I Want to Burn the Sky

C493 The Waves Rose Again

C493 The Waves Rose Again

3The man smiled coldly and said alone, "Hun Dongzhu did not do his job well. He actually lost the Nine-floor Spirit Pavilion again. This time, let me bring it back myself!"    


"Even if he unified the Soul Clan, I should be the one to become this Soul Clan King!" “    


Since we want to unify the ___, the first step will be starting from your branch!"    


As he spoke, he stepped on the water and disappeared from the surface of the lake like a phantom.    


In another dream-like building, a woman was reading a thin piece of paper with a finger.    


This woman had red lips and white teeth. Her skin was as smooth as fat. Her legs were long and straight, and her chest was even raised high.    


With just a glance, everyone would be subdued by her beauty, and she could absolutely be considered a devastatingly beautiful woman.    


However, her face carried a coldness that caused others to not dare approach her.    


It was as if this woman was a high and mighty queen that mortals could not blaspheme.    


With an indifferent sneer, this woman lightly tapped with her finger. A flame ignited and the letter instantly turned to ashes.    


"What's wrong, Big Sister?"    


At this moment, not far from the woman, a soft voice sounded.    


Looking over, it was a woman in purple.    


This woman's appearance was not inferior to the woman who burned the letter. It was just that this purple clothed woman did not have a powerful aura that was thousands of miles away. She was more of a kind of gentle charm.    


If Guu Feng was here, he would definitely recognize this girl in purple clothes, because this girl was the girl he had seen in Joy Seeking Pavilion, Zi Yi.    


At that time, Guu Feng felt that this purple clothed girl was Soul Clan Woman, but he didn't know that this purple clothed girl was Soul Clan Woman.    


After hearing what she said, the cold and elegant face of the girl revealed a gentle smile.    


"Don't bother about it. It's just a small matter. That Hun Xuan bloodline actually found an outsider to be the new patriarch. What a joke."    


"No matter what, Hun Xuan is the daughter of the previous patriarch of Soul Clan. Although we weren't close to her before, we shouldn't have gotten into a bad relationship with her."    


"I just didn't expect that she would do such a ridiculous thing. She actually let an outsider be the patriarch, and even brazenly sent an invitation."    


"Whoever wants to go to this banquet will go."    


After saying that, the woman looked at the purple dress and smiled even more gently.    


"The Holy Artifact of our branch was taken away by that old thief from Slum. Sister suffered a lot in order to take back this Illusion Realm Scroll. Sister will offer you a cup."    


After saying that, the woman stood up and poured Zi Yi a cup of wine that emitted a strong fragrance.    


From the fragrance, it could be guessed that this was definitely not an ordinary wine.    


Indeed, this was a fine wine that was refined from many spiritual medicines, comparable to a high-grade Medicine Pill.    


Just a cup was enough to instantly restore a martial artist whose entire body's cultivation was exhausted to the peak of their cultivation.    


This wine was not brewed by a person, but by a type of spirit fox. That plain clothed woman also obtained some by chance.    


As she poured the wine for Zi Yi, the woman's gaze became cold. "But sister, don't worry. I won't let the suffering you've suffered all these years go to waste."    


"Now that the Illusion Realm Scroll has been found and the new patriarch of Hun Xuan's faction caused such a disturbance, the other factions will not be able to sit still."    


"If that's the case, whoever can unify the Soul Clan will have to depend on their own abilities."    


"Don't worry, little sister. Big sister will make you the king of the Soul Clan!"    


Zi Yi didn't know what to say when she felt her sister's domineering aura.    


Unlike her sister, Zi Yi didn't have such a strong desire for power.    


She would wholeheartedly take back the Illusion Realm Scroll because it belonged to the Soul Clan and was guarded by her father in the past.    


Among the six branches of the Soul Clan, Suyi's was a special one.    


The other five branches were controlled by the royal family of the Soul Clan, and their branch was not the royal family.    


Because their surname wasn't Hun, their father had made great contributions to the Soul Clan. He was the king with a different surname from the patriarch of the Soul Clan.    


Back then, the Soul Clan hadn't split up yet. The current patriarch of each branch was just a self-proclaimed leader. He couldn't be considered as the real Soul Clan King.    


When Pattern Saint invaded the various clans, the Soul King handed the six Holy Artifacts to the six spiritas to safeguard them. The Illusion Realm scroll was kept by Suyi and Ziyi's father.    


The sisters' father had died in battle because of the protection of the scroll.    


That was why Ziyi had spent several years hiding in the Slum to retrieve the scroll.    


Because this scroll had a special meaning to Zi Yi.    


Thinking about this, Zi Yi could not help but think of the young man wearing the Purple Flame Wolf mask. It was because of that person that she had the chance to get the Divine Soul Scroll back.    


From the moment Guu Feng casted the Devil Blood Shadow, Zi Yi knew that Young Master Wolf was Guu Feng.    


However, she didn't know that the invitation letter that her sister had burnt down was written by Guu Feng.    


After all, she only mentioned the young man from another race, but didn't mention the name of the young man.    


When she thought of Guu Feng, Ziyi couldn't help but smile. "Sister, it was all thanks to someone's help that we were able to get the Illusion Realm Scroll back."    


Suyi smiled." Oh? Is that so? If we see him again, we have to pay him back."    


The next moment, Suyi's tone became cold. "But sister, don't easily fall in love with those men. Every man is unreliable."    


When she heard her sister, Ziyi nodded. "I know, sister. How could I fall in love with someone so easily?"    


Although she said that, there was a bit of shyness on her pretty face.    


She had to admit that she admired Guu Feng's courage and resourcefulness when he was in Slum.    


In addition, Guu Feng's reputation as the second person to awaken the Blood Shadow of the Devil in Pattern Clan in the past hundred years had piqued her curiosity. She wondered what kind of handsome face he would have under the mask of the Purple Flame Wolf.    


However, Zi Yi also knew that her elder sister had always been cold to men, so at this moment, she did not tell the person who saved her was the prince of the Wen Family, Jiang Feng.    




Apart from Hun Dongzhu's bloodline and Suyi's bloodline, the other three bloodlines also made their moves after receiving Guu Feng's invitation.    


In the underground palace, Guu Feng didn't slack off at all. At this moment, he was focusing on comprehending Soul Clan Patriarch's inheritance.    


With the continuous accumulation of energy and the great fortune brought by the inheritance of the Soul Clan, Guu Feng's cultivation base had broken through the bottleneck and reached the God Transforming Stage.    


It was only after advancing to the God Transforming Stage that Guu Feng gained a lot of new insights about Soul Clan Patriarch's inheritance.    


"It seems like advancing to the God Transforming Stage will be of great help to the divine soul."    


"Before breaking through to the God Transforming Stage, my divine soul's consciousness was already powerful enough, but there are still many things that I don't understand about the inheritance of the Soul Clan that I obtained from the sealed place."    


"Looking at it now, there are many things that I can understand."    


As he thought of this, Guu Feng held his breath and focused his mind. In his sea of consciousness, an image of a man sitting cross-legged appeared.    


This image was the manifestation of Soul Clan Patriarch's inheritance.    


And Guu Feng was comprehending one of the inheritances.    


When the Ancient Wind Divine Soul's consciousness completely poured into the illusory figure in his sea of consciousness, the originally sitting and unmoving illusory figure began to slowly move at this moment.    


Guu Feng quietly sensed it. In an instant, the originally illusory figure had turned into two. Three...    


A moment ago, a shadow turned into a thousand shadows.    


"Body transformed into a thousand images, Thousand Shadow Kill."    


When the thousand shadows moved, a voice sounded in Guu Feng's Divine Sense!    


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