My Cold CEO Fiancee

C1236 Bottom Line for both Sides

C1236 Bottom Line for both Sides

3The Yuanshen medicine industry was a rising power in the Martial Sect world. Not to mention the Martial Sect world, its scientific and technical strength was one of the best in the entire world. The two combined were like a tornado that wreaked havoc on the Martial Sect world. He remembered that when Tian Xue had just joined the Martial Sect Alliance, Zhao Wuxie was prepared to find a chance to insert a needle into the ground and at the same time place a stumbling block on the Yuxiao Palace while reaping benefits. It was precisely because Tian Xue and Ye Lingtian's movements were too quick and ferocious that he looked left and right, unable to find where the crack lines were.    3


As she heard Zhao Wuxie's words, Hee Zicao turned her head to look at Ye Lingtian with eyes full of unconcealable admiration and love, and a faint sense of pride, "What Elder Zhao said is true, Ye Lingtian is indeed a rare genius who only appears once in a thousand years, while Tian Xue is the star of hope for Yuxiao Palace.    


Zhao Wuxie smiled shyly, "Sect Leader Hee must be joking. If I'm not even comparable to Tian Xue, how can I compare to Ye Lingtian? As for the Angie's encirclement, it's even more exciting. Ann Wuhuan is, after all, one of the top characters in Top Sects, and in Mr Ye's TV series, he did not even live past two episodes, which makes people sigh in amazement. "    


Ye Lingtian twitched his mouth and said, "Mr Zhao, is there any point in supporting each other at this time?"    


"How boring." Zhao Wuxie took out a small knife from his toolbox and threw it to Ye Lingtian, "Kill the fish and I'll start a fire."    


"You really know how to order people around. All the dirty work is mine." Ye Lingtian complained with a low voice while holding the knife.    


Zhao Wuxie raised his eyebrows and said, "Mr Ye is joking. I believe that you are very familiar with this. Killing a fish is at least much easier than killing a person."    


Hee Zicao frowned and said to Zhao Wuxie, "Elder Zhao, don't you think we are wasting our time?"    


"This is the best time to eat grilled fish." Zhao Wuxie turned his head and smiled at Hee Zicao: "Lijiang's weather is neither cold nor warm, and it's even more comfortable than late spring of Jinghai. The free-for-all will soon begin, and it's better to enjoy some peace.    


Hee Zicao looked deeply at Zhao Wuxie. "You are too pessimistic."    


As Zhao Wuxie fiddled with the charcoal, he said, "I am not pessimistic, but cautious. If he favors someone, the one who goes against him will definitely suffer. This logic has been proven many times in the past, but as luck goes, it is very mysterious."    


Hee Zicao turned her head to look at Ye Lingtian, who was killing fishes by the river. "Even though I don't agree with you, but I admit that what you said makes sense to a certain extent. At least the luck of that guy not too far away is a little heaven-defying."    


Hee Zicao turned around and gave Zhao Wuxie a slight smile, "This confirms Elder Zhao's intelligence. He knows how to stand on a team, and if you choose a person with heaven-defying luck to work with, at least you will get lucky."    


Sect Leader Heeang glanced at Hee Zicao meaningfully, "Sect Leader Heehui has eyes of gold, letting Tian Xue tightly lock onto Ye Lingtian, I'm afraid that with such a great talent, Yuxiao Palace is like fish to water, Top Sects is definitely not the end of the road for Yuxiao Palace, your goal is even higher."    


Hee Zicao placed her hands behind her back as she faced the continuously rising and falling mountain, and passionately said: "There are many talented people in the martial arts world, and every generation has surpassed the older generation. When the young geniuses of the Martial Sect World appeared, it was also the end of the curtain, and from ancient times until now, it is unknown when there has been a conversation from the sect about us old people. They occupy the best resources and control the ancient martial arts techniques, and they cannot even touch the gates of the sect with their Martial Sect.    


Hee Zicao clenched her fist tightly. "There's no hope for our generation to make it to the sect. We can only keep this pressure in our hearts. But you have the hope of crushing them beneath your feet."    


"There can only be one victor, and if we want to charge into the sect, we will have to use all our power from our Martial Sect. Sect Leader Hee has vowed like this, and seems to have treated Yuxiao Palace as the victor, Tian Xue is the one who will lead the charge into the sect on our behalf."    


Hee Zicao nodded her head lightly and did not hide it. "I am indeed full of confidence in Tian Xue. Otherwise, I would not have easily given her the position of Sect Leader."    


"Tian Xue might not be bad, but it's hard to say if she will be able to lead the way." Zhao Wuxie stretched his back and pouted at Ye Lingtian, "Maybe it's him. Ye Lingtian is better in terms of eyes and wits than Tian Xue."    


"Humans will always improve. The reason why Elder Zhao thinks this way is because you haven't experienced Tian Xue's true strength. When you meet her again, you will have a clearer understanding of her. Hee Zicao looked at Ye Lingtian quietly, "Of course, I don't deny that Ye Lingtian might win in the end, and Mr Zhao also has the chance to make a comeback. Hee Zicao looked at Ye Lingtian quietly," Of course, I don't deny that Ye Lingtian has the possibility of winning in the end, and of course, Mr Zhao has the chance to make a comeback.    


"What we need to do is naturally not let you seniors be disappointed." Zhao Wuxie walked to the river bank to wash his hands, took the grass fish from Ye Lingtian and put them on the charcoal fire. He looked at Ye Lingtian, then looked at Hee Zicao, and slowly said: "If we are to cooperate with Yuxiao Palace, if we win in the end, how are we going to split the fruits?"    


Ye Lingtian shrugged his shoulders: "The Yuanshen Medicine industry is the weakest, and has no say in it. As long as you aren't too excessive, I should be able to accept it."    


When he said this, Hee Zicao and Zhao Wuxie looked at Ye Lingtian in unison with the same expression — despise. Is the Yuanshen Medicine Industry that bad that you would dare to play like this in the Martial Sect World? He almost dared to snatch the fruit of victory from the Yuxiao Palace?    


"Don't look at me like that, what I said is the truth." Ye Lingtian rolled his eyes, grabbed some salt, and sprinkled it onto the fish on the fire evenly. He said gloomily, "Our individual combat abilities are definitely not comparable to yours, otherwise, if anyone cooperates with you, the Yuanshen Medicine Industry will have all of our Carefree Valley."    


"Alone? Aren't you afraid that I'll choke you to death! " Hee Zicao fiercely glared at Ye Lingtian, and said to Liu Tie, "Mr Zhao, give me a word, after all, Yuxiao Palace came to find you two first."    


Zhao Wuxie took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Ye Lingtian. After lighting it up, he took a long drag on it and said, "I don't care how your two families split up, in the end you must obtain at least a third of the Heaven Cloud Mountain."    


Hee Zicao and Ye Lingtian looked at each other with doubt in their eyes. One third? If that's all it is, do you have to drag it out?    


"Are you sure?" Hee Zicao asked with a frown.    


"Sure, I think that's probably the bottom line you have set." Zhao Wuxie smiled at Ye Lingtian and said, "I'm afraid the lines Mr Ye prepared are not of any use, right?"    


Ye Lingtian did not deny this: "How many people does Heaven Cloud Mountain want to send out?"    


Zhao Wuxie extended three fingers and said with a smile: "30% Elite."    


Hee Zicao frowned and said coldly: "No wonder Elder Zhao is so generous. So he set up a Yuxiao Palace here, with thirty percent of the elites? You should understand that in this Julin battle, all the Carefree Valley s have been mobilized, and all the Bi Family s have been released by the elites, so are you not afraid that thirty percent of the elites will be thrown into the water? "    


Zhao Wuxie crushed his cigarette with his finger and smiled at Hee Zicao, "Sect Leader Hee, who can hide something so obvious from whom? Even without using thirty percent of the Heaven Cloud Mountain, Carefree Valley and Bi Family would still be able to endure this. Otherwise, Tian Xue wouldn't be playing around with Qingcheng Sect like this, killing the person and sending them to Ann Dongguo and Ann Zhenhuan as a bun to show that she would finish the battle quickly. After knowing this, I was thinking, whether it was one year or two years or a hundred and eighty years that Yuxiao Palace was prepared for today? "    


Hee Zicao snorted coldly. "It's been even longer than you thought."    


"Then that's it." Zhao Wuxie spread out his hands and said unhurriedly, "The reason why you two united your Heaven Cloud Mountain is so that we can guard against the sabers at the back. Of course, we still have seventy percent of our troops to guard against Shu Mountain and Hai Family."    


Hee Zicao said with a sneer: "If you have that kind of idea, we won't be able to continue the discussion. Today, I'll say a few words on behalf of Yuxiao Palace, to defend against Carefree Valley and them.    


Zhao Wuxie spread out his hands and said helplessly: "Even if I accept this condition, the elders' meeting would still not be able to fulfil it. Heaven Cloud Mountain is not a Yuxiao Palace, so there is no deep foundation."    


"What a joke!" His Heaven Cloud Mountain was ranked much higher than his Yuxiao Palace! Your foundation is not as deep as ours? Even pigs would laugh if I said that! " Hee Zicao stood up and said to Zhao Wuxie straightforwardly, "If Elder Zhao is determined, then there's no need to mention the matter of cooperation. It's not like my Yuxiao Palace can't compete with Carefree Valley! If someone tries to fish up a sum from behind, they might lose their teeth! "    


As expected, Zi Yun was still that Zi Yun. If her Yuxiao Palace were still in her power, then it would not be a threat to her. Zhao Wuxie smiled at Ye Lingtian: "What does Mr Ye mean?"    


Hee Zicao didn't wait for Ye Lingtian's reply and harshly said: "My opinion is the opinion of the Yuanshen Medicine industry, and even more so Ye Lingtian's opinion. Zhao Wuxie, give us an explanation, if not, don't waste each other's time."    


Ye Lingtian took one of the grilled fish on the fire and handed it to Hee Zicao, then said with a frown: "You are not feeling well, so don't be angry. Negotiating is something you have to discuss, not quarreling, and the so-called bottom line is just an estimate made based on the situation, which will naturally change with the change in the situation. In fact, I have a suggestion, once this suggestion is made, I believe that no matter if you want to hide your own strength, you can't do it even if you want to."    


Hee Zicao frowned. "What suggestion?"    


"Can't you just sit down and eat the grilled fish? The main character of today's negotiation is me, not you! " Ye Lingtian was very dissatisfied with Hee Zicao. She said you were dumb, but you really became an idiot. You're already in your seventies, don't you know that negotiation is just a contest from the beginning to the end? Do you think that you are here to buy a street vendor's stall? Do you think that you are here to buy a land vendor's stall, so you turn around and leave while the seller chases you from behind?    


Hee Zicao threw Ye Lingtian a big toilet ball and sat down in annoyance.    


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