I Want to Burn the Sky

C3959 Strange and Ugly

C3959 Strange and Ugly

4Guu Feng and Yang Ying were stunned. The children didn't even want their fishing rods anymore. They scrambled away.    


The little girl was slow. She tripped over the grass on the ground and landed behind her. She said anxiously, "Wait for me!"    


Guu Feng took a few big steps and picked up the little girl with one hand. He asked, "Why do you say we are ghosts?"    


The little girl kicked in the air a few times and cried out in fear, "Don't get close to me!"    


Guu Feng and Yang Ying looked at each other helplessly and pretended to threaten him.    


"You are not allowed to cry. If you do not cry, I will let you go. If you cry again and make me feel annoyed, I'll eat you. "    


He deliberately opened his mouth wide and made an expression as if he was eating an evil spirit, scaring the little girl so much that she burped a few times.    


However, because of the threat, she didn't dare to cry out loud again. She could only suck and choke, and from time to time, she would cast a few glances at them.    


Guu Feng also kept his word and put her down from the sky. He slowed down his tone and said:    


"Little girl, what's your name? Why do you call us ghosts?"    


Yang Ying came over with an unhappy face. Those children just now did not call her ghost when they saw Guu Feng, but they called her ghost when they saw her.    


They had caught her when they called her again. With old and new grudges, her tone was very unfriendly.    


"Why am I a ghost? If you don't make it clear, I will throw you into the lake."    


The little girl's eyes were glistening with tears as she puckered her lips and said, "If you're not a ghost, then what are you? You're so ugly."    


This was strange. Yang Ying was confident in her beauty and no one had ever said that she was ugly.    


Being called ugly by a little girl without any mercy, her lungs were about to explode from anger.    


She glared and her eyes were burning with anger, "You!"    


When Guu Feng heard what the little girl said, his heart skipped a beat. He turned around to look at Yang Ying.    


He saw that half of Yang Ying's face had been corroded. Her originally smooth skin had blistered as if it had been burned by fire. Her face was full of bumps and hollows and looked quite terrifying.    


Yang Ying's senses were very sensitive. When she saw Guu Feng's strange gaze, her heart moved and she hurriedly rushed to the lakeside.    


The transparent lake water was like a mirror, reflecting the green mountains and green water. It also reflected Yang Ying's face that was full of bumps and hollows.    


She cried out in shock and covered her face in disbelief. Her hands kept trembling.    


Guu Feng's heart sank. As a woman, face was extremely important to them.    


Furthermore, Yang Ying had always been a beauty. She had always praised her since she was young. It was hard for her to accept that she was suddenly disfigured.    


He could not help but feel a little annoyed. It was still too late when he fed her the medicine.    


He walked to Yang Ying's side and put one hand on her shoulder and said,    


"Don't worry. Your face is like this because of the erosion of the evil energy. As long as you force it out of your body, you will recover to your original state."    


Yang Ying turned her head to the side. She did not want him to see her face. She said in a low mood.    


"When will that happen? I don't have any magical energy right now, so I can't force out the evil energy."    


Guu Feng turned her face to him and looked at her openly.    


"Why are you afraid that I will see you? Don't you love me when I'm disfigured?    


Right now, the top priority is to save Man-er. As long as we can get out, it's only a matter of time before you recover. "    


He didn't say that if they failed and Guu Fei killed them in the end, then the matter of their appearance wouldn't be important anymore.    


When mentioning Man-er, Yang Ying no longer cared about her appearance.    


Now, they did not even have any information about Man-er, so they did not have time to think about these things.    


She hurriedly turned around to look and saw that the little girl had already run far away. She was anxious. This "domain" was quite strange.    


Even though they knew that Guu Fei might be in the mountain, they were clueless and did not know the exact details.    


If they did not find out what was going on, they would just be regarded as nourishment for the flowers and trees in the forest.    


The only hope they had now was this seemingly normal little girl.    


"Feng, quickly catch her!" Yang Ying urgently called out.    


Hearing Yang Ying's voice, the little girl's footsteps staggered a few times and she ran even more urgently.    


Guu Feng's expression was calm. With one step, the little girl took a few steps and caught the little girl in an instant.    


The little girl puckered her lips and started crying again. "What you say doesn't count. You said you would let me go."    


Guu Feng said in a gentle voice, "We didn't lie to you. We just wanted to ask you some things. What's your name? "    


The little girl choked a few times. She knew she couldn't escape, so she said reluctantly, "My name is Instant."    


"Shun? What Instant Transportation?" Guu Feng asked.    


The little girl kept quiet and looked at them cautiously.    


Guu Feng had no choice but to change the topic. "What is this place?"    


It was strange. When they first entered the village, they saw that the mountain was covered by black fog.    


However, when they arrived here, the mountain was bright and beautiful. The sun shone brightly, and every blade of grass and tree was fresh and natural, just like an ordinary mountain forest. Everything was so peaceful.    


However, with their speed, the place they could escape to would not be too far away from that village. How could there be two completely different places?    


In an instant, they said angrily, "This place is like a sunset mountain."    


Sunset Mountain?    


Guu Feng had never heard of this mountain in the north and south of the Great River. However, there were too many unknown mountain names in this world, so he did not take it to heart.    


He considered his words and said:    


"Then do you know that there is a village nearby? They seem to have a tradition of worshipping the mountain god, do you know what's going on? "    


Instant Cast looked at him doubtfully and said, "I don't know what village it is. We don't worship the Mountain God, we only worship the Tree God."    


Yang Ying interrupted and said, "You don't know that there is a village nearby?"    


Instantaneously said angrily, "I don't know what you guys are talking about. I only worship people in our village.    


I have never seen an outsider, so I don't know what kind of village you are talking about."    


Guu Feng and Yang Ying looked at each other in surprise. Logically speaking, the village below the mountain was not far from the village. How could they have never seen an outsider?    


Even if the village outside did not enter the forest after paying their respects, they should have something they needed to communicate with the outside world. How could they not know the strange situation in the village below?    


Guu Feng frowned and pondered. Could it be that when they were escaping the blood sea, they triggered some kind of magic formation that transported them thousands of miles away?    


However, his divine sense did not sense any traces of magic power being transmitted. This was too strange.    


Yang Ying had obviously thought of this possibility as well. She stamped her feet and said.    


"Wind, what should we do? We don't even know where this place is. Could it be that we are no longer there?"    


Guu Feng thought for a while and said, "Try to see if you can control the magic weapon."    


Yang Ying's eyes lit up. She immediately took out her magic weapon and secretly activated it. However, after she tried a few times, the magic weapon still did not move.    


- The content came from [Miegu Reading]    


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