started circulating around the Nine-floored Tower. The electric arcs started to float in his hands, and a destructive wave was unleashed.    


His hair was fluttering in the wind. His eyes were fiercely staring at the people in front of him, and a terrifying murderous aura erupted from his body.    


Saving people was more important. Before Xia Jingxue and the others' safety was guaranteed, Ao Lingchen did not dare to be too careless!    


Ao Lingchen's powerful aura shocked the surrounding people, making them look at him with serious and complicated expressions. Their faces were full of fear.    


Mo Haihua's tragic death made everyone not dare to look down on Ao Lingchen. They even treated him as the devil king in their hearts.    


As for whether Ao Lingchen was weak enough to deal with them, they didn't even consider it. The rules of Land of Trials would feed Mo Haihua's blood energy back to him, and it would only make him stronger.    


However, the strange thing was, why didn't Mo Haihua see any blood energy after he was killed?    


Doubt emerged in everyone's hearts, but no one paid too much attention to it, because they were currently facing a devil king.    


"If you let him go, you can still leave alive. Otherwise, don't blame me for not being polite with the spear in my hand!"    


Tian Haiyu landed next to Ao Lingchen and waved his silver spear. A dazzling cold light shot out from the spear.    


He could not tell whether Ao Lingchen was strong on the outside but weak on the inside. He did not care much about it. What he needed to do was to fight side by side with him.    


The atmosphere suddenly froze. The people from the Stellar Sect who were holding Xia Jingxue stared at Ao Lingchen with hesitation and fell into deep thought.    


After more than ten seconds, an embarrassed voice was heard. The man holding the knife on Suen Zhiming's neck said hesitantly, "Let them go. Are you really going to let us go?"    


"It's a promise. As long as you let them go, I will let you go!"    


Ao Lingchen said firmly. His eyes were filled with confidence. He said lightly, "Mo Haihua is dead. You are just accomplices. I can let you go!"    


Ao Lingchen naturally did not want to let these people go, but for the safety of Xia Jingxue and the others, he could only make a compromise.    


After hesitating for a moment, the man with a hesitant face seemed to have made a decision. He said fearfully, "Okay!"    


After saying that, he gripped his long blade tightly and flew into the sky, instantly disappearing into the horizon.    


He knew very well that in this situation, the first person to leave would have a higher chance of leaving.    


Sure enough, when he left, Ao Lingchen did not chase after him.    


"What about you guys?"    


Ao Lingchen looked at the others with a calm expression. He looked at the restless crowd. "This is the last chance!"    


"Let's go!"    


Hearing this, the people from the Stellar Sect looked at each other. Immediately, they rushed forward and fled into the distance.    


Once someone took the lead in an organization, it would be very easy for them to follow them.    


The moment everyone fled, Ao Lingchen and Tian Haiyu appeared beside Xia Jingxue and the others like shooting stars.    


"Should we chase after them?"    


Tian Haiyu stared at the figure that had disappeared into the distance and spoke with a hint of hostility.    


"No need. The most important thing right now is to deal with this rat!"    


Ao Lingchen waved his hand and shattered the ropes on Xia Jingxue and the others. He looked up at the sky and saw the figure that was fighting fiercely.    


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