Super Cultivating Farmer

C498 Strong Bai Xiao Bei

C498 Strong Bai Xiao Bei

1The cheers were like thunder as the applause never stopped. The group of judges were in a daze, at a loss, while some of them hurriedly went around to discuss this.    


"Amazing, too amazing, is everyone satisfied with the Mr. Bai's magic?!"    


The host's great treasure sword was naturally his, and he was not stingy with his praise. Such a good magic trick, if he spoke without conscience, then his job would also come to an end.    


Bai Xiaobei knew that there should not be any problems levelling up, if anyone dared to disapprove, he would be forced to compete with him.    


There were cheers everywhere! Not only that, many people stood up excitedly, from all over the country, there were also a lot of Chinese people, and they all shouted out Bai Xiaobei's name.    


"Mr. Bai, can I introduce the magic technique to everyone?"    


The host saw that Bai Xiaobei was silent and was puzzled, wasn't he supposed to show off a little? Introduce your magic.    


Introduction of Magic? Bai Xiaobei was startled for a moment: "About that, how do we introduce them? "Although I have always been good at magic, I have never introduced anyone to anyone."    


He can introduce wool ah, his magic is real.    


The host did not expect Bai Xiaobei to actually ask him a question, and replied quickly: "Of course, all magic skills have their own secrets, you can just casually introduce them, no need to go into details."    


Casual introduction? Bai Xiaobei thought for a while, and then stopped talking. Even the evaluators looked at him, Bai Xiaobei thought for a bit and said: "This magic technique, actually exists, in our China, there are many people who know this technique, I was invited this time too, I am very happy to be able to bring joy to everyone, I hope everyone is happy! Here's a little present for everyone! "    


Bai Xiaobei waved his hand, ten golden lights flashed, and ten golden bricks appeared in front of the ten spectators seated in the front row.    


"God!" The people in front of him were all famous figures in the world of magic. When they saw the floating golden block in front of them, they were all dumbstruck.    


One of them stretched out his hand, and the golden brick landed in his hand like a living creature.    


"Cyan Rock Village Memorial Coin, 100 grams?" This was the Great Magician from Korea, who also knew Chinese. After reading the words, they immediately exclaimed, 100 grams? One gram for eighty dollars, a hundred grams for eight thousand dollars, and he was giving away something worth eighty thousand dollars all at once?    


After all, Magic Contest did not have any bonuses, so it caused a wave of cheers.    


"Mr. Bai is truly worthy of being called a super rich rich person. Haha, I heard that Mr. Bai is not even married yet. I wonder which family's girl is so lucky to be married to Mr. Bai?"    


The host, on the other hand, was not envious at all. A trivial thing worth eighty thousand dollars, divided by ten people, how could it be compared with mine?    


Everyone cheered, and very quickly, the host looked at the judges and said: "Now, let's ask our judges to give you their answer, and see if Mr. Bai can enter the finals! Of course, I really look forward to seeing the Mr. Bai's magic techniques again! "    


Clearly, the host had tactfully expressed his views.    


The judges looked at each other, and the French Great Magician who was in first place smiled and said: "Your magic technique is very shocking. To be honest, I did not understand it at all. "Pass!"    


"Good!" Mr. Bai got the first vote! Congratulations Mr. Bai! "    


With the first vote in hand, following the voices of the host and Great Magician, the audience burst into thunderous applause.    


Bai Xiaobei smiled and nodded: Thank you, evaluator teacher!    


This French Great Magician was clearly very indifferent towards him at the beginning, but she never would have thought that she would actually display the aura of a Great Magician at this time, accepting Bai Xiaobei's magic skills.    


The second was Hungarian Man Wei. He smiled kindly and said: "Mr. Bai's magic has surprised us. I hope that we can communicate after this round. I will naturally pass!"    


With another vote in hand, Bai Xiaobei smiled: "Naturally, I thank the judge for his approval!"    


He was one of the two people who hated Chinese Great Magician the most along with Jason. When they saw that it was their turn, they turned to look at Jason and immediately said: "Not bad, but they are lacking in some basic skills. They don't look like professional illusionists, but your magic skills are indeed not bad.    


Japan's Great Magician voted for it? Jason was enraged. He turned his head to look at the Japanese Great Magician and did not say anything else.    


Bai Xiaobei nodded, your attitude is bad, and I am not courteous, I said dryly: "Thank you!"    


The next Magician Master, who was from Russia, laughed and said, "I am sorry that I am not as good as you are, and naturally passed. I hope to be able to communicate with you, I am too curious!"    


After receiving another vote, Bai Xiaobei smiled and said, "Of course, of course!"    


After obtaining all four votes in a row, Bai Xiaobei was confident that he would be able to get another three votes.    


Magician Master Sigh from Austria also smiled and said, "I naturally passed as well. It was as if I could already see you standing at the pinnacle of magic!"    


This kind of praise made many of the evaluators raise their eyebrows. Bai Xiaobei did not expect that the Magician Master of Austria would think so highly of him.    


Cheers rumbled through the air like thunder. Clearly, they were all in favor of this.    


Reaching the American Jason, Jason's face became ugly, and said while looking at Bai Xiaobei coldly: "Your magic skills are considered not bad, but your details are too lacking, as though you do not understand anything, just now you said that many people in China can do magic skills like yours? Hehe, are you joking? Do you think magicians are just some of the jugglers of the old days in China? Or a circus beggar? "Arrogant, I don't think I can pass!"    


As expected, he voted against him, and the words he said were unpleasant to the ears. Bai Xiaobei did not expect her to reject him so easily, and he even said it in such a nasty way.    


Many of the audience could understand English, and many of them retorted. There were translators here, so when the audience heard the translators, they became even more furious.    


The host did not expect the Jason Magician to be like this. He laughed dryly and said, "The Jason Judge did not pass, I believe that the rest of the jury will let the Mr. Bai's mystical magic reproduce in glory!"    


Bai Xiaobei looked at Jason and said: "Evaluator Jason, first of all, how about my magic? I will agree to it when I say it in detail, I have not received any professional training, but there is one thing that I do not agree on, what is called Jianghu acrobatics? Acting like a monkey? Begger? Can you give me an explanation for this? "    


Since this Jason dared to harm him and damage his reputation in China, he naturally had to take care of him.    


Jason did not expect Bai Xiaobei to be so unyielding, and coldly laughed: "What, you doubt my words? As a top Great Magician, what I said made sense. There should be a lot of Chinese people here, right? Why don't you just find a Chinese person to perform your magic at random? If she could perform, then forget about apologizing, I can forget about my Great Magician name! "    


Such a magic trick, forget about being present, he really wanted to say, just look for it, but he was not arrogant, because Bai Xiaobei knew it, there was a high possibility that he was taught by a master.    


Bai Xiaobei looked at Jason, and laughed: Alright, but do you mean what you say?    


Jason said coldly: "Of course I'll keep to my words, as long as my performance is pretty much the same as yours, I won't say how perfect it is, because your performance is really too terrible."    


Draw up your uncle! Bai Xiaobei cursed in his heart, and nodded: "There are all kinds of people here, today I will let you all experience whether or not there are a lot of people in China!"    


The evaluators whispered to each other, and the audience clamored. The host tried to mediate and cursed Jason for being sick, if he did not pass, then he would not pass, why did he have to sound so bad?    


Bai Xiaobei looked towards the audience area, there were a few hundred people there, sweeping his eyes around, and saw Hoodlum and Jinx seated in front, eating the popcorn with relish.    


He reached out his hand, and just as he was about to eat the popcorn, he was suddenly pulled up. Just as he was about to resist, he saw that it was Bai Xiaobei's doing.    


In front of everyone's shocked eyes, the carriage was directly pulled down the stage, and landed beside Bai Xiaobei. In his arms was a large barrel of popcorn.    


Bai Xiaobei scratched his head and said: "Did you see my magic just now? Show them a similar one, will you? "    


Performing magic? His eyes lit up and he said, "Okay, okay! You can also do magic in your pockets! "    


He did not expect Bai Xiaobei to make him perform magic, so he hurriedly put the popcorn in Bai Xiaobei's arms and patted his small hands. He asked curiously: "Big brother, what are you doing? A rose? Do you have any pockets? "    


This was taken out of the storage bag. There was no rose at all, but there were quite a few candies.    


Sweets? His eyes lit up. Great white rabbit, glutinous rice, fruit candy, alps … there were quite a few of them. He hurriedly said, "Yes there is!"    


The host was stunned by Huan Huan's way of getting on stage, not to mention him, the cheers from the audience was about to explode. Jinx was extremely frightened as she watched Huan Huan fly away.    


"It's too amazing! Heavens! It's too amazing! Did you all see that?!" It's too magical, I am really looking forward to the performance this mysterious Chinese Little Girl will bring! "    


The host was extremely excited. He knew that if nothing unexpected happened, this magic would be spread all over the world soon.    


The Small Gyrfalcon flew out from his bag. Bai Xiaobei stretched out his arm, and the Small Gyrfalcon slowly landed on top of it. The host's eyes lit up: "God, is this the Small Gyrfalcon among the Ice Age? "Oh my god, I actually forgot, Mr. Bai is even the mysterious uncle of the Ice Age, the photographer, come here and give me a few more features, hahaha, I am your fan!"    


Bai Xiaobei was naturally cooperative, while the Small Gyrfalcon gave the host a disdainful look. It turned its head and faced the host with its butt, proud to the point of being a complete mess.    


The entire audience was in an uproar. At the same time, Huan Dong had already made his move. Sweets appeared around him out of nowhere. Yes, they were all candy. He quickly spun them around and with a wave of his hand, all of them flew towards the audience.    


"I'll go!" Bai Xiaobei was dumbstruck. How many candies were there? Could it be that all of the storage pouches were filled with delicious food?    


After sprinkling the candy on the ground, he waved his hand and a Flying Sword appeared in his grasp. Immediately, the sword started to dance about like a rainbow, the sword aura was like a shuttle, the movement seemed like a little fairy, his figure was too fast, Liu Sansheng liked to walk around, and often taught her sword arts. Naturally, he was more interested in sword arts than training, and when he moved, he looked even better.    


If not for the Bear Cub clothing and the school bag on her back, she would have been absolutely beautiful if she put on a skirt.    


Very quickly, he started to use Sword Kinesis Arts in his pockets, but he was not proficient in it. Bai Xiaobei quickly told her to keep it, if he accidentally injured someone, it would be troublesome.    


The host was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped to the ground. He looked at the audience in disbelief and said, "Everyone, tell me, am I dreaming?"    


Obviously, this was not a dream. Thousands of candies flew down just like that. Many people had gotten their hands on the candies, so where did they hide them? How heavy was that all added up?    


Bai Xiaobei scratched his head, the little girl proudly raised his chin, his face filled with an expression of "Hurry up and praise me".    


Apologize for me, apologizing to me, apologizing to the Chinese you just insulted. If you don't apologize, don't blame me for being rude, I am not only a magician, I have a lot of identities, if you don't apologize, the Turtle Heart Pill s of our Zhonghe Group, Golden Wine s, and the future products will all be exposed in the American market! We are unable to meet the demand for our products, so naturally, you can choose not to apologize. "    


Seeing Jason's ugly expression, Bai Xiaobei directly said something that made his face even more unsightly, it was a naked threat. Although he had fame, he was only a Great Magician, and many large enterprises in the United States had huge relations with Golden Wine, so once he lost this, he would definitely be miserable!    


Jason's face turned white, all the cheers and curses from the audience had already sounded out continuously, he knew, if he did not handle it well, it would really cause some conflict, why did he forget about his identity? He was a little regretful, but why was he apologizing here? Will he still be like this in the future?    


But what would happen to him if he didn't apologize? Jason was already cold and at a loss of what to do.    


"Well done!" Lin Yuhan was overjoyed. He looked at the manager and was glad that he did not go up. Otherwise, the person who would be in trouble would be him.    


Zheng Yun's identity was not something that a single Great Magician could compare to, to the point that all the other Great Magician s could. The importance of Zhonghe Group was beyond doubt, if the Golden Wine were to leave the United States market, the United States would lose the capital, and the United States would tear Jason apart alive.    


Bai Xiaobei looked at Jason and said: "Since you said it, then we must do it. Right now, a ten year old Little Girl has already done this. How about you come, if you can do this, you don't have to apologize, what about it? "If you can't, come up now and apologize to me and the Chinese in front of everyone!"    


"Jason, apologize!" When the Great Magician spoke, the arrogance and conceit that she had chosen was about to pay for her arrogance. Just that, forget about Jason, even they had not expected that a Little Girl could actually do it.    


Jason clenched his teeth and said: "I am sorry for the insult earlier, I apologize!"    


After he finished speaking, Jason's face flushed red and his breathing quickened.    


Bai Xiaobei sneered: "You sit there and apologize like an elder? "Come up and apologize, apologize to us in front of the entire world!"    


Jason was so angry that his eyes turned red, and he directly said: "Impossible!"    


"Impossible?" Bai Xiaobei laughed out loud: "Fine, since that's the case, then you must apologize today, and Golden Wine, Turtle Heart Pill, no more will flow into the American market!"    


With a flip of his hand, he took out his phone and dialed Secretary Wang's number in front of everyone.    


Very quickly, Secretary Wang picked up the phone.    


"Secretary Wang, cancel some cooperation with the United States market. All companies withdraw from the United States, cancel all orders, and no longer cooperate with the United States market in the future!"    


Bai Xiaobei's words incited a wave of cheers and cursing. Some cursed Bai Xiaobei, some cursed Jason, and the most excited ones were none other than the Chinese and Americans. The Americans scolded Jason even more.    


After Secretary Wang heard this, he was also speechless for a while. He did not know what was wrong with Bai Xiaobei, but he did not hesitate to say, "Alright chairman, I will immediately begin to handle this matter."    


After Bai Xiaobei hung up the phone, the scene immediately became lively!    


Jason never thought that Bai Xiaobei would actually do such a thing. He did not believe that was true, because the thing that would be damaged would be their own interests.    


Bai Xiaobei faced everyone and said, "As a Chinese, I want to tell everyone that we Chinese cannot be so easily insulted, and that you have to pay the price! From today onwards, no matter what, Zhonghe Group products will not flow into the United States market. No matter how much you pay, if you want to buy it first, you will have to personally buy it in China! "    


Bai Xiaobei who did not lack money was very scary when he went crazy. The United States Market was a huge benefit for him and he was directly given up like this.    


Looking towards Jason, Bai Xiaobei sneered and said: "Now, Great Magician Jason, I'll use my magic, and let you come up and apologize."    


Magic made him apologize? Jason felt a chill in his heart. If anyone else had said this, he would have laughed out loud. However, Bai Xiaobei felt a chill in his heart, and wished that he could immediately leave this place.    


He clapped his hands and said, "Ah! "Slightly."    


With that, he made a face and stuck his tongue out at Jason to express his disdain.    


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