I'm Tycoon

C39 The Serene Steward Li

C39 The Serene Steward Li

0Just as everyone was chatting and laughing towards the school gate, Lu Yuan's phone rang.    


Lu Yuan looked and saw that it was the butler. This was the first time the butler took the initiative to look for him. Previously, Lu Yuan was only in contact with her because he needed her help with something.    


"Hello, Steward Lee, is something the matter?" Lu Yuan answered the phone and said lightly.    


"Mr. Lu!" Where are you now? There's something important I need to talk to you about in person. " Steward Lee said seriously.    


"Me? I'm at school now. " Lu Yuan was a little puzzled. After all, Steward Lee's attitude was different from usual, which made Lu Yuan feel that this matter was not simple at all.    


"Alright, come to Ma Ke's place as soon as possible. There are some things I need to tell you. Oh right, you bought a Magdalene, right? This is the way to go for now. I'll wait here for you." Steward Lee intentionally kept them in suspense.    


Lu Yuan didn't know how Steward Lee found out that he had bought the Mar'lati, but as his personal butler, it was natural for Steward Lee to have this ability.    


"Alright, I'll set off immediately." Lu Yuan agreed.    


"Ol 'Three, is it going to be cool again? I heard it was a beautiful woman's voice. " Ol 'Four quipped.    


"I still have some things to do, you guys can go back first, I can only trouble Jingjing to send me back." Lu Yuan looked at Huang Jingjing, his personal chauffeur.    


Very soon, Lu Yuan arrived at the Ma Ke mansion that Steward Lee had arranged for them. When Lu Yuan saw the two statues of running horses at the front of the mansion, he knew that this place was definitely not a simple place.    


Under the guidance of the staff, Lu Yuan arrived at Steward Lee's room.    


"Mr. Lu, please sit." Steward Lee stood up and motioned for him to sit behind him.    


Steward Lee was dressed in standard professional attire today. Her perfect figure was fully described, causing the man to want to swallow his saliva.    


Steward Lee had a pair of exquisite black-framed glasses on his face, but it couldn't stop her blinking large eyes. It made Lu Yuan feel like his soul had been lost after staring for too long.    


The most eye-catching thing was Steward Lee's twin peaks and the water snake waist line. Coupled with his one-step skirt and the thin black stockings, it made one's imagination run wild.    


Looking at the charming and charming Steward Lee, Lu Yuan couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.    


"Steward Lee, is there something important? "Calling me over in such a hurry." Lu Yuan composed himself and said.    


"Mr. Lu, it's like this. You have inherited the old mister's inheritance, now you can be considered someone of this class. There are some rules that you should learn earlier." Steward Lee said seriously.    


In the following time, Steward Lee told the whole story about Lu Yuan's grandfather that he had never met. Although Lu Yuan had never seen his grandfather, but hearing these stories, he still felt his blood boil.    


Presumably, it was the resonance that came from the depths of his blood.    


"Mr. Lu, I only told you this because I want you to know that the people you interact with in the future will definitely not be as innocent as the students in school. You have to know that this society is very sinister." At this point, Steward Lee felt dejected. Perhaps it was due to him thinking about his past experiences.    


"However, you don't have to worry. I'm your personal butler. If you have any questions, you can come and ask me anytime. Moreover, these things cannot be learned overnight. They still need to be accumulated over a long period of time."    


"However, we still have another important matter before us." Speaking of that, Steward Lee reached into his bag as if he was looking for something.    


He saw Steward Lee take out a red leather notebook from his bag.    


The moment Lu Yuan saw this thing, he immediately thought of the real estate certificate that millions of people were chasing after.    


"This is the certificate of a villa. Now, all you need to do is sign and seal the certificate and the villa will automatically be under your name." Sure enough, Steward Lee took out a real estate certificate.    


Moreover, it was a villa certificate.    


"Villa? What am I doing here? I am so lonely right now, there is no need for me to live here. " Lu Yuan blurted out, this was the truest thought in his heart.    


"Mr. Lu, the villa might not be used as a place to stay. You must understand that this thing is just a plaything in the hands of those in the upper class. It's more of a use to show your identity." Steward Lee explained patiently.    


Lu Yuan was, after all, a "noob", so it was necessary to build the foundation.    


"Identity?" Lu Yuan was deep in thought.    


Steward Lee was assured when he saw that Lu Yuan had started to accept the messages. She was afraid that Lu Yuan was just like those good-for-nothings, not learning anything and only knowing how to eat, drink, and have fun.    


One had to know that no matter how rich a person was, if they didn't know how to earn money, then there would come a day where they would run out of money.    


"Yes, identity. Although your current status is not comparable to the nine or five-year-old dignitary, there is still an insurmountable gap between your status and the commoners."    


"I believe you've felt it in your life these past few days. It's just like that Maserati. To you, five million is only a number, but for some ordinary people, you might not be able to see that much money in their entire lives."    


"It is precisely because you have such a foundation that you did not even blink when spending money." This is the pattern that vast wealth brings to you.    


"Furthermore, when you are in contact with others, do you look down on people who can't compare to you?" Steward Lee said without any hesitation.    


Lu Yuan nodded subconsciously when he heard that.    


"Right, these are all changes to your Stealth. It looks like your character's speed isn't too bad. Even though you're not as fast as some people, you still have potential." Ye Xiu said. Steward Lee nodded.    


In the following time, Lu Yuan felt like he was brainwashed. Steward Lee blew a lot of information into Lu Yuan's mind, making it hard for him to accept.    


"The amount of information you have is indeed a bit big, but to you, you only need to draw a little bit of time. After all, you still have your grandpa's outstanding genes." Steward Lee also saw Lu Yuan's problem and comforted him.    


"Oh right, there's a God level person in this city who is very interested in you. I've already agreed to meet up with him for some time." Steward Lee said lightly.    


"Hmm? Why didn't you ask me for my opinion? " Lu Yuan frowned. It was obvious that he didn't like others arranging things for him that even he didn't know about.    


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