I'm Tycoon

C151 Preparation

C151 Preparation

3Lu Yuan was interested in his own department. From the beginning of high school, he decided that he would definitely choose an xx department in the future. Back then, the first choice for the college entrance exam was to choose the big xx department in the provincial capital.    


Back then, not only did Lu Yuan have to study, he also had to work part-time to earn his living expenses. Before the college entrance exam, he even fell ill.    


I have to talk to Jingjing, Lu Yuan said in his heart.    


With nothing to do for a few days, Yu Zitao had also disappeared without a trace. Lu Yuan and Huang Jingjing were each busy with their own studies, so their lessons were rather busy after school started.    


In the evening, they finally had some time to themselves.    


In a high-end restaurant near the sea, the two of them sat facing each other with the sound of waves and the shadow of candles.    


"Jingjing, I have something to tell you." Lu Yuan hesitated for a moment and said.    


Huang Jingjing was mentally prepared. "Yes, go ahead."    


"I might exchange to go to the provincial capital for the first half year of classes for the big xx department. The big xx department of the provincial capital is the best in the world, and …" Lu Yuan continued.    


The light of anticipation in Huang Jingjing's eyes gradually dimmed. She forced a smile and said, "Then congratulations."    


Lu Yuan wanted to ask Huang Jingjing if she wanted to go with him to the provincial capital, but he didn't know how to do it.    


After the two finished their dinner, Lu Yuan drove Huang Jingjing back to school.    


"Lu Yuan …" Huang Jingjing seemed to have thought of something and said.    


"What's wrong?" Lu Yuan asked as he pulled the handbrake.    


"No, nothing." Huang Jingjing tilted her head towards the window and looked out at the sea view. I hope I'm overthinking it, she thought.    


Since Lu Yuan could study in the best place, she should help and bless him instead of stopping him. Huang Jingjing thought so, although she felt that the timing of the student exchange program was a bit strange.    


Today, although he didn't mention inviting Huang Jingjing to go to the provincial capital with him, he had already told Jingjing about his trip to the provincial capital. Today, although he didn't mention inviting Huang Jingjing to go to the provincial capital with her, but luckily, he had already told Jingjing about his trip to the provincial capital.    


When Lu Yuan returned to the dorm, Jiang Tao, Zeng Kelian, and Jiang Dong had prepared a small gift for him. With the help of alcohol, the four of them opened their chests wide and chatted for the whole night.    


The next day, Lu Yuan struggled to get up from his bed until it was almost noon. He looked at the drunkards lying on the bed and shook his head with a smile. He felt sad that he had to say goodbye to his brothers for the time being.    


Lu Yuan put on his clothes and headed to the staff office. He walked in front of Director Liu and said, "Instructor, I've thought it through. I've decided to go to the provincial capital."    


Two men and one woman were already standing in front of Director Liu. When Lu Yuan walked over, the girl subconsciously covered her nose and took two steps back.    


"I don't want to waste my chance. That's more like it." Director Liu laughed, "Coincidentally, let me introduce you to each other. This is Lu Yuan, the one I just told you all about. In the future, you guys can help each other when you get to the capital."    


"Hello, my name is Wu Qianwenn. Nice to meet you." The short-haired boy immediately turned around and said to Lu Yuan.    


"My name is Qi Yongxin." The man in white smiled.    


The girl stood aside and did not introduce herself. The short-haired man immediately pulled the girl over. "This is my sister, Wu Qinjun."    


The girl got rid of Wu Qianwenn's hand, "What, I have to be friends when I go to a place. I don't want to be friends with a poor bastard drunkard."    


Before Lu Yuan arrived, Director Liu roughly told them about Lu Yuan's family situation. He hoped that they would take care of Lu Yuan and help him wherever possible.    


Wu Qianwenn heard Wu Qinjun's words and immediately turned to Lu Yuan    


"Student Wu Qinjun, what are you saying? Why aren't you apologizing to Student Lu Yuan!" Instructor Liu reprimanded.    


"Why should I apologize? It's not like I'm wrong." Wu Qinjun replied before she turned around and left the staff room.    


"Student Lu Yuan, I apologize on behalf of my sister." Wu Qianwenn said. He bowed towards Lu Yuan and said, "She's young, please forgive her."    


"I'm fine." Lu Yuan waved his hand. He has nothing to care about right now.    


"Hey, that's right. You guys pack your things and come to my office at three in the afternoon. I'll help you arrange for a car. It will take six to seven hours to get to the provincial capital. Remember to bring some water to drink. " Director Liu paused for a moment, "On Wu Qinjun's side, Wu Qianwenn, remember to tell her not to miss any time."    


Afterwards, the three of them left the teaching staff room together. They chatted for a while before parting ways, each returning to their own rooms to pack their luggage.    


When Lu Yuan returned to the dormitory, Jiang Tao and Jiang Dong had already left to go to class. Fourth Bro Zeng Kelian was still playing with his phone on the bed.    


"Third brother, you're back." When Zeng Kelian saw Lu Yuan return, he immediately put down his phone and said while standing up.    


Lu Yuan took out his backpack and suitcase from the locker, "Fourth Bro, why don't you go to class? I remember that this is Professor Li's class, right? "    


"What's so good about class? Maybe you'll be gone when you come back from class later." Zeng Kelian replied.    


Lu Yuan laughed, "We still have to attend classes, otherwise what will we do when we enter society?"    


Zeng Kelian said in a low voice, "I don't want to join the society, I just want to follow Third Bro."    


Lu Yuan paused for a moment, then smiled and said, "Fourth Bro, of course you can follow me, but you need to be truly talented."    


Zeng Kelian said happily, "I can really follow you. Then it's a promise, Third Bro. I definitely have the talent to truly learn. No matter what, it's still 985."    


Lu Yuan put the stuff into his backpack, "Just 985 is not enough. We have to learn, only then will we have the goods. Hurry up and go to class, number four. "    


"Sure, third brother." Zeng Kelian put his phone in his pocket and walked towards the door.    


Zeng Kelian walked to the door and opened it, then stopped and turned around, "Third brother, you won't just leave like this and not come back, right?"    


Lu Yuan laughed and scolded, "What, you're starting to curse me now."    


"No, no, no …" "No, that's not what I meant …" Zeng Kelian immediately waved his hand and wanted to explain.    


"Don't be so girly, just act like a half year exchange student. It's like we're parting for life. Hurry up and go to class, don't just stand there like an idiot." Lu Yuan stuffed the last few items into his backpack.    


"Then I'll go to class." Zeng Kelian stared at Lu Yuan at the end and waved his hand, "Goodbye Third Bro." He then walked out of the dormitory and headed towards the teaching building.    


Lu Yuan put his luggage aside and sat on the bed. He looked at his watch and saw that it was around 11 PM.    


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